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  1. L

    My aquagenic wrinkling factor test results.

    And how was the wrinkling before? My hands wrinkle like I don't know what, also curious as to how long of taking the supplements you think that you started getting this type of results, thought I guess you probably can't really recall/say exactly if it wasn't something on the forefront of your...
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    How long do you bleed for?

    Don't know if you know this but I'll throw it out there anyways. After my first bleed I started researching on it and found posts where someone (can't remember if it was on here or another forum I'm on so credit to them) mentioned taking lysine which I tried it and it works to help it stop so...
  3. L

    how tall are you?how much do you weigh?

    I'm 5'4" and right now at 125-128lbs - can fluctuate almost daily and last checked not so long ago with a work checkup was 7.1% bodyfat - so quite a lean machine <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> but trying to work my way back to ~135lbs. I've been up to 140 but it...
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    Embarrassing issue with cf

    Actually this can happen to anyone but yes more so us. I had issues like this when I was young but not really anymore I'd say since in my teens of starting to take my enzymes more regularly and better judging the quantity to take. Reason I say it can happen to anyone is that it happened to my...
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    Liver Issues

    Hmm, interesting...make me want to go get checked now. I've heard of and taken a suppliment by Himalaya as preventative when I'm taking creatine for bodybuilding but I've read some real good things on it online. It might be worth a try and then get tested periodically while on it to see if it is...
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    PFT Goal's thread. Trying to achieve 60% FEV1.

    Squats and dead lifts....sure rings a bell...look up "20 rep squat routine" or "milk and squats"and you'll see where that comes from. The 20 rep squat routine is a brutal old school routine for gaining mass and strength quickly but it's not for the faint of heart and definitely better with a...
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    Hi Katie, I haven't read this whole thread fully to know wall what has been suggested but for me exercise, mainly weight lifting, made a world of difference and plus it's obviously good for my lungs. The exercise aspect of it I'm not totally sure of with transplant but I wouldn't think it's a...
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    Hi Katie, I haven't read this whole thread fully to know wall what has been suggested but for me exercise, mainly weight lifting, made a world of difference and plus it's obviously good for my lungs. The exercise aspect of it I'm not totally sure of with transplant but I wouldn't think it's a...
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    PFT Goal's thread. Trying to achieve 60% FEV1.

    Good job! Want to stimulate faster muscle gains? Do allot of compound movement exercises especially ones for legs like squats, dead lifts, stiff leg dead lifts. Compound movements will spike testosterone levels higher than others simply cause they impact more muscles to execute them and also...
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    No more PA

    I once "got rid" of it for a couple years also, however cultured other things in that space. How it was explained to me is that some of the other bugs may have been in competition with it and sort of won the battle so to speak cause I didn't do anything different per se. Also the "got rid" I...
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    No more PA

    I once "got rid" of it for a couple years also, however cultured other things in that space. How it was explained to me is that some of the other bugs may have been in competition with it and sort of won the battle so to speak cause I didn't do anything different per se. Also the "got rid" I...
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    First CF Hemoptysis

    The first time I had it was in my sleep. I literally started dreaming some foolishness like I was drowning and could feel the gurgling in my chest as I breathed in water but in reality it was the blood in my lungs. I jumped up out of the dream coughing and what I coughed up in my mouth I...
  13. L

    First CF Hemoptysis

    The first time I had it was in my sleep. I literally started dreaming some foolishness like I was drowning and could feel the gurgling in my chest as I breathed in water but in reality it was the blood in my lungs. I jumped up out of the dream coughing and what I coughed up in my mouth I...
  14. L

    Whats the best brand of Nebulizer???

    I just looked up the mobilaire and I remember I had one similar donkey years ago when I was a kid and man that thing was a beast! Had it up until I was in my early teens IIRC. Only downside to them though from what I remember is it was heavy, noisy and big n comparison to what's available...
  15. L

    Whats the best brand of Nebulizer???

    I just looked up the mobilaire and I remember I had one similar donkey years ago when I was a kid and man that thing was a beast! Had it up until I was in my early teens IIRC. Only downside to them though from what I remember is it was heavy, noisy and big n comparison to what's available...
  16. L

    I've got a cold - Can I still work out?

    I've done it many times, I feel sometimes it's help me get over it quicker but it is something you gotta feel out cause there's times that I push it and end up feeling worse too but for the most part it usually help me
  17. L

    I've got a cold - Can I still work out?

    I've done it many times, I feel sometimes it's help me get over it quicker but it is something you gotta feel out cause there's times that I push it and end up feeling worse too but for the most part it usually help me
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    Neumathorax and colapsed lung? Heres my story i never had one before

    I just replied to your other thread, but for what it's worth the times I've had it it took me a month or 2 IIRC to get back to how I was before it.
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    Neumathorax and colapsed lung? Heres my story i never had one before

    I just replied to your other thread, but for what it's worth the times I've had it it took me a month or 2 IIRC to get back to how I was before it.
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    Result from the pneumathorax is i need a lung transplant

    Wow, I've had pneumothorax a couple times. Hurt like all hell and they didn't insert any tubes or anything said it would just go away on it's own over time and it sure did. Mind you during that time was no fun, it hurt, I could feel like a pocket of air was between my lung and my ribs - that's...