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  1. L

    If you get made fun of from being short

    I'm 5'4", I was always made fun of in school but not in a bullying manner just joking around type of fun, yet I had no trouble with the girls, in fact I think I was kind of envied by alot of people, I remember being asked stuff like "How you can get those girls, and you're rarely single?) LOL...
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    Anyone do protein shakes?

    yeh, I'm traing out hell! It's on 3rd June, but luckily I'm already ripped so other people that have to worry about that problem, I don't, gives me a little advantage. I may need to lose 2% body fat and dehydrate myself for the show, thats what I'm a little concerned about, I can see it...
  3. L

    Anyone do protein shakes?

    I have used Isopure many times, and many other protien pwders too, I really have no clue about the CFRD thing but sounds like you need a fairly balanced mixture from what you wrote, maybe have a look at something like N-Large 2 if I'm remembering right that one has some fat and sugar in it and...
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    CF - when nothing seems to help

    Hi Lindsey, just wanted to say my 2 cents worth. I too have been there, to make a long story short in 2002 I was sent to be valuated for transplant only to be told find out that my PFTs were 23% and to add to the mixture that I was seriously under weight (5'4" tall @ only 94-96lbs) to the point...
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    how much do you weigh

    5'4, ~127 lbs (I fluctate so that's about average)
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    New here, just saying hi!!

    welcome! I'm fairly new too, scroll down the posts and you'll see my fisrt post with a little introduction of myself
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    might be disgusting , but has anyone done this?

    been there, done that, got the T-shirt! UGGGHH!!!!! LOL, cant afford to waste the medicine/miss a dose by puking it all up
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    Weird symptoms

    I've had similar symptoms, but what happened to me is the numbness would start in my fingers and work its way up my arm then to my head/tongue, and sometimes I'd notice something funny with my vision, you know when you look into a bright light for a while and a halo effect appars, my tongue gets...
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    New here

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Brad</b></i> Welcome Mark Good Luck with You comp... lifting is great for people with Cf, it has been for me,,, I don't lift at your level, I am 5' 10'' 220 to 230 depending how I am doing. Ofcourse I am not a...
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    New here

    thanx for all the encouragement! I'll keep you posted on how it goes
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    New here

    Hi everyone, I'm new here. I joined couple days ago and have just been reading stuff on the forum so I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Mark, live in Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, am 24 years old and I have CF(daw!) A little about me: I'm not doing too bad at the moment, I workout (mainly...