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  1. N


    hullo<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> My name is Nichole as well, and I am 20 with CF and CFRD. Welcome to the site! I'm from Washington State, and I'm actually really good friends with somebody with cf from the boston area. Good luck with your evaluation. I'm...
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    "wanna trade spots?" questions

    I really don't take any offense to comments like that. Honestly, I love food a lot and everyday I am incredibly thankful that I get to eat as much as I do. Granted it gets annoying when I have to eat so much that it gets uncomfortable sometimes. You just have to take the good with the bad...
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    my lung x-rays aren't clear and it's from cf. What is really trippy is to look at ct scans of lungs with cf. It looks like they are full of bubbles, but really it is just the large and inflamed airways.
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    birth control

    <i>The effects of antibiotics on birth control pills (oral contraceptives) may be overstated — except in the case of one antibiotic, rifampin. Studies clearly show that rifampin decreases the effectiveness of birth control pills in preventing ovulation. Anecdotal evidence suggests this effect...
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    I've taken adek's before and the taste wasnt' great, but it was tolerable. Don't get scared off from the taste. They taste like any children's chewable vitamin, in my opinion. I also think that you can get them in different flavors, though it's been a while since I've taken them, so my memory...
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    Need Exercise Advice

    I exercised all of the time until I was around 16. Ever since then it has been off and on for various reasons. I agree with some of the others, exercise is IMPORTANT. Doctors don't put enough emphasis on it in my opinion. But exercise is hard. I've lost 20% lung function in the last couple...
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    a short survey for school: cf and depression

    Hey all<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I haven't posted in a while, but I've been coming to the site regularly. It seems to me that there is a strong correlation between chronic illness and depression. For my psychology final we have to do a short oral report and...
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    herbal supplements

    Has any one tryed using goldenseal, echinachea, garlic etc to fight infection or boost immune system?
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    One thing that I do that is only temporary, but is nice when it gets unbarable is to take a bath or a shower. Heat definately helps. That is all that I've been able to find. Good luck!-Nichole
  10. N

    Some happy news....

    Hmmm, well, I wonder if they are different things. I have to take three different antibiotics for 2-3 years, the main one being clarithromycin, and they are all oral. I am being treated at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle, WA.My symptoms have been mostly really high...
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    Some happy news....

    Well, I'm hoping that this post won't be deleted, but who knows! (He he, sorry couldn't help myself).It turns out that I do have non-tuburcular mycobacterium avium complex. It's a bit of a mouthful. Anyhow, I am not excited about it. But I am happy that I will finally get treatment. I have...
  12. N

    Gay CF-er

    No, that is silly! Why would I do that? I'm just saying that no one really knows what determines sexuality. If you notice, in my post I said that "If SEXUALITY is indeed determined by nurturing then cf very well could have an impact." I did not say "homosexuality." No one knows what...
  13. N


    I can make a big long list of all of the reasons that I hate living with cf, but I'm not going to. I think denial is a necessary part of dealing with the disease. Granted, I don't know what it is like to not be able to breathe, I have been fortunate to have had great health most of my life...
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    mycobacterium avium anyone?

    I'm just wondering if anyone knows more about this than I do. The doctors are speculating as to whether or not I have this bacteria, and they are being extremely vague about it, which scares me. I've been trying to find info on it, and I have found some, but not necessarily from other cfers...
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    Augnentin and birth control pill

    Hello,I've heard that theoretically the pill and antibiotics don't work well together, but they have done studies which show that antibiotics don't actually have any effect on the pill and how well it works. My OBGYN is the one who told me this, I'm not just making it up. And I also have...
  16. N


    I don't think it's uncommon. I have always had a weak bladder, and I think that coughing a lot can have the same effect as laughing really hard. If it bothers you a lot, don't fret talking to a doctor, that is what they are there for.
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    Pic Lines

    Oh picc lines! My favorite topic! I'm 19 and have had them twice in the last two years. They really aren't that bad. I remember the first time i heard about them I thought to myself, "There is no way i am going to let them do that to me!" But I did. My veins are very sensitive. Even with...
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    Please dont laugh...

    Well, I personally have been taking Loestrin, but other pills such as orthotricyclin have been known to have the same effects. A friend of mine went from being a c to a d on ortho. Pills can make you gain weight everywhere. I gained ten pounds when I started taking the pill, but it all seemed...
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    Please dont laugh...

    I'm 19 with cf as well and I was very small chested until I was almost 17, and I thought that that would be the chest that I would have for life. Everyone in my family is small chested as well. I started taking the pill when I was 16 1/2, and then things started changing. In the last couple...
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    questions on how to gin weight?

    Yeah, I agree with you on a lot of these things. I actually don't eat white bread or soda, even though I posted that they may help her gain weight. They are empty calories. And I actually stopped eating dairy about a year ago, and since then I have stopped getting pseudamonis infections and I...