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    Nasal Polyp Surgery

    Thank you all so much- you have been great help!
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    Cleaning nebulizer cups

    Hi again.. one more question.. how do you properly clean your nebulizer cups to ensure that all of the pseudonomas/staff infection may be killed off? I recently bought a baby bottle sterilizer and it states on the box "sterilizes household germs". Do you think that this is sufficient enough or...
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    Nasal Polyp Surgery

    Hey everyone- Has anyone had to get a polyp removed? Can you tell me the different procedures that you may go through in order to get one removed and the recovery time? My boyfriend just got his first polyp and we have no idea what types of procedures he may have to undergo. Thanks!
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    scared of iv

    My boyfriend was on IV 2 weeks at a time when he did it the past 3 times.. and he always does it at his home.
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    scabs in nose

    Hello again.. My boyfriend gets scabs in his nose from time to time. When he blows his nose, the scabs loosen and bleed. Could these be polyps? Does this happen to anyone else?
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    night sweats

    Hello- does anyone here with CF ever get really bad night sweats?? My boyfriend gets them every night.. We asked his dr about it and he didnt have an answer for us.. is this CF related?
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    Are birds bad?

    My boyfriend and I want to get a bird together- We really want a cockatoo.. and I was wondering if anyone has one that has CF bc Im not sure if it is the best thing for him.
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    Jokes Loved Ones Make About CF

    My boyfriend does "ET phone home" and puts his finger in the air- bc of his long clubbed fingers, we say they look like ET's. :-)
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    CF and Family History

    My boyfriend is the only one in his family with CF.
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    Levaquin side effects

    My boyfriend had to stop taking Levaquin- he didnt get a rash but he was having trouble sleeping, and was having HORRIBLE aches and pains in his joints.. he actually just stopped taking imipenam (his IV medicine) though bc he broke out in a rash.. it was all along his waste and back, and looked...
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    Seeing problems

    My boyfriend has had the same "cycle" of medicine for the past few months (until recently- bc he is on IV) where he would do TOBI every other month, and did Pulmozyme everyday.. Why did your dr. tell you not to do them together? He would do one after the other, twice a day... Is that bad?
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    My boyfriend says it definitely does.. his was so bad once, he sounded like the godfather.. we got a giggle out of it. :-) It lasted a couple of weeks.. drink some nice tea with honey to soothe your throat..
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    Seeing problems

    I just wanted to update everyone- my boyfriend was checked for glucose in his blood and the results came back negative.. yay! He doesn't have daibetes- I was scared for a bit b/c he was peeing often and was complaining about his eyes.. but sofar, so good. - I will def. get him an appt with an...
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    IV antibiotics

    My boyfriend has been on imipenam and ceftaf since Wednesday.. seems that all is well- he already is getting his appetite back and seems to have more energy- there is one problem though.. his skin around his belly, his sides, and part of his back are breaking out in a slight rash. It looks like...
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    Seeing problems

    Hello again! :-) Another question I wanted to ask is if anyone has experienced seeing problems that may be due to CF or medications they are on. My boyfriend is on TOBI, Pulmozyme, Zithromax, and vitamins pretty much on a daily basis. Lately, his eyes have been irritating him- especially if...
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    Anonymous posting vs. Logged-In posting

    You know what would be a good idea- if the people that run the forum could see the IP address of the users (what computer they are posting from), then you would know if the people signed as anonymous (promoting products) are the same people..
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    Looking for easy solutions

    Hello- It's nice to meet you... What kind of obstacles have you been dealing with this year?
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    Learning about CF

    Does anyone recommend a good book or movie about CF and ALL the aspects of it?
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    Types of Antibiotics

    Thank you so much - I have actually tagged along on doctors visits- but I feel like his Dr. isn't straight with anything- he doesnt answer a question and wont give us a lot of information too.. I think my boyfriend is planning on maybe changing.. we need to see at his next visit- and then we are...
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    It looked like a beautiful location.. where was the reception?