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  1. R

    Any kids without weight gain problems?

    Our daughter is 7 and a half and has had no problems gaining weight. The only time we had weight issues was when she had a lung/sinus infection with staph and her color changed and she didn't gain any weight for a few months--a tipoff. She has had some stomach ache and reflux problems but...
  2. R

    I'm doing some research for college will anybody help me?

    Not if it was risky, but yes if it had been proven to work, yes definitely. Depends on what I'd heard about it, and what other results were. I wish there were more alternative treatments talked about, instead of always going right to presription drugs. Often those drugs are necessary and...
  3. R

    EXTREMELY more sad than I've ever been!

    Everyone here understands this, but a lot of us have children with CF and we wouldn't trade that child for the world, as I am sure you wouldn't. We try to be as positive as we can with our daughter and not let guilt enter the picture anywhere, and just work to find better treatments, and a...
  4. R

    writer seeking help.

    Caro, My fifth novel is coming out in mid-August, and one of the main characters has CF. It's called A Little Love Story. Also, if you want to email me, I'll try to answer or help. Our daughter is seven, though, so I might not be able to speak to the specific issues you need. I'm glad you...
  5. R

    Help for Reflux

    Really appreciate that article,. Thank you.
  6. R

    Questions about newly diagnosed baby

    Please feel free to email me. Our daughter, now 7, was diagnosed at age 3. I'm a writer and have written some articles on the subject, and done a little bit of research. Far from an expert, but I'd be happy to try to answer questions from our own experience and or what I've read. All the...
  7. R

    Reflux and Sinus Headaches

    Our daughter is 7 and has CF. She has been doing pretty well except for some sinus infections, the tendency to get dehydrated and lethargic in warm humid weatherand headaches from the sinus infections. Lately thought she has complained of reflux. The doctors are putting her on Prilosec. Does...