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  1. E

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Steve, Thank you so much for your helpfulness and quick responses. I have contacted the clinic, and the doctor's assistant is looking for the results. I'm sure I may have questions once I get the results, so bear with me. Thank you again for all your help. Edna
  2. E

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Steve, Could you let me know the status of my son's test? This is the fourth week. Sorry, I really am trying to be patient. Thanks Edna mom to Jonathan Huntsinger DOB: 05/12/05
  3. E

    when did you guys get the results

    Heather, I know how you feel. Ambry received my son's blood on 4/11. I heard on 4/18 that the Df508 was negative, which I expected because he has had the basic screening before. But, still waiting on the final............... I know it's frustrating. We'll just have to hang in there...
  4. E

    when did you guys get the results

    Heather, I know how you feel. Ambry received my son's blood on 4/11. I heard on 4/18 that the Df508 was negative, which I expected because he has had the basic screening before. But, still waiting on the final............... I know it's frustrating. We'll just have to hang in there...
  5. E

    when did you guys get the results

    Heather, I know how you feel. Ambry received my son's blood on 4/11. I heard on 4/18 that the Df508 was negative, which I expected because he has had the basic screening before. But, still waiting on the final............... I know it's frustrating. We'll just have to hang in there...
  6. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    As of yesterday Jonathan has developed double ear infections, sinus infection, and pneumonia!!! All that on top of his current GI problems!! These doctors are driving me crazy!! Hopefully we will have results this week from Ambry! Thanks again Edna
  7. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    As of yesterday Jonathan has developed double ear infections, sinus infection, and pneumonia!!! All that on top of his current GI problems!! These doctors are driving me crazy!! Hopefully we will have results this week from Ambry! Thanks again Edna
  8. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    As of yesterday Jonathan has developed double ear infections, sinus infection, and pneumonia!!! All that on top of his current GI problems!! These doctors are driving me crazy!! Hopefully we will have results this week from Ambry! Thanks again Edna
  9. E

    Salt water swimming pools

    Hi I live in NC, so I've never even heard of salt water pools, but I find it very interesting. Just wanted to say that I have a 4 yr old daughter named "Leila" , too!! I thought that was unusual. She was born 12/02. We pronounce it "Lee-La". How do you pronounce it? Edna, mom to Sarah(7)...
  10. E

    Salt water swimming pools

    Hi I live in NC, so I've never even heard of salt water pools, but I find it very interesting. Just wanted to say that I have a 4 yr old daughter named "Leila" , too!! I thought that was unusual. She was born 12/02. We pronounce it "Lee-La". How do you pronounce it? Edna, mom to Sarah(7)...
  11. E

    Salt water swimming pools

    Hi I live in NC, so I've never even heard of salt water pools, but I find it very interesting. Just wanted to say that I have a 4 yr old daughter named "Leila" , too!! I thought that was unusual. She was born 12/02. We pronounce it "Lee-La". How do you pronounce it? Edna, mom to Sarah(7)...
  12. E

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Steve, Wednesday will be two weeks since Jonathan's blood arrived at Ambry. We received word that the 508 was negative on Wednesday of last week (the 18th). How much longer do you think the final results will take? Thank you Edna Son - Jonathan Huntsinger - DOB: 5/12/05
  13. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    Yes, they have had extensive testing for immune deficiencies. All tests are normal. We will be returning to the Children's hospital probably tomorrow, because he is worse. Fever above 102, constant coughing, and lots more diarrhea. Will keep you posted Thanks, Edna
  14. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    Yes, they have had extensive testing for immune deficiencies. All tests are normal. We will be returning to the Children's hospital probably tomorrow, because he is worse. Fever above 102, constant coughing, and lots more diarrhea. Will keep you posted Thanks, Edna
  15. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    Yes, they have had extensive testing for immune deficiencies. All tests are normal. We will be returning to the Children's hospital probably tomorrow, because he is worse. Fever above 102, constant coughing, and lots more diarrhea. Will keep you posted Thanks, Edna
  16. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    I still don't know anything about any test results. They told me it would probably be Monday. I'm worried even more now, though. He has had a runny nose since Tues, and now is starting to cough and sound wheezy. I'm pretty sure this will turn into full-blown pneumonia again! He just got...
  17. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    I still don't know anything about any test results. They told me it would probably be Monday. I'm worried even more now, though. He has had a runny nose since Tues, and now is starting to cough and sound wheezy. I'm pretty sure this will turn into full-blown pneumonia again! He just got...
  18. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    I still don't know anything about any test results. They told me it would probably be Monday. I'm worried even more now, though. He has had a runny nose since Tues, and now is starting to cough and sound wheezy. I'm pretty sure this will turn into full-blown pneumonia again! He just got...
  19. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    Thank you all again. I took him to the GI doc at the Children's hospital. We saw the PA. She decided to do some blood work and stool collection for leukocytes and culture. She felt of his stomach and said it was soft and she didn't think it would be a blockage. But, I would have felt much...
  20. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    Thank you all again. I took him to the GI doc at the Children's hospital. We saw the PA. She decided to do some blood work and stool collection for leukocytes and culture. She felt of his stomach and said it was soft and she didn't think it would be a blockage. But, I would have felt much...