Search results

  1. I

    Scooby doo be doo, Sinatra Lives?

    Justice for all dude. Went thru a big faith no more period, but kinda mellowed when I hit my 30`s. The missus doesn`t  share the same tastes as I do. The compromises wee make for sex.<br>
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    Scooby doo be doo, Sinatra Lives?

    Sepultura, and Slipknot? You`re not kidding when you say hard and fast. Used to be a large `tallica fan, until they sold out.<br>
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    Do you do a girls' night out?

    My foot`s sore from kicking my missus out to have girly nights out with her mates. I partied hard in my 20`s ,so I don`t want her missing out, just `cos I`m knackered after a long day at work.<br> Unfortunately, due to my stunning good looks, and devastating wit, not to mention modesty, lots of...
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    Scooby doo be doo, Sinatra Lives?

    Hey all, not so much a topic this, as a point of reference.<br> <br> Just wondering what ye all listen to when you`re on site. Tonight I`ve got Snow Patrol, Will Young, and a little Sandi Thom going on, courtesy of Itunes, though last night I had Enigma on all night, very chill out choons.<br>...
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    Not working

    Having been in management for the last 9 years, I`m finding it harder top keep up these days. I do a minimum 45hr working week, sometimes 50, including a few nasty 12 to 14 hour days. My job has always been fairly physical too, as I managed wine shops, grocery stores etc. So know I`ve just today...
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    About me

    As a fellow noobie myself, I was a little overwhelmed at first, but I soon found my cyber feet. It`s nice to know that when i `m having a really suck-ass day, there`s a healthy (pun intended) little on-line community that is chock full of people going through the same things. Welcome to reality...
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    Happy Birthday Christina<br> <br> Vincent, 34 Cfer. 
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    I know I'm weird,

    Yeah I used to be like that, very embarressed to tell anyone I had C.F., `cos you know 1 of 2 things happen. Either you get the whole sympathy smorgesbord thing, or you get the "what`s that" syndrome, and you spend the next 5 minutes telling the person that it is a serious condition, but not...
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    I know I'm weird,

    I`ve recently had to change jobs, as my employer is a emotionless, insensitive, non-understanding prick, so yep, I think it`s the right way for you to go, if you can get away with it, but you`d want to have an employer with more than 2 frickin` brain cells.<br> <br> Vincent, 34 Cfer.
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    Marcy's Story

    Interesting to see the amount of people being diagnosed late in life, is that a symptom of improving lifestyles, e.g., diet conscious, or an awareness of the evils of drink and cigarettes, or just the fact that most general practitioners are getting lazy and or stupid????<br> <br> <br> Vincent...
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    Happy bleedin` days!!!! ( that`s a good saying).<br> <br> Myself and my better half are going for H.A.R.I., in the new year, so I can only enviously imagine your emotions right now.<br> <br> Congrats, and as we say in Eire, Bula Bus. ( means well done in Irish).<br> <br> Vincent, 34 Cfer.
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    My Little Bro

    Truly sorry to hear of your loss, but it is a proud memory to know he went with dignity, and kept fighting to the end.<br> <br> Will say a small prayer.<br> <br> Vincent, 34 Cfer.
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    Pictures of Yourself!

    Prepare yourselves, here`s a picture of a slightly hungover Dubliner. (I hate not working wednesdays, it gives you too much latitude on tuesday nights). BTW, I`m the one on the right!
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    Ta for that. told you I was a little dumb. Was tested last year for Diabetes, came back negative. Thank God, can still eat Gummi Bears. And drink beer.
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    Hi, quick  question. Am going to assume you`re American. Thankfully in Ireland, C F patients don`t pay for hospitalisation bills, meds, etc. What happens stateside, does your insurance get crucified? Can a C F afford insurance. The reason I`m asking is that my brother lives in Alaska, and I was...
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    UUmmm, this may qualify as the most stupidest question of the month ( and it`s only the 5th), but I see the acronym CFRD a lot on the posts, does it stand for Cystic Fibrosis Related Disease, e.g. Diabetes?<br> <br> Vincent, 34 Cfer, ( pretty dumb, non-involved in the whole C.F. thing up until...
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    The hardest hing I ever did was tell my fiancee that i was a cfer, and then told her the door was behind her if she wanted t ouse it. that was 7 years ago, she`s still putting up with me. Guess I got lucky. It`ll happen to you too, believe it, this world is a whacky place.<br> <br> Vincent, 34...
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    My Little Bro not doing well PLEASE HELP URGENT!

    All I can say, is that if i was in Mike`s position, I`d like to think that there would be someone like you to keep punching for me. Thinking of you both,<br> <br> Vincent, 34 Cfer.
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    Need to vent

    Jeez, you`ve been through the ringer! At least the cats are kickable... Only Joking!<br>
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    I`m the 2nd oldest C.F. I know.

    Bloody hell, in her 60`s?<br> Going to assume that postural drainage wiuldn`t be a pretty sight then.... LOL.<br>