I knew when I put that in there it would jump out at some people. Chuckle.
Although it's not a gay thread, I do feel that sexuality does have societal influences. But again I will go to the if it feels good do it. Like in the 60s, all the drugs and sex. The 2000's are the gay is cool. And if u r gay, bi, straight, hey great for u, could care less, and it is who u r, so there is nothing wrong with it. But in one of our suburbs the girls are bi, because it's the in thing to be. So If it's not somewhat choice, what about child molestors? I'm sure they just didn't think one day that's what they wanted to be when they grew up. There's no way that can be genetic, a lot of them are people like that because of influences in life, they were molested themselves, of just the fact that they are really sick in the head.
TV is inudated with tv shows that have gay in their plot. Really started with the show, Will and Grace, but the gay theme is in numerous shows, Deperate housewife went there, Queer Eye for Straight guy, Survivor, and I firgure Grey'a Anatomy will with my favorite character George coming out. The View, may as well change it's name to the Abnoxious Gay Liberal Rosie View.
Where are all the fat characters on the TV shows, Gay is reality so I see why TV shows put it in their plot, but it fatness.
Just my warped conservative stuburron view.