This is an add on to what I wrote above....
I would say that obesity can be blamed on alot of things...yes, there are genetics involved, mental issues (some people who are severely depressed literally "stuff" their emotions, they eat when they are depressed), society...look at all of the fast food restaurants around and how they push them with media of all sorts around, not to mention how large their portion sizes have gotten over the years? (anyone ever see "Super Size Me"?), those with kids, notice how recess in school is being slowly phased away, not to mention the amount of gym? When I was a kid, we played outside everyday unless it was cold or wet and had gym three times a week. Now my kids only have gym twice a week and recess is a random thing. Same school district, different time. School lunches are another subject...won't get into that one. Not to mention all of those fancy video games out there, I actually limit my kids as to how long they can stay on them. . Socioeconomic state, hey the poorer you are, the harder it is to eat foods that are really nutritious- lets face it, ever notice how expensive produce is? Or how about lean meats? (This stat was from my nutrition class) Yes, there are medical conditions out there that do inhibit the ability to feel full, kids who suffer this disorder actually will eat everything that isn't nailed down, parents have had to resort to locking refridgerators, cabinets etc... (the name of that disorder has slipped my mind) I know there are other factors that I haven't mentioned. I know the latest stats indicate that 60% of americans are either overweight or obese. It is actually being called an epidemic. We are seeing Type II diabetes in kids now...something that wasn't seen in my generation often (again not too long ago)
I don't tend to judge an obese person, admittedly I was in that class once- between the steroids (severe munchies) and being on the depressed side because of what high dose steroids did to my body- made me moody as hell too, it was hard to control what I ate, felt hungry all of the time.Coming off of the steroids helped, but what really made me lose weight was when my pancreas failed (undiagnosed CF at the time, pancreas was still working obviously)...never lost so much weight so fast in my life! I am of normal weight for my height now. As far as a particular obese person, I don't know what events got him or her to where they are ( I know that most will say eating exessively caused the obesity and yes that is right, excessive caloric intake does increase weight if it isn't burned off, but why is this person eating the way he is? Is it a combination of things? Usually...). I don't think it is right to treat them any differently than others, although I have seen it many times over and over especially when it comes to shopping for clothes...the looks the personel give to a very obese person (Watch the movie "Fat like me" and you'll see how society looks and treats heavy folks). I have many friends who would be considered obese or overweight...heck, alot of relatives too, people I love dearly.
I admittedly would cringe if I saw someone down 5 Big macs in one sitting though along with 3 orders of fries and a large coke. 33,000 calories is really on the extreme side though, no matter what the situation is. That is alot of food to consume, can't even imagine it. I also don't condone parents just allowing their children to eat enormous portions- good eating habits start with the parents. To see a 5 year old crawling because her weight is 230 plus makes me want to cry. This child already had severe sleep apnea not to mention other serious health issues.such as asthma At 5....imagine what it will be like when she is 10, or 15? I don't remember the percentages, but by the time the year 2015 comes around, there will be alot more Type II diabetic kids around than there is now, especially if this trend continues.
I know this sounds like an essay, but this subject is near to my heart. As I stated before, I have relatives who are obese, I constantly worry about their general health. Many have high blood pressure, arthritis issues, cholesterol abnormalities, sleep apnea, diabetes...most of these disorders are associated with their wieght (now don't jump on me yet...I do know genetics can play a role in cholesterol and other issues). I know of people who have lost the needed weight and no longer have to take diabetes meds, BP meds and are just more fit in general. Most obese people don't want to be heavy, as some of you have said already. Their self esteem is usually very low and they are desperate to fit in. At least that's what a few of my kin have said to me and do sometimes resort to the extreme to lose weight- gastric bypass. Could actually write more, but you get the point....
Just my thoughts....Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">