My husband and I tried for 4 years to get pregnant with no success (we are carriers, but do not have CF, so I don't know about the "rules" on that). We went the adoption route after some fertility treatment. We were tired of riding that emotional roller coaster and opted for another--foster care/adoption. We have had very good experiences with foster care and adoption, but it has not been easy. We have adopted six children through the foster care system. We have had most of our children since they were very young--we adopted a teenager, and then our next oldest was 7 when he came to live with us, the other 5 were 2 and under when we got them. Two of our adopted sons we have had since they were infants--one straight from the hospital. There is a lot of risk involved--our one child lived with us for 8 months (from birth) and then went back to his biological family, but then came back to us after about 4 months with them and now we have adopted him. It is very uncertain, so I would not encourage everyone to go this route, but it has worked out really well for us. In our state, you can do what is called "legal risk" and those are a little more guaranteed. There is a small chance that the child will go back to the biological parents, but it is a very, very small chance (most of the court stuff is already over, they are just waiting on finalizations in those cases). We did just straight foster care, knowing they could be returned. It just didn't happen in their cases. And once the parental rights are terminated or relinquished, the biological parents cannot "change their minds". We looked into international, but could not afford it and considered private, but figured their was about as much risk with that as with foster care. We did not have to pay for our homestudy and we received medical and financial help while they were in foster care. We did have to have a physical when we did our homestudy, but in our state, it was very basic and just needed to be able to state you were physically able to care for a child. I am sorry this is so long, if you want any more info. please feel free to PM me and I would be glad to give you my phone number.
Oh, and as irony goes...we got pregnant after we began the adoption process. Our son Luke is 2 years old now and he has CF. He loves his siblings so much, and we would not change a single thing about how our family has come to be. I just wanted to encourage you that it is all worth it in the end! Best of luck!!!
Angela, Mom to seven terrific kids