Age of Diagnoses and Age now


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I was three days old and im 15 will be the Sweet 16 in MAY.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

tiffany 15 w/cf


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My son was diagnosed with CF at age 1 year. Had a reasonable (for CF) life for first 20 years, but has been progressively having more and more problems. He just turned 46 on 11/1/05 and is still able to work and support himself. He was on home IVs a month ago, but had a bad reaction to a new med (Zozyn (sp?)) and was hospitalized for a couple days. When they stopped the new med, he improved so fast, they took him off IVs completely. However, he has not done well the past 2 weeks, believes he was taken off completely too soon, and is trying to get back on IVs again at this time. Everyone, keep up the good fight! Bill


I was diagnosed at 3 yrs young and I am now almost 38 yrs young.


I was diagnosed at 3 yrs young and I am now almost 38 yrs young.


New member
I was diagnosed this year at 36, am still 36, but will be 37 in January!

I was atypical in how many symptoms presented but stomach and lung issues have always been there! Have been hospitalized for lung issues multiple times, and spent many hours in the ER for stomach pain! At least I know now that I'm not crazy....but I do wonder if my health status would be better off than it is now if I had been treated for CF from the get go.


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My daughter was diagnosed in October 05 at the age of 7. She only has the digestive problems. Truthfully I thought my pediatrician was nuts when she suggested we go for a sweat test. Not knowing anything about CF..I just knew my daughter didn't have it. My daughter was anemic to the point of taking liquid iron 3 times per day when she was 3. I assume it could've been diagnosed then.

Our specialist did indicate this was a progressive disease and she will eventually get other symptoms, we can only pray they come in a mild form or foret to come at all.

My daughter has been taking enzymes since late October and has already gained 2 pounds...YEAH. It would've been more by last week she had a stomach bug and fever for 5 days. She catches everything and keeps it too long.



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I was diagnosed at age 7. Very healthy childhood; played sports, etc... I'm 36.5 now, and 8.5 years post transplant. I'm the healthiest I've been in my life <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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I was diagnosed at age 19 after YEARS of misdiagnosis, I was symptomatic since childhood.... I am 40 now, doing ok but very high maintenance!

40 w/cf


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I was diagnosed at 3 years old. Im now 40 . Had a very mild case of cf to the point i never did any treatments at all till i was diagnosed with b.cepacia 8 -1/2 years ago. Thats when all the fun started, iv's, constant antibiotics, hospitalizations, aches and pains here and there. Started using the vest regularly about 3 years ago (after my first pulmonary embolization) which i should have been doing when i was first diagnosed with b.cepacia.


New member
diagnosed age 16, now 20. Should have been diagnosed sooner but idiot doctors wouldn't test for it because they said anybody over 5 with it would be dead or deathly ill/

So instead I was misdiagnosed 1000 times...reflux,pyschogenic cough,asthma,steroid resistant asthma,allergies etc. And when all those things were dismissed as diagnosis's I was labeled a mystery.

I present with a chronic cough.....every morning of my life for as long as I can remember I got up every morning and cough and choked up mucus, had a chronic cough, stomachaches,awful sinus problems despite having no allergies. Around age 8 most of those symptoms kicked in although according to my parents some had been there since infancy. I wasn't tested until I was deathly ill at age 16


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>I was diagnosed at 3 years old. Im now 40 . Had a very mild case of cf to the point i never did any treatments at all till i was diagnosed with b.cepacia 8 -1/2 years ago. Thats when all the fun started, iv's, constant antibiotics, hospitalizations, aches and pains here and there. Started using the vest regularly about 3 years ago (after my first pulmonary embolization) which i should have been doing when i was first diagnosed with b.cepacia.<hr></blockquote>

OOPS once again i forgot to log in.......................