antibiotics in infants



My son is a pretty healthy guy. We just went in to his two month check up on monday (todays Wednesday) and he had some vaccines done and the doctor said he looked great. However, the last couple of days his little clearing cough picked up a little, not much but enough to be a little concerned. I called the CF clinic a little apprehensive because I knew they would want to prescribe antibiotics. I was right.

I feel torn, he seems pretty healthy with just a little cough, pretty dry sounding too. I want his little immune system to build up. I don't want to give him the antibiotics at this age, he's so young. I breastfeed him too. I guess I need reassurance.

I will pick them up today, maybe hold off untill tommorow, see how he's doing?

I look forward to your responses.

(he was diagnosed at 2 & 1/2 wks after newborn screening caught him, then a sweat test was given. He does have pancreatic insuffieciency. He is on enzymes, zantac for reflux, vitamins and salt, and chest therapy)


My son is a pretty healthy guy. We just went in to his two month check up on monday (todays Wednesday) and he had some vaccines done and the doctor said he looked great. However, the last couple of days his little clearing cough picked up a little, not much but enough to be a little concerned. I called the CF clinic a little apprehensive because I knew they would want to prescribe antibiotics. I was right.

I feel torn, he seems pretty healthy with just a little cough, pretty dry sounding too. I want his little immune system to build up. I don't want to give him the antibiotics at this age, he's so young. I breastfeed him too. I guess I need reassurance.

I will pick them up today, maybe hold off untill tommorow, see how he's doing?

I look forward to your responses.

(he was diagnosed at 2 & 1/2 wks after newborn screening caught him, then a sweat test was given. He does have pancreatic insuffieciency. He is on enzymes, zantac for reflux, vitamins and salt, and chest therapy)


My son is a pretty healthy guy. We just went in to his two month check up on monday (todays Wednesday) and he had some vaccines done and the doctor said he looked great. However, the last couple of days his little clearing cough picked up a little, not much but enough to be a little concerned. I called the CF clinic a little apprehensive because I knew they would want to prescribe antibiotics. I was right.

I feel torn, he seems pretty healthy with just a little cough, pretty dry sounding too. I want his little immune system to build up. I don't want to give him the antibiotics at this age, he's so young. I breastfeed him too. I guess I need reassurance.

I will pick them up today, maybe hold off untill tommorow, see how he's doing?

I look forward to your responses.

(he was diagnosed at 2 & 1/2 wks after newborn screening caught him, then a sweat test was given. He does have pancreatic insuffieciency. He is on enzymes, zantac for reflux, vitamins and salt, and chest therapy)


Staff member
Some doctors put their patients on prophalactic antibiotics. I was concerned, too when DS was put on antibiotics -- stories in the news about antibiotic resistance...

I guess I feel it's more important to knock the cough/infection out from the get-go to prevent anymore problems and possible lung damage. Last year ds developed a yucky sounding cough and he was put on Cipro. Reading the product literature scared the heck out of me; however, he did need help getting rid of that bug, and DH pointed out that our primary CF doctor is board certified in Infectious Disease, so he knows his bugs and he knows his drugs.

We also up CPT treatments when DS is under the weather. Do it 4 times a day instead of 3 and increase the amount of time on each position. Hopefully your little guy feels better soon.


Staff member
Some doctors put their patients on prophalactic antibiotics. I was concerned, too when DS was put on antibiotics -- stories in the news about antibiotic resistance...

I guess I feel it's more important to knock the cough/infection out from the get-go to prevent anymore problems and possible lung damage. Last year ds developed a yucky sounding cough and he was put on Cipro. Reading the product literature scared the heck out of me; however, he did need help getting rid of that bug, and DH pointed out that our primary CF doctor is board certified in Infectious Disease, so he knows his bugs and he knows his drugs.

We also up CPT treatments when DS is under the weather. Do it 4 times a day instead of 3 and increase the amount of time on each position. Hopefully your little guy feels better soon.


Staff member
Some doctors put their patients on prophalactic antibiotics. I was concerned, too when DS was put on antibiotics -- stories in the news about antibiotic resistance...

I guess I feel it's more important to knock the cough/infection out from the get-go to prevent anymore problems and possible lung damage. Last year ds developed a yucky sounding cough and he was put on Cipro. Reading the product literature scared the heck out of me; however, he did need help getting rid of that bug, and DH pointed out that our primary CF doctor is board certified in Infectious Disease, so he knows his bugs and he knows his drugs.

We also up CPT treatments when DS is under the weather. Do it 4 times a day instead of 3 and increase the amount of time on each position. Hopefully your little guy feels better soon.


New member
I don't know how much help I will be, but I am in the same boat. I have a 10 month old diagnosed at one month. Logan went directly into the ICU when he was born and was given antibiotics then, and has had them twice in the last 10 months. This last time he was pretty wheezy. The pediatrician said no antibiotic, and the cf staff said yes. My husband and I decided to give it to him. Yesterday ( about 10 days after giving it to him) his cough is relatively gone and oxygenation level was up to 99. One problem is that when they are giving antibiotic so often they become immune. I'm still new to cf as you are, so that's probably not a lot of help.


New member
I don't know how much help I will be, but I am in the same boat. I have a 10 month old diagnosed at one month. Logan went directly into the ICU when he was born and was given antibiotics then, and has had them twice in the last 10 months. This last time he was pretty wheezy. The pediatrician said no antibiotic, and the cf staff said yes. My husband and I decided to give it to him. Yesterday ( about 10 days after giving it to him) his cough is relatively gone and oxygenation level was up to 99. One problem is that when they are giving antibiotic so often they become immune. I'm still new to cf as you are, so that's probably not a lot of help.


New member
I don't know how much help I will be, but I am in the same boat. I have a 10 month old diagnosed at one month. Logan went directly into the ICU when he was born and was given antibiotics then, and has had them twice in the last 10 months. This last time he was pretty wheezy. The pediatrician said no antibiotic, and the cf staff said yes. My husband and I decided to give it to him. Yesterday ( about 10 days after giving it to him) his cough is relatively gone and oxygenation level was up to 99. One problem is that when they are giving antibiotic so often they become immune. I'm still new to cf as you are, so that's probably not a lot of help.


I don't know that there is a steadfast right and wrong here. You could wait and see if he kicks the cough on his own in a few days, but it could also get worse. Our CF center says to give a cough 5 days, if it doesn't disappear on its own its time to medicate. I usually check what's going on around us... if my other two kids have a cough as well, or my husband or I, then I give it the 5 day wait -- if no one else is coughing I call the CF center after 3 days or sooner and start the antibiotics.


I don't know that there is a steadfast right and wrong here. You could wait and see if he kicks the cough on his own in a few days, but it could also get worse. Our CF center says to give a cough 5 days, if it doesn't disappear on its own its time to medicate. I usually check what's going on around us... if my other two kids have a cough as well, or my husband or I, then I give it the 5 day wait -- if no one else is coughing I call the CF center after 3 days or sooner and start the antibiotics.


I don't know that there is a steadfast right and wrong here. You could wait and see if he kicks the cough on his own in a few days, but it could also get worse. Our CF center says to give a cough 5 days, if it doesn't disappear on its own its time to medicate. I usually check what's going on around us... if my other two kids have a cough as well, or my husband or I, then I give it the 5 day wait -- if no one else is coughing I call the CF center after 3 days or sooner and start the antibiotics.


New member
My boy w/CF is 4 now, but he's had plenty of antibiotics from an early age. We worry now and then about the whole resistance thing, but in talking with the CF doctor it all comes down to the trade-offs between risks: don't take anything and you risk a bug getting ugly on you; take antibiotics and you risk developing a resistant strain. We also fret about the side effects of some of them and don't hesitate to call the Dr. or visit the ER if we get worried about wierd symptoms coming along with a batch of antibiotics. It just takes alot of getting used to.


New member
My boy w/CF is 4 now, but he's had plenty of antibiotics from an early age. We worry now and then about the whole resistance thing, but in talking with the CF doctor it all comes down to the trade-offs between risks: don't take anything and you risk a bug getting ugly on you; take antibiotics and you risk developing a resistant strain. We also fret about the side effects of some of them and don't hesitate to call the Dr. or visit the ER if we get worried about wierd symptoms coming along with a batch of antibiotics. It just takes alot of getting used to.


New member
My boy w/CF is 4 now, but he's had plenty of antibiotics from an early age. We worry now and then about the whole resistance thing, but in talking with the CF doctor it all comes down to the trade-offs between risks: don't take anything and you risk a bug getting ugly on you; take antibiotics and you risk developing a resistant strain. We also fret about the side effects of some of them and don't hesitate to call the Dr. or visit the ER if we get worried about wierd symptoms coming along with a batch of antibiotics. It just takes alot of getting used to.


Staff member
Our local doctor always questions DS being put on antibiotics and our CF doctor has warned us that some doctors will do that. First time DS cultured PA and was put on TOBI, the local doctor had a fit, didn't bother asking us why he was on it, just complained that he shouldn't be on it so young. 5 days later, his office called and told us to keep DS on it 'cuz he'd cultured Psuedomonas A. Duh! Did you now hear why he was on it in the first place.

Basically we've learned to "know ds's cough". When he was put on Cipro last year, it was a bronchial/chesty cough. I usually wait, see if DS has a fever... Then I call. I don't take him in locally 'cuz the response I've gotten in the past has been "Cfers cough, it's what they do", when in reality, he had bronchitis.


Staff member
Our local doctor always questions DS being put on antibiotics and our CF doctor has warned us that some doctors will do that. First time DS cultured PA and was put on TOBI, the local doctor had a fit, didn't bother asking us why he was on it, just complained that he shouldn't be on it so young. 5 days later, his office called and told us to keep DS on it 'cuz he'd cultured Psuedomonas A. Duh! Did you now hear why he was on it in the first place.

Basically we've learned to "know ds's cough". When he was put on Cipro last year, it was a bronchial/chesty cough. I usually wait, see if DS has a fever... Then I call. I don't take him in locally 'cuz the response I've gotten in the past has been "Cfers cough, it's what they do", when in reality, he had bronchitis.


Staff member
Our local doctor always questions DS being put on antibiotics and our CF doctor has warned us that some doctors will do that. First time DS cultured PA and was put on TOBI, the local doctor had a fit, didn't bother asking us why he was on it, just complained that he shouldn't be on it so young. 5 days later, his office called and told us to keep DS on it 'cuz he'd cultured Psuedomonas A. Duh! Did you now hear why he was on it in the first place.

Basically we've learned to "know ds's cough". When he was put on Cipro last year, it was a bronchial/chesty cough. I usually wait, see if DS has a fever... Then I call. I don't take him in locally 'cuz the response I've gotten in the past has been "Cfers cough, it's what they do", when in reality, he had bronchitis.


It is one thing to prescribe an antibiotic if the doctor sees the patient and their symptoms. It is another when the doctor just calls in the antibotic because a parent calls about a new cough. I wouldn't think it wouldn't hurt to wait a day or two to see if his cough starts to concern you. One thing I have learned is that as a mom I play a vital role in helping make decisions about medications and when to start them. I only call the clinic about my children's congestion when I am ready for them to start antibotics. That is when it is apparent to me that my kids won't be getting over the cold without antibotics. They often do get over the cold without antibotics. Thankfully it is only once or twice a year that they need antibotics. But, the only times my both of my children got pnuemonia was when they were 3 and 4 months old. The cold came quickly and all of the sudden the skin around their neck and ribs were retracting which meant they were having a hard time breathing. So you need to keep a close watch because it can go to the lungs quickly as an infant. Make sure you are doing at least 3 treatments (20 minutes) or so on your baby as well as albuterol. If you are at all concerned that your baby is coughing too much I would start the antibotic.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 5 and Jack, 3 both with cf


It is one thing to prescribe an antibiotic if the doctor sees the patient and their symptoms. It is another when the doctor just calls in the antibotic because a parent calls about a new cough. I wouldn't think it wouldn't hurt to wait a day or two to see if his cough starts to concern you. One thing I have learned is that as a mom I play a vital role in helping make decisions about medications and when to start them. I only call the clinic about my children's congestion when I am ready for them to start antibotics. That is when it is apparent to me that my kids won't be getting over the cold without antibotics. They often do get over the cold without antibotics. Thankfully it is only once or twice a year that they need antibotics. But, the only times my both of my children got pnuemonia was when they were 3 and 4 months old. The cold came quickly and all of the sudden the skin around their neck and ribs were retracting which meant they were having a hard time breathing. So you need to keep a close watch because it can go to the lungs quickly as an infant. Make sure you are doing at least 3 treatments (20 minutes) or so on your baby as well as albuterol. If you are at all concerned that your baby is coughing too much I would start the antibotic.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 5 and Jack, 3 both with cf