If I was going to use hormonal BC while BF I'd probably use the mirena IUD or the progesterone only mini pill. I didn't get my period back for 14 months but he almost never used a bottle and never used a pacifier. We also cosleep so he nurses at night. 14 months to get your period back is actually the average for exclusive breastfeeding. Before my period came back we didn't use or do anything different. I wasn't all that concerned about getting pregnant before getting my period back (I do know it can happen but I know my body). After AF returned we just used the pull out method when I figured I was fertile. BUT even after my periods returned I realized through FAM that I still wasn't fertile because the nursing was causing short luteal phases (very common). So even though I was ovulating there wasn't any way I'd actually get pregnant. But everyone is different. My SIL got pregnant (not on purpose) while nursing her 17 month old. Her periods returned at 10 months.