Any Vegetarian/Vegan CF's on here?


New member
Ok here is the deal. A very long time ago, when I was around 17 I decided to become a vegetarian. I worked in a chinese restaurant with a guy who went vegetarian, and over a period of time I decided to go that route as well. The problem was, at that age, my idea of eating a healthy vegetarian meal was a large order of fries of mcdonalds, or macaroni and cheese. After a year, and losing a ton of weight, I had to go back to eating meat. About the only weakness to wanting to eat meat back then was smelling bacon or pork chops cooking.

Well I have been an omnivore for a while now (i'm now 36), and due to my westernized diet, meat usually always involves itself in the food I eat. It is our centerpiece in a meal. Much like how Asians have rice as their centerpiece then include other foods, we have meat as our centerpiece and include other foods. I have been lifting weights pretty seriously for probably close to a year now (I can bench press 276+ lbs @ 3 sets of 7 now, so go me!), and due to my CF and educating myself about supplements, I asked myself why should I lift weights, exercise, take very good care of myself CF wise with all the treatments/meds, and take supplements...But then still pollute my body with crap?

Right when I was thinking that, I listened to a few radio programs with very accredited/famous nutritionists, and basically all of them said due to what we do to our livestock now with all the chemicals/antibiotics we put into them, and what meat does in/to our bodies, I finally decided to seriously change my diet. I read up some more on how to do it properly, and today was my first 100% meatless day filled with meals. And I went to the store tonight and bought a ton of healthy meatless food: Tons of veggies that I love, meatless soy based immitation meat products, several different kinds of beans and meatless organic chili (I LOVE BEANS AND CHILI!), whole grain bagels, whole grain breads, and a ton of fruit and other products.

I'm sure it will be hard, but I plan on sticking with it. If I can lift weights seriously for almost a year to the point where i now get disappointed if I rarely am not able to make my scheduled gym day, I think I can change my diet. Basically I was sick of being only 80% healthy (CF not included). I listened to these professionals talk about just how good a plant based diet is for us, and just how bad an animal based diet is for us.

Before I decided to do this, both of my sisters changed to vegetarians, and my fiance as well has mostly cut out meat from her diet.

As far as CF goes, I think as long as I supply my nutritional needs with proteins, carbs, sugars, mono and poly saturated fats, grains, nuts, and calories...You think everything should be ok? Today I had a veggie burger + onion rings from burger king (not the healthiest meal, but I was on my way to work, only real options in a pinch is that or a taco bell bean burrito) and a large bowl of brown sugar and maple oatmeal + a banana. That filled me up all day. When I got home I went through the new groceries and made a toasted whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and an organic meatless chili and a large bag of red grapes. I still haven't decided on if I will be vegan or vegetarian. I will try to ween meat out of my diet first, and then worry about cheese/dairy down the road, doing both at the same time will probably be too much.

Anyways just thought i'd share, and i'm curious if any of you are vegetarians/vegans and what do you think.


New member
Ok here is the deal. A very long time ago, when I was around 17 I decided to become a vegetarian. I worked in a chinese restaurant with a guy who went vegetarian, and over a period of time I decided to go that route as well. The problem was, at that age, my idea of eating a healthy vegetarian meal was a large order of fries of mcdonalds, or macaroni and cheese. After a year, and losing a ton of weight, I had to go back to eating meat. About the only weakness to wanting to eat meat back then was smelling bacon or pork chops cooking.

Well I have been an omnivore for a while now (i'm now 36), and due to my westernized diet, meat usually always involves itself in the food I eat. It is our centerpiece in a meal. Much like how Asians have rice as their centerpiece then include other foods, we have meat as our centerpiece and include other foods. I have been lifting weights pretty seriously for probably close to a year now (I can bench press 276+ lbs @ 3 sets of 7 now, so go me!), and due to my CF and educating myself about supplements, I asked myself why should I lift weights, exercise, take very good care of myself CF wise with all the treatments/meds, and take supplements...But then still pollute my body with crap?

Right when I was thinking that, I listened to a few radio programs with very accredited/famous nutritionists, and basically all of them said due to what we do to our livestock now with all the chemicals/antibiotics we put into them, and what meat does in/to our bodies, I finally decided to seriously change my diet. I read up some more on how to do it properly, and today was my first 100% meatless day filled with meals. And I went to the store tonight and bought a ton of healthy meatless food: Tons of veggies that I love, meatless soy based immitation meat products, several different kinds of beans and meatless organic chili (I LOVE BEANS AND CHILI!), whole grain bagels, whole grain breads, and a ton of fruit and other products.

I'm sure it will be hard, but I plan on sticking with it. If I can lift weights seriously for almost a year to the point where i now get disappointed if I rarely am not able to make my scheduled gym day, I think I can change my diet. Basically I was sick of being only 80% healthy (CF not included). I listened to these professionals talk about just how good a plant based diet is for us, and just how bad an animal based diet is for us.

Before I decided to do this, both of my sisters changed to vegetarians, and my fiance as well has mostly cut out meat from her diet.

As far as CF goes, I think as long as I supply my nutritional needs with proteins, carbs, sugars, mono and poly saturated fats, grains, nuts, and calories...You think everything should be ok? Today I had a veggie burger + onion rings from burger king (not the healthiest meal, but I was on my way to work, only real options in a pinch is that or a taco bell bean burrito) and a large bowl of brown sugar and maple oatmeal + a banana. That filled me up all day. When I got home I went through the new groceries and made a toasted whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and an organic meatless chili and a large bag of red grapes. I still haven't decided on if I will be vegan or vegetarian. I will try to ween meat out of my diet first, and then worry about cheese/dairy down the road, doing both at the same time will probably be too much.

Anyways just thought i'd share, and i'm curious if any of you are vegetarians/vegans and what do you think.


New member
Ok here is the deal. A very long time ago, when I was around 17 I decided to become a vegetarian. I worked in a chinese restaurant with a guy who went vegetarian, and over a period of time I decided to go that route as well. The problem was, at that age, my idea of eating a healthy vegetarian meal was a large order of fries of mcdonalds, or macaroni and cheese. After a year, and losing a ton of weight, I had to go back to eating meat. About the only weakness to wanting to eat meat back then was smelling bacon or pork chops cooking.

Well I have been an omnivore for a while now (i'm now 36), and due to my westernized diet, meat usually always involves itself in the food I eat. It is our centerpiece in a meal. Much like how Asians have rice as their centerpiece then include other foods, we have meat as our centerpiece and include other foods. I have been lifting weights pretty seriously for probably close to a year now (I can bench press 276+ lbs @ 3 sets of 7 now, so go me!), and due to my CF and educating myself about supplements, I asked myself why should I lift weights, exercise, take very good care of myself CF wise with all the treatments/meds, and take supplements...But then still pollute my body with crap?

Right when I was thinking that, I listened to a few radio programs with very accredited/famous nutritionists, and basically all of them said due to what we do to our livestock now with all the chemicals/antibiotics we put into them, and what meat does in/to our bodies, I finally decided to seriously change my diet. I read up some more on how to do it properly, and today was my first 100% meatless day filled with meals. And I went to the store tonight and bought a ton of healthy meatless food: Tons of veggies that I love, meatless soy based immitation meat products, several different kinds of beans and meatless organic chili (I LOVE BEANS AND CHILI!), whole grain bagels, whole grain breads, and a ton of fruit and other products.

I'm sure it will be hard, but I plan on sticking with it. If I can lift weights seriously for almost a year to the point where i now get disappointed if I rarely am not able to make my scheduled gym day, I think I can change my diet. Basically I was sick of being only 80% healthy (CF not included). I listened to these professionals talk about just how good a plant based diet is for us, and just how bad an animal based diet is for us.

Before I decided to do this, both of my sisters changed to vegetarians, and my fiance as well has mostly cut out meat from her diet.

As far as CF goes, I think as long as I supply my nutritional needs with proteins, carbs, sugars, mono and poly saturated fats, grains, nuts, and calories...You think everything should be ok? Today I had a veggie burger + onion rings from burger king (not the healthiest meal, but I was on my way to work, only real options in a pinch is that or a taco bell bean burrito) and a large bowl of brown sugar and maple oatmeal + a banana. That filled me up all day. When I got home I went through the new groceries and made a toasted whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and an organic meatless chili and a large bag of red grapes. I still haven't decided on if I will be vegan or vegetarian. I will try to ween meat out of my diet first, and then worry about cheese/dairy down the road, doing both at the same time will probably be too much.

Anyways just thought i'd share, and i'm curious if any of you are vegetarians/vegans and what do you think.


New member
Ok here is the deal. A very long time ago, when I was around 17 I decided to become a vegetarian. I worked in a chinese restaurant with a guy who went vegetarian, and over a period of time I decided to go that route as well. The problem was, at that age, my idea of eating a healthy vegetarian meal was a large order of fries of mcdonalds, or macaroni and cheese. After a year, and losing a ton of weight, I had to go back to eating meat. About the only weakness to wanting to eat meat back then was smelling bacon or pork chops cooking.

Well I have been an omnivore for a while now (i'm now 36), and due to my westernized diet, meat usually always involves itself in the food I eat. It is our centerpiece in a meal. Much like how Asians have rice as their centerpiece then include other foods, we have meat as our centerpiece and include other foods. I have been lifting weights pretty seriously for probably close to a year now (I can bench press 276+ lbs @ 3 sets of 7 now, so go me!), and due to my CF and educating myself about supplements, I asked myself why should I lift weights, exercise, take very good care of myself CF wise with all the treatments/meds, and take supplements...But then still pollute my body with crap?

Right when I was thinking that, I listened to a few radio programs with very accredited/famous nutritionists, and basically all of them said due to what we do to our livestock now with all the chemicals/antibiotics we put into them, and what meat does in/to our bodies, I finally decided to seriously change my diet. I read up some more on how to do it properly, and today was my first 100% meatless day filled with meals. And I went to the store tonight and bought a ton of healthy meatless food: Tons of veggies that I love, meatless soy based immitation meat products, several different kinds of beans and meatless organic chili (I LOVE BEANS AND CHILI!), whole grain bagels, whole grain breads, and a ton of fruit and other products.

I'm sure it will be hard, but I plan on sticking with it. If I can lift weights seriously for almost a year to the point where i now get disappointed if I rarely am not able to make my scheduled gym day, I think I can change my diet. Basically I was sick of being only 80% healthy (CF not included). I listened to these professionals talk about just how good a plant based diet is for us, and just how bad an animal based diet is for us.

Before I decided to do this, both of my sisters changed to vegetarians, and my fiance as well has mostly cut out meat from her diet.

As far as CF goes, I think as long as I supply my nutritional needs with proteins, carbs, sugars, mono and poly saturated fats, grains, nuts, and calories...You think everything should be ok? Today I had a veggie burger + onion rings from burger king (not the healthiest meal, but I was on my way to work, only real options in a pinch is that or a taco bell bean burrito) and a large bowl of brown sugar and maple oatmeal + a banana. That filled me up all day. When I got home I went through the new groceries and made a toasted whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and an organic meatless chili and a large bag of red grapes. I still haven't decided on if I will be vegan or vegetarian. I will try to ween meat out of my diet first, and then worry about cheese/dairy down the road, doing both at the same time will probably be too much.

Anyways just thought i'd share, and i'm curious if any of you are vegetarians/vegans and what do you think.


New member
Ok here is the deal. A very long time ago, when I was around 17 I decided to become a vegetarian. I worked in a chinese restaurant with a guy who went vegetarian, and over a period of time I decided to go that route as well. The problem was, at that age, my idea of eating a healthy vegetarian meal was a large order of fries of mcdonalds, or macaroni and cheese. After a year, and losing a ton of weight, I had to go back to eating meat. About the only weakness to wanting to eat meat back then was smelling bacon or pork chops cooking.

Well I have been an omnivore for a while now (i'm now 36), and due to my westernized diet, meat usually always involves itself in the food I eat. It is our centerpiece in a meal. Much like how Asians have rice as their centerpiece then include other foods, we have meat as our centerpiece and include other foods. I have been lifting weights pretty seriously for probably close to a year now (I can bench press 276+ lbs @ 3 sets of 7 now, so go me!), and due to my CF and educating myself about supplements, I asked myself why should I lift weights, exercise, take very good care of myself CF wise with all the treatments/meds, and take supplements...But then still pollute my body with crap?

Right when I was thinking that, I listened to a few radio programs with very accredited/famous nutritionists, and basically all of them said due to what we do to our livestock now with all the chemicals/antibiotics we put into them, and what meat does in/to our bodies, I finally decided to seriously change my diet. I read up some more on how to do it properly, and today was my first 100% meatless day filled with meals. And I went to the store tonight and bought a ton of healthy meatless food: Tons of veggies that I love, meatless soy based immitation meat products, several different kinds of beans and meatless organic chili (I LOVE BEANS AND CHILI!), whole grain bagels, whole grain breads, and a ton of fruit and other products.

I'm sure it will be hard, but I plan on sticking with it. If I can lift weights seriously for almost a year to the point where i now get disappointed if I rarely am not able to make my scheduled gym day, I think I can change my diet. Basically I was sick of being only 80% healthy (CF not included). I listened to these professionals talk about just how good a plant based diet is for us, and just how bad an animal based diet is for us.

Before I decided to do this, both of my sisters changed to vegetarians, and my fiance as well has mostly cut out meat from her diet.

As far as CF goes, I think as long as I supply my nutritional needs with proteins, carbs, sugars, mono and poly saturated fats, grains, nuts, and calories...You think everything should be ok? Today I had a veggie burger + onion rings from burger king (not the healthiest meal, but I was on my way to work, only real options in a pinch is that or a taco bell bean burrito) and a large bowl of brown sugar and maple oatmeal + a banana. That filled me up all day. When I got home I went through the new groceries and made a toasted whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and an organic meatless chili and a large bag of red grapes. I still haven't decided on if I will be vegan or vegetarian. I will try to ween meat out of my diet first, and then worry about cheese/dairy down the road, doing both at the same time will probably be too much.

Anyways just thought i'd share, and i'm curious if any of you are vegetarians/vegans and what do you think.


New member
I have not done this but I have started eating mainly hormone antibiotic free meats eggs milk and wild caught fish. If you change your mind that might be somethign to look into.


New member
I have not done this but I have started eating mainly hormone antibiotic free meats eggs milk and wild caught fish. If you change your mind that might be somethign to look into.


New member
I have not done this but I have started eating mainly hormone antibiotic free meats eggs milk and wild caught fish. If you change your mind that might be somethign to look into.


New member
I have not done this but I have started eating mainly hormone antibiotic free meats eggs milk and wild caught fish. If you change your mind that might be somethign to look into.


New member
I have not done this but I have started eating mainly hormone antibiotic free meats eggs milk and wild caught fish. If you change your mind that might be somethign to look into.


New member
I have been a vegetarian for years with some occassional cheating with poultry<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I never have had a weight problem and you feel much much better. One thing I really like that you might try is "morning star" brands. I love tacos and chili. Their crumbled meat substitute makes great tacos and chili!! Lasagna is also great meatless. Being meatless is a great way to protect your kidneys! If you have a problem with keeping weight on, there are plenty of ways to get extra healthy fat. I don't understand why CF Centers think it is OK for CFers to eat whatever they want. I think a good healthy diet helps our immune system and eating less of the garbage fat certainly makes it much easier for us to digest.

Enjoy your new lifestyle!


New member
I have been a vegetarian for years with some occassional cheating with poultry<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I never have had a weight problem and you feel much much better. One thing I really like that you might try is "morning star" brands. I love tacos and chili. Their crumbled meat substitute makes great tacos and chili!! Lasagna is also great meatless. Being meatless is a great way to protect your kidneys! If you have a problem with keeping weight on, there are plenty of ways to get extra healthy fat. I don't understand why CF Centers think it is OK for CFers to eat whatever they want. I think a good healthy diet helps our immune system and eating less of the garbage fat certainly makes it much easier for us to digest.

Enjoy your new lifestyle!


New member
I have been a vegetarian for years with some occassional cheating with poultry<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I never have had a weight problem and you feel much much better. One thing I really like that you might try is "morning star" brands. I love tacos and chili. Their crumbled meat substitute makes great tacos and chili!! Lasagna is also great meatless. Being meatless is a great way to protect your kidneys! If you have a problem with keeping weight on, there are plenty of ways to get extra healthy fat. I don't understand why CF Centers think it is OK for CFers to eat whatever they want. I think a good healthy diet helps our immune system and eating less of the garbage fat certainly makes it much easier for us to digest.

Enjoy your new lifestyle!


New member
I have been a vegetarian for years with some occassional cheating with poultry<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I never have had a weight problem and you feel much much better. One thing I really like that you might try is "morning star" brands. I love tacos and chili. Their crumbled meat substitute makes great tacos and chili!! Lasagna is also great meatless. Being meatless is a great way to protect your kidneys! If you have a problem with keeping weight on, there are plenty of ways to get extra healthy fat. I don't understand why CF Centers think it is OK for CFers to eat whatever they want. I think a good healthy diet helps our immune system and eating less of the garbage fat certainly makes it much easier for us to digest.

Enjoy your new lifestyle!


New member
I have been a vegetarian for years with some occassional cheating with poultry<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I never have had a weight problem and you feel much much better. One thing I really like that you might try is "morning star" brands. I love tacos and chili. Their crumbled meat substitute makes great tacos and chili!! Lasagna is also great meatless. Being meatless is a great way to protect your kidneys! If you have a problem with keeping weight on, there are plenty of ways to get extra healthy fat. I don't understand why CF Centers think it is OK for CFers to eat whatever they want. I think a good healthy diet helps our immune system and eating less of the garbage fat certainly makes it much easier for us to digest.

Enjoy your new lifestyle!


New member
not a veg here, but I am with Nicole that I also eat free range chickens and my dad's homegrown organic beef.

I think about going vegetarian a lot, but so far it has just proven too hard - a lot because my husband would never in a million years do it, so little support there. good luck to you though - eat lots of tree nuts to get some healthy fats in! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
not a veg here, but I am with Nicole that I also eat free range chickens and my dad's homegrown organic beef.

I think about going vegetarian a lot, but so far it has just proven too hard - a lot because my husband would never in a million years do it, so little support there. good luck to you though - eat lots of tree nuts to get some healthy fats in! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
not a veg here, but I am with Nicole that I also eat free range chickens and my dad's homegrown organic beef.

I think about going vegetarian a lot, but so far it has just proven too hard - a lot because my husband would never in a million years do it, so little support there. good luck to you though - eat lots of tree nuts to get some healthy fats in! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
not a veg here, but I am with Nicole that I also eat free range chickens and my dad's homegrown organic beef.

I think about going vegetarian a lot, but so far it has just proven too hard - a lot because my husband would never in a million years do it, so little support there. good luck to you though - eat lots of tree nuts to get some healthy fats in! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
not a veg here, but I am with Nicole that I also eat free range chickens and my dad's homegrown organic beef.

I think about going vegetarian a lot, but so far it has just proven too hard - a lot because my husband would never in a million years do it, so little support there. good luck to you though - eat lots of tree nuts to get some healthy fats in! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">