Anyone Have Sinus Effect The Lungs


New member
Lat month when I went in my FEV1 was at 96% and my 25-75 was at 71%. Over the last 3 weeks i noticed that I had a cough, but nothing bad. Then yesterday I woke up with a sore throat, a runny nose and couldnt even breathe out of my nose which is not normal for me. So I go to clinci today and my FEV1 was 77% and my 25-75 was 45%. Hugh drop right, i know i was like no way. But my chest want feeling bad at all. So she gave me the option to do IV's or to do cipro well i have had a hard time with cipro so I chose to use leviquin. My question is has anyone else has something like this where out of the blue it just drops and then orals will make it better? I really dont want to go into the hosptial right now untill after Jan for some reasons. And orals have worked fine for me before. granted 96% was the highest i have ever been in as long as i can remember in my life, i had just started the HS about a month ago. So i guess i read a post about people and droping so much and then going into the hosptial right away. If its sinus problems and im catching it as it seems to be heading down then i should be good right?


New member
Lat month when I went in my FEV1 was at 96% and my 25-75 was at 71%. Over the last 3 weeks i noticed that I had a cough, but nothing bad. Then yesterday I woke up with a sore throat, a runny nose and couldnt even breathe out of my nose which is not normal for me. So I go to clinci today and my FEV1 was 77% and my 25-75 was 45%. Hugh drop right, i know i was like no way. But my chest want feeling bad at all. So she gave me the option to do IV's or to do cipro well i have had a hard time with cipro so I chose to use leviquin. My question is has anyone else has something like this where out of the blue it just drops and then orals will make it better? I really dont want to go into the hosptial right now untill after Jan for some reasons. And orals have worked fine for me before. granted 96% was the highest i have ever been in as long as i can remember in my life, i had just started the HS about a month ago. So i guess i read a post about people and droping so much and then going into the hosptial right away. If its sinus problems and im catching it as it seems to be heading down then i should be good right?


New member
Lat month when I went in my FEV1 was at 96% and my 25-75 was at 71%. Over the last 3 weeks i noticed that I had a cough, but nothing bad. Then yesterday I woke up with a sore throat, a runny nose and couldnt even breathe out of my nose which is not normal for me. So I go to clinci today and my FEV1 was 77% and my 25-75 was 45%. Hugh drop right, i know i was like no way. But my chest want feeling bad at all. So she gave me the option to do IV's or to do cipro well i have had a hard time with cipro so I chose to use leviquin. My question is has anyone else has something like this where out of the blue it just drops and then orals will make it better? I really dont want to go into the hosptial right now untill after Jan for some reasons. And orals have worked fine for me before. granted 96% was the highest i have ever been in as long as i can remember in my life, i had just started the HS about a month ago. So i guess i read a post about people and droping so much and then going into the hosptial right away. If its sinus problems and im catching it as it seems to be heading down then i should be good right?


New member
It varies for me sometimes. There are times when I have a sinus infection and get meds straight away and it stops it from getting into my chest then there are times when it moves to my chest and I take orals and it helps ans and t d others I take orals and it does nothing.

I will just say this. I know what it feels like to want to put off a hospital stay but I would consider stronger meds if you do not see a change in your PFT numbers after the oral meds. January is over 4 months away and that is a long time to sit with an infection - if indeed the oral meds do not help.

I do hope you start feeling better and that the oral meds take care of the problem though.

Take Care,


New member
It varies for me sometimes. There are times when I have a sinus infection and get meds straight away and it stops it from getting into my chest then there are times when it moves to my chest and I take orals and it helps ans and t d others I take orals and it does nothing.

I will just say this. I know what it feels like to want to put off a hospital stay but I would consider stronger meds if you do not see a change in your PFT numbers after the oral meds. January is over 4 months away and that is a long time to sit with an infection - if indeed the oral meds do not help.

I do hope you start feeling better and that the oral meds take care of the problem though.

Take Care,


New member
It varies for me sometimes. There are times when I have a sinus infection and get meds straight away and it stops it from getting into my chest then there are times when it moves to my chest and I take orals and it helps ans and t d others I take orals and it does nothing.

I will just say this. I know what it feels like to want to put off a hospital stay but I would consider stronger meds if you do not see a change in your PFT numbers after the oral meds. January is over 4 months away and that is a long time to sit with an infection - if indeed the oral meds do not help.

I do hope you start feeling better and that the oral meds take care of the problem though.

Take Care,


New member
happened to me in July, my pft's dropped almost 20% for what seemed
like no reason.  I was coughing more but felt great wasn't
winded or anything no abnormal cultures.  My doc put on cipro
and keflex.  I had a follow up today and numbers were up 12%.
 So it worked for me, hopefully it will work for you.


New member
happened to me in July, my pft's dropped almost 20% for what seemed
like no reason.  I was coughing more but felt great wasn't
winded or anything no abnormal cultures.  My doc put on cipro
and keflex.  I had a follow up today and numbers were up 12%.
 So it worked for me, hopefully it will work for you.


New member
happened to me in July, my pft's dropped almost 20% for what seemed
like no reason.  I was coughing more but felt great wasn't
winded or anything no abnormal cultures.  My doc put on cipro
and keflex.  I had a follow up today and numbers were up 12%.
 So it worked for me, hopefully it will work for you.


New member
Orals used to always work for me too. Many more times then not, I'd take Cipro when a cold got started, and I'd be all better after the 14 day course. I think when you're doing as well as you are (96% range) it doesn't always take an IV course to get you back on track. Of course it won't always do the trick, so keep an eye on it and get IVs if you need to.

My docts treat sinus infections as if they were lung infections, and if a cold isn't going away, then in you go.

Hope you feel better.


New member
Orals used to always work for me too. Many more times then not, I'd take Cipro when a cold got started, and I'd be all better after the 14 day course. I think when you're doing as well as you are (96% range) it doesn't always take an IV course to get you back on track. Of course it won't always do the trick, so keep an eye on it and get IVs if you need to.

My docts treat sinus infections as if they were lung infections, and if a cold isn't going away, then in you go.

Hope you feel better.


New member
Orals used to always work for me too. Many more times then not, I'd take Cipro when a cold got started, and I'd be all better after the 14 day course. I think when you're doing as well as you are (96% range) it doesn't always take an IV course to get you back on track. Of course it won't always do the trick, so keep an eye on it and get IVs if you need to.

My docts treat sinus infections as if they were lung infections, and if a cold isn't going away, then in you go.

Hope you feel better.


New member
I would take cipro but I cant. I have bad reactions with it. I havent taken it in over 11 years untill recently when i moved to the nashville doc. She put me on it and Bam the pains started comming right back. I have always used 2nd and 3rd gerneration of cipro. Leviqiun has always worked good for me and my PA. I am only restiant to one drug and its a really weird one that I have never evenheard of. Plus my strain of staph is sensitive to leviquin so this will work on it too. I just saw that post of people saying they deoped 10-20% and were put in the hospital right away. Befroe I started my HS my normal was around 86% for my FEV1.


New member
I would take cipro but I cant. I have bad reactions with it. I havent taken it in over 11 years untill recently when i moved to the nashville doc. She put me on it and Bam the pains started comming right back. I have always used 2nd and 3rd gerneration of cipro. Leviqiun has always worked good for me and my PA. I am only restiant to one drug and its a really weird one that I have never evenheard of. Plus my strain of staph is sensitive to leviquin so this will work on it too. I just saw that post of people saying they deoped 10-20% and were put in the hospital right away. Befroe I started my HS my normal was around 86% for my FEV1.


New member
I would take cipro but I cant. I have bad reactions with it. I havent taken it in over 11 years untill recently when i moved to the nashville doc. She put me on it and Bam the pains started comming right back. I have always used 2nd and 3rd gerneration of cipro. Leviqiun has always worked good for me and my PA. I am only restiant to one drug and its a really weird one that I have never evenheard of. Plus my strain of staph is sensitive to leviquin so this will work on it too. I just saw that post of people saying they deoped 10-20% and were put in the hospital right away. Befroe I started my HS my normal was around 86% for my FEV1.


New member
How odd I am having the same problem right now! I got a sinus infection which turned into a horrible sore throat and now I am having horrible lung problems. I woke up practically suffocating, i took three days off work, and i can't talk really. I went on Levaquin and upped my prednisone to 40mg every day for 4 days, then 20mg then my 10 every other day. I can't go on IVs until December at the earliest. Also, I have PA and cipro doesn't work me me all the time. I switch between that and Levaquin and Levaquin really worked this time.

I think you can make it without IVs with just orals. I have done it a lot and it seems ok. Rest and I hope you feel better<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Sue 24w/CF


New member
How odd I am having the same problem right now! I got a sinus infection which turned into a horrible sore throat and now I am having horrible lung problems. I woke up practically suffocating, i took three days off work, and i can't talk really. I went on Levaquin and upped my prednisone to 40mg every day for 4 days, then 20mg then my 10 every other day. I can't go on IVs until December at the earliest. Also, I have PA and cipro doesn't work me me all the time. I switch between that and Levaquin and Levaquin really worked this time.

I think you can make it without IVs with just orals. I have done it a lot and it seems ok. Rest and I hope you feel better<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Sue 24w/CF