New member
Lat month when I went in my FEV1 was at 96% and my 25-75 was at 71%. Over the last 3 weeks i noticed that I had a cough, but nothing bad. Then yesterday I woke up with a sore throat, a runny nose and couldnt even breathe out of my nose which is not normal for me. So I go to clinci today and my FEV1 was 77% and my 25-75 was 45%. Hugh drop right, i know i was like no way. But my chest want feeling bad at all. So she gave me the option to do IV's or to do cipro well i have had a hard time with cipro so I chose to use leviquin. My question is has anyone else has something like this where out of the blue it just drops and then orals will make it better? I really dont want to go into the hosptial right now untill after Jan for some reasons. And orals have worked fine for me before. granted 96% was the highest i have ever been in as long as i can remember in my life, i had just started the HS about a month ago. So i guess i read a post about people and droping so much and then going into the hosptial right away. If its sinus problems and im catching it as it seems to be heading down then i should be good right?