Anyone out there having thoughts about dieing becase of CF


New member
First off good to 'see' you melissa. Hear your stay is rough...I'm sorry that u have had and are having a hard time...hope the pain subdsides, as a person that can't have surgery on my back due to hurting my lungs more I know all too well the pain our cf can cause...I have kyphosis that developed in my early teens...I too wouldn't want to leave my son or daughter but most of wife. To have to watch me suffer all this time, knowing it's ultimatly going to happen sucks. It hurts to sit here and be weak, not be able to do much and have to watch her watch ME. Shows just how strong a person can be. This is THE ONLY person that will work for having children with. At least she will have that little part of me, when I can be no more. I see all the people on here that pass away, more now than I usually hear about, I weep for each in our fight that is lost. We are like the batallion in the army that will ALWAYS take losses, more than every other one and it hurts...


New member
First off good to 'see' you melissa. Hear your stay is rough...I'm sorry that u have had and are having a hard time...hope the pain subdsides, as a person that can't have surgery on my back due to hurting my lungs more I know all too well the pain our cf can cause...I have kyphosis that developed in my early teens...I too wouldn't want to leave my son or daughter but most of wife. To have to watch me suffer all this time, knowing it's ultimatly going to happen sucks. It hurts to sit here and be weak, not be able to do much and have to watch her watch ME. Shows just how strong a person can be. This is THE ONLY person that will work for having children with. At least she will have that little part of me, when I can be no more. I see all the people on here that pass away, more now than I usually hear about, I weep for each in our fight that is lost. We are like the batallion in the army that will ALWAYS take losses, more than every other one and it hurts...


New member
First off good to 'see' you melissa. Hear your stay is rough...I'm sorry that u have had and are having a hard time...hope the pain subdsides, as a person that can't have surgery on my back due to hurting my lungs more I know all too well the pain our cf can cause...I have kyphosis that developed in my early teens...I too wouldn't want to leave my son or daughter but most of wife. To have to watch me suffer all this time, knowing it's ultimatly going to happen sucks. It hurts to sit here and be weak, not be able to do much and have to watch her watch ME. Shows just how strong a person can be. This is THE ONLY person that will work for having children with. At least she will have that little part of me, when I can be no more. I see all the people on here that pass away, more now than I usually hear about, I weep for each in our fight that is lost. We are like the batallion in the army that will ALWAYS take losses, more than every other one and it hurts...


New member
First off good to 'see' you melissa. Hear your stay is rough...I'm sorry that u have had and are having a hard time...hope the pain subdsides, as a person that can't have surgery on my back due to hurting my lungs more I know all too well the pain our cf can cause...I have kyphosis that developed in my early teens...I too wouldn't want to leave my son or daughter but most of wife. To have to watch me suffer all this time, knowing it's ultimatly going to happen sucks. It hurts to sit here and be weak, not be able to do much and have to watch her watch ME. Shows just how strong a person can be. This is THE ONLY person that will work for having children with. At least she will have that little part of me, when I can be no more. I see all the people on here that pass away, more now than I usually hear about, I weep for each in our fight that is lost. We are like the batallion in the army that will ALWAYS take losses, more than every other one and it hurts...


New member
First off good to 'see' you melissa. Hear your stay is rough...I'm sorry that u have had and are having a hard time...hope the pain subdsides, as a person that can't have surgery on my back due to hurting my lungs more I know all too well the pain our cf can cause...I have kyphosis that developed in my early teens...I too wouldn't want to leave my son or daughter but most of wife. To have to watch me suffer all this time, knowing it's ultimatly going to happen sucks. It hurts to sit here and be weak, not be able to do much and have to watch her watch ME. Shows just how strong a person can be. This is THE ONLY person that will work for having children with. At least she will have that little part of me, when I can be no more. I see all the people on here that pass away, more now than I usually hear about, I weep for each in our fight that is lost. We are like the batallion in the army that will ALWAYS take losses, more than every other one and it hurts...
I just turned 23, and although I have no fear of dying or having a shortened life span, I certainly know that I'd rather pass at 30 then live to be 50 with all of the pain and "suffering" that comes along with being an aging CF'er.

it's all about quality over quantity!
I just turned 23, and although I have no fear of dying or having a shortened life span, I certainly know that I'd rather pass at 30 then live to be 50 with all of the pain and "suffering" that comes along with being an aging CF'er.

it's all about quality over quantity!
I just turned 23, and although I have no fear of dying or having a shortened life span, I certainly know that I'd rather pass at 30 then live to be 50 with all of the pain and "suffering" that comes along with being an aging CF'er.

it's all about quality over quantity!
I just turned 23, and although I have no fear of dying or having a shortened life span, I certainly know that I'd rather pass at 30 then live to be 50 with all of the pain and "suffering" that comes along with being an aging CF'er.

it's all about quality over quantity!
I just turned 23, and although I have no fear of dying or having a shortened life span, I certainly know that I'd rather pass at 30 then live to be 50 with all of the pain and "suffering" that comes along with being an aging CF'er.
<br />
<br />it's all about quality over quantity!


yes I am there with you on that. Look me up here Angel868 username. I have done the same with drugs no treatment and meds but now I stopped but my lungs are shot. I get scared too but try to not think bad thoughts I am on the not active list for transplant at columbia in nyc. 39 percent lung function 23 years old always sick mra and psueudomonus bugs. I have a medaport.


yes I am there with you on that. Look me up here Angel868 username. I have done the same with drugs no treatment and meds but now I stopped but my lungs are shot. I get scared too but try to not think bad thoughts I am on the not active list for transplant at columbia in nyc. 39 percent lung function 23 years old always sick mra and psueudomonus bugs. I have a medaport.


yes I am there with you on that. Look me up here Angel868 username. I have done the same with drugs no treatment and meds but now I stopped but my lungs are shot. I get scared too but try to not think bad thoughts I am on the not active list for transplant at columbia in nyc. 39 percent lung function 23 years old always sick mra and psueudomonus bugs. I have a medaport.


yes I am there with you on that. Look me up here Angel868 username. I have done the same with drugs no treatment and meds but now I stopped but my lungs are shot. I get scared too but try to not think bad thoughts I am on the not active list for transplant at columbia in nyc. 39 percent lung function 23 years old always sick mra and psueudomonus bugs. I have a medaport.


yes I am there with you on that. Look me up here Angel868 username. I have done the same with drugs no treatment and meds but now I stopped but my lungs are shot. I get scared too but try to not think bad thoughts I am on the not active list for transplant at columbia in nyc. 39 percent lung function 23 years old always sick mra and psueudomonus bugs. I have a medaport.