Our center recommends CPT twice a day for 20 minutes when Emily is healthy, and more whenever she gets sick- up to 4x a day. Preventative care is the cornerstone to treating CF!
Emily started with manual CPT (which she didn't like either) until we were able to get her switched over to the vest, which for the most part she does fine with.
I find it really surprising that a center located at such a reputable hospital would recommend that protocol.
eta: if you've never tried the little rubbery 'cup' to do CPT, it's worth asking about. Not only does it save your hands, it might make a big difference on how it feels to your dd, especially if under her arms or chest is more sensitive to how it feels when she gets CPT. It also makes it easier to target specific areas more accurately since it fits their smaller body area easier (the RT had them in several sizes when she gave us ours.)
Emily started with manual CPT (which she didn't like either) until we were able to get her switched over to the vest, which for the most part she does fine with.
I find it really surprising that a center located at such a reputable hospital would recommend that protocol.
eta: if you've never tried the little rubbery 'cup' to do CPT, it's worth asking about. Not only does it save your hands, it might make a big difference on how it feels to your dd, especially if under her arms or chest is more sensitive to how it feels when she gets CPT. It also makes it easier to target specific areas more accurately since it fits their smaller body area easier (the RT had them in several sizes when she gave us ours.)