are you more or less healthy than you thought you'd be at your age?


New member
I too did not think of cf as part of me. I could see how sick my sister was and I was no where near that, so of course I couldn't have cf, it just wouldn't click in my brain. Since I didn't think that much about having cf, I did not take care of me. I am now paying the price. In the last 2 years I have gone from 80% pft to an average of 35%. This seemed to be a dramatic drop and now I am feeling the toll that cf takes. I wish there was something that would make the younger age realize how important taking care of yourself is. kind of 'pre-maintainance' if you will.


<i>I wish there was something that would make the younger age realize how important taking care of yourself is. kind of 'pre-maintainance' if you will. </i>

lasilva, You make a good point. I wonder how many members on here can look back and see how not taking care of one's self lead to bigger problems. This would make a good "what if" thread<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


<i>I wish there was something that would make the younger age realize how important taking care of yourself is. kind of 'pre-maintainance' if you will. </i>

lasilva, You make a good point. I wonder how many members on here can look back and see how not taking care of one's self lead to bigger problems. This would make a good "what if" thread<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


<i>I wish there was something that would make the younger age realize how important taking care of yourself is. kind of 'pre-maintainance' if you will. </i>

lasilva, You make a good point. I wonder how many members on here can look back and see how not taking care of one's self lead to bigger problems. This would make a good "what if" thread<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm much healthier than I thought I would be at this age. CF didn't really start affecting me until a couple of years ago. I was on oral antibiotics alot, but that was about it. I still haven't been in the hospital, althought sometimes I think my doctor should admit me (like for instance my appt. a couple weeks ago my PFTs were at 70%, whereas last time they were at 90%, which was about 5 months ago) But anyways from the 7th to the 10th grade i was pretty sure I'd be extremely sick by time I graduated, if I even lived that long. I don't know why I thought things like that since I wasn't even sick. I guess I just thougth by then that CF would have "caught up" to me.


New member
I'm much healthier than I thought I would be at this age. CF didn't really start affecting me until a couple of years ago. I was on oral antibiotics alot, but that was about it. I still haven't been in the hospital, althought sometimes I think my doctor should admit me (like for instance my appt. a couple weeks ago my PFTs were at 70%, whereas last time they were at 90%, which was about 5 months ago) But anyways from the 7th to the 10th grade i was pretty sure I'd be extremely sick by time I graduated, if I even lived that long. I don't know why I thought things like that since I wasn't even sick. I guess I just thougth by then that CF would have "caught up" to me.


New member
I'm much healthier than I thought I would be at this age. CF didn't really start affecting me until a couple of years ago. I was on oral antibiotics alot, but that was about it. I still haven't been in the hospital, althought sometimes I think my doctor should admit me (like for instance my appt. a couple weeks ago my PFTs were at 70%, whereas last time they were at 90%, which was about 5 months ago) But anyways from the 7th to the 10th grade i was pretty sure I'd be extremely sick by time I graduated, if I even lived that long. I don't know why I thought things like that since I wasn't even sick. I guess I just thougth by then that CF would have "caught up" to me.


New member
mmm hard to say. When i was younger, i was quite ignorant, and didn't think cf would ever be a big part of my life, and refused to think that i would get sicker. In my late teens and early 20's, i started feeling it quite a bit, and wasn't sure i would be able to come out of it like you said. However, once i started taking initiative, i have to say, i am probably healther now then i was when i was a teenager.

I think I have leveled off a bit, and for now, i am quite confident about the future...and realize that even if i do hit 50-40% lung function, i can still function quite well, based on some of the people here <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



New member
mmm hard to say. When i was younger, i was quite ignorant, and didn't think cf would ever be a big part of my life, and refused to think that i would get sicker. In my late teens and early 20's, i started feeling it quite a bit, and wasn't sure i would be able to come out of it like you said. However, once i started taking initiative, i have to say, i am probably healther now then i was when i was a teenager.

I think I have leveled off a bit, and for now, i am quite confident about the future...and realize that even if i do hit 50-40% lung function, i can still function quite well, based on some of the people here <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



New member
mmm hard to say. When i was younger, i was quite ignorant, and didn't think cf would ever be a big part of my life, and refused to think that i would get sicker. In my late teens and early 20's, i started feeling it quite a bit, and wasn't sure i would be able to come out of it like you said. However, once i started taking initiative, i have to say, i am probably healther now then i was when i was a teenager.

I think I have leveled off a bit, and for now, i am quite confident about the future...and realize that even if i do hit 50-40% lung function, i can still function quite well, based on some of the people here <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

im not nearly as healthy now as i thought i would be. i was doing great until i was about 20 or so, then a slow decline. i really dropped fast once i hit 27 to 44%, now at almost 30 i'm barely above 30%. but that's life, all i can do is to keep fighting and hope and pray that i'm gonna be here 20 years from now.
im not nearly as healthy now as i thought i would be. i was doing great until i was about 20 or so, then a slow decline. i really dropped fast once i hit 27 to 44%, now at almost 30 i'm barely above 30%. but that's life, all i can do is to keep fighting and hope and pray that i'm gonna be here 20 years from now.
im not nearly as healthy now as i thought i would be. i was doing great until i was about 20 or so, then a slow decline. i really dropped fast once i hit 27 to 44%, now at almost 30 i'm barely above 30%. but that's life, all i can do is to keep fighting and hope and pray that i'm gonna be here 20 years from now.


New member
I would say not as healthy, I did not expect CF to effect me in any way shape or form, because it didnt when I was younger, however I do get a cough now that can be irritating, but I can't complain about my health because I am still doing very well.


New member
I would say not as healthy, I did not expect CF to effect me in any way shape or form, because it didnt when I was younger, however I do get a cough now that can be irritating, but I can't complain about my health because I am still doing very well.


New member
I would say not as healthy, I did not expect CF to effect me in any way shape or form, because it didnt when I was younger, however I do get a cough now that can be irritating, but I can't complain about my health because I am still doing very well.


New member
abilities wise I am doing better than I thought I would at this age...

work full time,
walk 20-40 min. ea. day and workout 2-3x per week in high impact aerobics that some of my non cf friends can't even handle,
<b>am pregnant, </b>
cook home cooked meals 3-4 evenings a week,
do all the laundry,
disinfecting and caring for my cf equip.,
grocery shop weekly with all meals planned out
eat 90% of my breakfast, lunch and dinners at home (home prepared not convenience foods)
manage the family finances
3 hrs. a day of cf care (nebs, vest, clearance, meds.)

... and still have energy left over. Oh and have a healthy relationship with my DH.

I don't take this for granted and appreciate this post to remind me of my blessings.

I guess I thought my FEV1 would be higher than it is but am convinced that I can still get it to rise!!


New member
abilities wise I am doing better than I thought I would at this age...

work full time,
walk 20-40 min. ea. day and workout 2-3x per week in high impact aerobics that some of my non cf friends can't even handle,
<b>am pregnant, </b>
cook home cooked meals 3-4 evenings a week,
do all the laundry,
disinfecting and caring for my cf equip.,
grocery shop weekly with all meals planned out
eat 90% of my breakfast, lunch and dinners at home (home prepared not convenience foods)
manage the family finances
3 hrs. a day of cf care (nebs, vest, clearance, meds.)

... and still have energy left over. Oh and have a healthy relationship with my DH.

I don't take this for granted and appreciate this post to remind me of my blessings.

I guess I thought my FEV1 would be higher than it is but am convinced that I can still get it to rise!!


New member
abilities wise I am doing better than I thought I would at this age...

work full time,
walk 20-40 min. ea. day and workout 2-3x per week in high impact aerobics that some of my non cf friends can't even handle,
<b>am pregnant, </b>
cook home cooked meals 3-4 evenings a week,
do all the laundry,
disinfecting and caring for my cf equip.,
grocery shop weekly with all meals planned out
eat 90% of my breakfast, lunch and dinners at home (home prepared not convenience foods)
manage the family finances
3 hrs. a day of cf care (nebs, vest, clearance, meds.)

... and still have energy left over. Oh and have a healthy relationship with my DH.

I don't take this for granted and appreciate this post to remind me of my blessings.

I guess I thought my FEV1 would be higher than it is but am convinced that I can still get it to rise!!


New member
Interesting topic ~ I guess that I am as healthy or healthier at this point than I thought I would be about 5 yrs ago. When I was a kid, I had no clue that CF was progressive/fatal, so I can't really speak from that perspective. I am grateful that PFT's are stable in the 70's for now. I have less energy than I thought I would as a 24 yr old. I guess, I have also gotten to be a lot more realistic about my limits (not that I still don't push the edge of the envelope!)