Sorry, I know this is a month later to respond to this question. It sounds like your schools are really helpfull, and the letter Harriett found would be so great..
I just can't believe the horrible time we have had dealing with our school... If you want you can look under the posting " Her teacher has the Swine Flu"...
We ended up having to go to the principle's boss because of how nasty talking and her sending us a letter threatning to take us to court, even with 3 doctor letters... Thank god her boss was on our side and very angry at what the principle did , and said to us the primary concern was Makailyn's health and didn't know why the principle wanted to lie about the out break of kids with the Flu......
But, if anyone is still looking at this post , here's my question......
Even if they told you there was an out break of anything that could be harmfull to your child,, What Would You Do??
The state law here in Texas, says a child Must Attend School, unless they are ill at that time. That you can not be absent just because YOUR CHILD MIGHT CATCH SOMETHING,, even if they are at HIGH RISK !!! I really wish someone could answer what would they do????
Since Makailyn's surgery and before she has been very sick,,and we have had many doctor notes and her school work is being done at home and the school has not sent a tutor (we don't need one anyways) which is usually common after so many days of missed school...She is getting better ,, which may sound crazy, but I would rather her have the h1n1 shot before going back,,,,,,,,,,,,even though thank god for the first time in over a year we have been battleing one infection after another....And now,, LOT'S MORE MEDS,,she's already on a very agressive regimen....
There have been so many kids and young adults that have lost thier lives to this flu in our area!!!! And the school looks half empty due to the large cases of kids in her school out with the flu.....
I'v got 3 doctors that will call me the min they get the shot,which they thought for sure it was going to be last week and it didn't come in....I'm scared to death to send her back and her not be protected at least with the shot.....Especially of because of how long she has been sick and we are finally seeing a turn around.....
I would really like to know WHAT WOULD YOU DO?? Would you wait to send her back knowing how bad things are,,, or would you send your child to the school and know it's a toss of a coin at this point knowing she could catch it??? Thankyou,,Karla <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">