Asythma and CF?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mommy2Alysa</b></i>

She was on Tobramycin and Salbutamal to see if her pseudomonous is gone but that treatment is done and because of this asythma possibility they took her off her neb all together ( just continuing chest physio) cause if the medicine she just started today works then tehy know it's asythma related whereas if she kept up her neb and stuff they wouldnt know which medicine cured it.

I hate to say it but its reassuring hearing that other CFers are prone to asythma too but it's so hard because she just turned two at the end of April and with the CF, possible asythma and waiting to see if her pseudomonous is there still its almost all too much for me.. plus add in the fact that I am 6.5 months preg with another little CFer. I feel like crying on a daily basis and I know its not my fault, but I feel like it is because I am their mother and should be able to make them better.</end quote></div>

I understand about the meds. Its always "risky" tho and with her still being young so much depends on your interpretation or just plain intuition. If you feel the need to cry, please do so. It is a definite stress reliever. I know its difficult as a Mom, but you are doing a great job. Just realize that CF doesnt care what kind of Mom you are. It has no regard to that or any other aspect except what its course is! Not a very nice illness to deal with. HUGS to you! BTW when is your actual due date? Did you deliver early with Alysa?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mommy2Alysa</b></i>

She was on Tobramycin and Salbutamal to see if her pseudomonous is gone but that treatment is done and because of this asythma possibility they took her off her neb all together ( just continuing chest physio) cause if the medicine she just started today works then tehy know it's asythma related whereas if she kept up her neb and stuff they wouldnt know which medicine cured it.

I hate to say it but its reassuring hearing that other CFers are prone to asythma too but it's so hard because she just turned two at the end of April and with the CF, possible asythma and waiting to see if her pseudomonous is there still its almost all too much for me.. plus add in the fact that I am 6.5 months preg with another little CFer. I feel like crying on a daily basis and I know its not my fault, but I feel like it is because I am their mother and should be able to make them better.</end quote></div>

I understand about the meds. Its always "risky" tho and with her still being young so much depends on your interpretation or just plain intuition. If you feel the need to cry, please do so. It is a definite stress reliever. I know its difficult as a Mom, but you are doing a great job. Just realize that CF doesnt care what kind of Mom you are. It has no regard to that or any other aspect except what its course is! Not a very nice illness to deal with. HUGS to you! BTW when is your actual due date? Did you deliver early with Alysa?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mommy2Alysa</b></i>

She was on Tobramycin and Salbutamal to see if her pseudomonous is gone but that treatment is done and because of this asythma possibility they took her off her neb all together ( just continuing chest physio) cause if the medicine she just started today works then tehy know it's asythma related whereas if she kept up her neb and stuff they wouldnt know which medicine cured it.

I hate to say it but its reassuring hearing that other CFers are prone to asythma too but it's so hard because she just turned two at the end of April and with the CF, possible asythma and waiting to see if her pseudomonous is there still its almost all too much for me.. plus add in the fact that I am 6.5 months preg with another little CFer. I feel like crying on a daily basis and I know its not my fault, but I feel like it is because I am their mother and should be able to make them better.</end quote>

I understand about the meds. Its always "risky" tho and with her still being young so much depends on your interpretation or just plain intuition. If you feel the need to cry, please do so. It is a definite stress reliever. I know its difficult as a Mom, but you are doing a great job. Just realize that CF doesnt care what kind of Mom you are. It has no regard to that or any other aspect except what its course is! Not a very nice illness to deal with. HUGS to you! BTW when is your actual due date? Did you deliver early with Alysa?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mommy2Alysa</b></i>

She was on Tobramycin and Salbutamal to see if her pseudomonous is gone but that treatment is done and because of this asythma possibility they took her off her neb all together ( just continuing chest physio) cause if the medicine she just started today works then tehy know it's asythma related whereas if she kept up her neb and stuff they wouldnt know which medicine cured it.

I hate to say it but its reassuring hearing that other CFers are prone to asythma too but it's so hard because she just turned two at the end of April and with the CF, possible asythma and waiting to see if her pseudomonous is there still its almost all too much for me.. plus add in the fact that I am 6.5 months preg with another little CFer. I feel like crying on a daily basis and I know its not my fault, but I feel like it is because I am their mother and should be able to make them better.</end quote>

I understand about the meds. Its always "risky" tho and with her still being young so much depends on your interpretation or just plain intuition. If you feel the need to cry, please do so. It is a definite stress reliever. I know its difficult as a Mom, but you are doing a great job. Just realize that CF doesnt care what kind of Mom you are. It has no regard to that or any other aspect except what its course is! Not a very nice illness to deal with. HUGS to you! BTW when is your actual due date? Did you deliver early with Alysa?


New member
I had enormous asthma problems starting at age 9. In fact, it was my 1st reason for hospitalization.

What helped me was treating my allergies. Untreated allergies lead to out of control asthma.

If you want to learn more about how I treated my allergies, you can go to my blog, scroll down to categories on the left hand side, and click on "allergies."

Today I have near normal lung function, no more wheezing, and best of all, I don't cough so hard that I throw up like I did prior to treating my allergies. Oh yes and no more sinus infections (I was getting those 4-5 times a year).


New member
I had enormous asthma problems starting at age 9. In fact, it was my 1st reason for hospitalization.

What helped me was treating my allergies. Untreated allergies lead to out of control asthma.

If you want to learn more about how I treated my allergies, you can go to my blog, scroll down to categories on the left hand side, and click on "allergies."

Today I have near normal lung function, no more wheezing, and best of all, I don't cough so hard that I throw up like I did prior to treating my allergies. Oh yes and no more sinus infections (I was getting those 4-5 times a year).


New member
I had enormous asthma problems starting at age 9. In fact, it was my 1st reason for hospitalization.

What helped me was treating my allergies. Untreated allergies lead to out of control asthma.

If you want to learn more about how I treated my allergies, you can go to my blog, scroll down to categories on the left hand side, and click on "allergies."

Today I have near normal lung function, no more wheezing, and best of all, I don't cough so hard that I throw up like I did prior to treating my allergies. Oh yes and no more sinus infections (I was getting those 4-5 times a year).


New member
I had enormous asthma problems starting at age 9. In fact, it was my 1st reason for hospitalization.

What helped me was treating my allergies. Untreated allergies lead to out of control asthma.

If you want to learn more about how I treated my allergies, you can go to my blog, scroll down to categories on the left hand side, and click on "allergies."

Today I have near normal lung function, no more wheezing, and best of all, I don't cough so hard that I throw up like I did prior to treating my allergies. Oh yes and no more sinus infections (I was getting those 4-5 times a year).


New member
I had enormous asthma problems starting at age 9. In fact, it was my 1st reason for hospitalization.

What helped me was treating my allergies. Untreated allergies lead to out of control asthma.

If you want to learn more about how I treated my allergies, you can go to my blog, scroll down to categories on the left hand side, and click on "allergies."

Today I have near normal lung function, no more wheezing, and best of all, I don't cough so hard that I throw up like I did prior to treating my allergies. Oh yes and no more sinus infections (I was getting those 4-5 times a year).


New member
I had enormous asthma problems starting at age 9. In fact, it was my 1st reason for hospitalization.

What helped me was treating my allergies. Untreated allergies lead to out of control asthma.

If you want to learn more about how I treated my allergies, you can go to my blog, scroll down to categories on the left hand side, and click on "allergies."

Today I have near normal lung function, no more wheezing, and best of all, I don't cough so hard that I throw up like I did prior to treating my allergies. Oh yes and no more sinus infections (I was getting those 4-5 times a year).


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>JazzysMom</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mommy2Alysa</b></i>

She was on Tobramycin and Salbutamal to see if her pseudomonous is gone but that treatment is done and because of this asythma possibility they took her off her neb all together ( just continuing chest physio) cause if the medicine she just started today works then tehy know it's asythma related whereas if she kept up her neb and stuff they wouldnt know which medicine cured it.

I hate to say it but its reassuring hearing that other CFers are prone to asythma too but it's so hard because she just turned two at the end of April and with the CF, possible asythma and waiting to see if her pseudomonous is there still its almost all too much for me.. plus add in the fact that I am 6.5 months preg with another little CFer. I feel like crying on a daily basis and I know its not my fault, but I feel like it is because I am their mother and should be able to make them better.</end quote></div>

I understand about the meds. Its always "risky" tho and with her still being young so much depends on your interpretation or just plain intuition. If you feel the need to cry, please do so. It is a definite stress reliever. I know its difficult as a Mom, but you are doing a great job. Just realize that CF doesnt care what kind of Mom you are. It has no regard to that or any other aspect except what its course is! Not a very nice illness to deal with. HUGS to you! BTW when is your actual due date? Did you deliver early with Alysa?</end quote></div>

I am just doing what the doctor suggested, her oxygen level, her age, and the fact that is constantly "with a cold" really concerned him and to be honest he wasnt sure what was wrong with her and is ruling out the most likely of many things I guess. We find out about the asythma and hopefully the pseudomonous in about a week.

My actual due date is September 10th, the day before my husbands. I was 5 days late with Alysa and it was a hard but easy delivery with her. My water broke around 11pm then she was born at 3:48am. So my labour was short but it was painful I didnt have the nice easy contractions or labour pains that you hear about, after my water broke I went into full out transitional labour pains and the doctor at the hospital (we called first) thought that I would end up having her at home. She was also born facing the wrong way (facing my stomach, instead of my back) so that made my labour twice as long and hard, I would have had her out in about 2 hrs if she was the right way. Also, I had ALL back labour.. so I really dont know what a labour pain (front) feels like and THAT makes me nervous lol.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>JazzysMom</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mommy2Alysa</b></i>

She was on Tobramycin and Salbutamal to see if her pseudomonous is gone but that treatment is done and because of this asythma possibility they took her off her neb all together ( just continuing chest physio) cause if the medicine she just started today works then tehy know it's asythma related whereas if she kept up her neb and stuff they wouldnt know which medicine cured it.

I hate to say it but its reassuring hearing that other CFers are prone to asythma too but it's so hard because she just turned two at the end of April and with the CF, possible asythma and waiting to see if her pseudomonous is there still its almost all too much for me.. plus add in the fact that I am 6.5 months preg with another little CFer. I feel like crying on a daily basis and I know its not my fault, but I feel like it is because I am their mother and should be able to make them better.</end quote></div>

I understand about the meds. Its always "risky" tho and with her still being young so much depends on your interpretation or just plain intuition. If you feel the need to cry, please do so. It is a definite stress reliever. I know its difficult as a Mom, but you are doing a great job. Just realize that CF doesnt care what kind of Mom you are. It has no regard to that or any other aspect except what its course is! Not a very nice illness to deal with. HUGS to you! BTW when is your actual due date? Did you deliver early with Alysa?</end quote></div>

I am just doing what the doctor suggested, her oxygen level, her age, and the fact that is constantly "with a cold" really concerned him and to be honest he wasnt sure what was wrong with her and is ruling out the most likely of many things I guess. We find out about the asythma and hopefully the pseudomonous in about a week.

My actual due date is September 10th, the day before my husbands. I was 5 days late with Alysa and it was a hard but easy delivery with her. My water broke around 11pm then she was born at 3:48am. So my labour was short but it was painful I didnt have the nice easy contractions or labour pains that you hear about, after my water broke I went into full out transitional labour pains and the doctor at the hospital (we called first) thought that I would end up having her at home. She was also born facing the wrong way (facing my stomach, instead of my back) so that made my labour twice as long and hard, I would have had her out in about 2 hrs if she was the right way. Also, I had ALL back labour.. so I really dont know what a labour pain (front) feels like and THAT makes me nervous lol.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>JazzysMom</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mommy2Alysa</b></i>

She was on Tobramycin and Salbutamal to see if her pseudomonous is gone but that treatment is done and because of this asythma possibility they took her off her neb all together ( just continuing chest physio) cause if the medicine she just started today works then tehy know it's asythma related whereas if she kept up her neb and stuff they wouldnt know which medicine cured it.

I hate to say it but its reassuring hearing that other CFers are prone to asythma too but it's so hard because she just turned two at the end of April and with the CF, possible asythma and waiting to see if her pseudomonous is there still its almost all too much for me.. plus add in the fact that I am 6.5 months preg with another little CFer. I feel like crying on a daily basis and I know its not my fault, but I feel like it is because I am their mother and should be able to make them better.</end quote></div>

I understand about the meds. Its always "risky" tho and with her still being young so much depends on your interpretation or just plain intuition. If you feel the need to cry, please do so. It is a definite stress reliever. I know its difficult as a Mom, but you are doing a great job. Just realize that CF doesnt care what kind of Mom you are. It has no regard to that or any other aspect except what its course is! Not a very nice illness to deal with. HUGS to you! BTW when is your actual due date? Did you deliver early with Alysa?</end quote></div>

I am just doing what the doctor suggested, her oxygen level, her age, and the fact that is constantly "with a cold" really concerned him and to be honest he wasnt sure what was wrong with her and is ruling out the most likely of many things I guess. We find out about the asythma and hopefully the pseudomonous in about a week.

My actual due date is September 10th, the day before my husbands. I was 5 days late with Alysa and it was a hard but easy delivery with her. My water broke around 11pm then she was born at 3:48am. So my labour was short but it was painful I didnt have the nice easy contractions or labour pains that you hear about, after my water broke I went into full out transitional labour pains and the doctor at the hospital (we called first) thought that I would end up having her at home. She was also born facing the wrong way (facing my stomach, instead of my back) so that made my labour twice as long and hard, I would have had her out in about 2 hrs if she was the right way. Also, I had ALL back labour.. so I really dont know what a labour pain (front) feels like and THAT makes me nervous lol.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>JazzysMom</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mommy2Alysa</b></i>

She was on Tobramycin and Salbutamal to see if her pseudomonous is gone but that treatment is done and because of this asythma possibility they took her off her neb all together ( just continuing chest physio) cause if the medicine she just started today works then tehy know it's asythma related whereas if she kept up her neb and stuff they wouldnt know which medicine cured it.

I hate to say it but its reassuring hearing that other CFers are prone to asythma too but it's so hard because she just turned two at the end of April and with the CF, possible asythma and waiting to see if her pseudomonous is there still its almost all too much for me.. plus add in the fact that I am 6.5 months preg with another little CFer. I feel like crying on a daily basis and I know its not my fault, but I feel like it is because I am their mother and should be able to make them better.</end quote></div>

I understand about the meds. Its always "risky" tho and with her still being young so much depends on your interpretation or just plain intuition. If you feel the need to cry, please do so. It is a definite stress reliever. I know its difficult as a Mom, but you are doing a great job. Just realize that CF doesnt care what kind of Mom you are. It has no regard to that or any other aspect except what its course is! Not a very nice illness to deal with. HUGS to you! BTW when is your actual due date? Did you deliver early with Alysa?</end quote></div>

I am just doing what the doctor suggested, her oxygen level, her age, and the fact that is constantly "with a cold" really concerned him and to be honest he wasnt sure what was wrong with her and is ruling out the most likely of many things I guess. We find out about the asythma and hopefully the pseudomonous in about a week.

My actual due date is September 10th, the day before my husbands. I was 5 days late with Alysa and it was a hard but easy delivery with her. My water broke around 11pm then she was born at 3:48am. So my labour was short but it was painful I didnt have the nice easy contractions or labour pains that you hear about, after my water broke I went into full out transitional labour pains and the doctor at the hospital (we called first) thought that I would end up having her at home. She was also born facing the wrong way (facing my stomach, instead of my back) so that made my labour twice as long and hard, I would have had her out in about 2 hrs if she was the right way. Also, I had ALL back labour.. so I really dont know what a labour pain (front) feels like and THAT makes me nervous lol.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>JazzysMom</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mommy2Alysa</b></i>

She was on Tobramycin and Salbutamal to see if her pseudomonous is gone but that treatment is done and because of this asythma possibility they took her off her neb all together ( just continuing chest physio) cause if the medicine she just started today works then tehy know it's asythma related whereas if she kept up her neb and stuff they wouldnt know which medicine cured it.

I hate to say it but its reassuring hearing that other CFers are prone to asythma too but it's so hard because she just turned two at the end of April and with the CF, possible asythma and waiting to see if her pseudomonous is there still its almost all too much for me.. plus add in the fact that I am 6.5 months preg with another little CFer. I feel like crying on a daily basis and I know its not my fault, but I feel like it is because I am their mother and should be able to make them better.</end quote>

I understand about the meds. Its always "risky" tho and with her still being young so much depends on your interpretation or just plain intuition. If you feel the need to cry, please do so. It is a definite stress reliever. I know its difficult as a Mom, but you are doing a great job. Just realize that CF doesnt care what kind of Mom you are. It has no regard to that or any other aspect except what its course is! Not a very nice illness to deal with. HUGS to you! BTW when is your actual due date? Did you deliver early with Alysa?</end quote>

I am just doing what the doctor suggested, her oxygen level, her age, and the fact that is constantly "with a cold" really concerned him and to be honest he wasnt sure what was wrong with her and is ruling out the most likely of many things I guess. We find out about the asythma and hopefully the pseudomonous in about a week.

My actual due date is September 10th, the day before my husbands. I was 5 days late with Alysa and it was a hard but easy delivery with her. My water broke around 11pm then she was born at 3:48am. So my labour was short but it was painful I didnt have the nice easy contractions or labour pains that you hear about, after my water broke I went into full out transitional labour pains and the doctor at the hospital (we called first) thought that I would end up having her at home. She was also born facing the wrong way (facing my stomach, instead of my back) so that made my labour twice as long and hard, I would have had her out in about 2 hrs if she was the right way. Also, I had ALL back labour.. so I really dont know what a labour pain (front) feels like and THAT makes me nervous lol.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>JazzysMom</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mommy2Alysa</b></i>

She was on Tobramycin and Salbutamal to see if her pseudomonous is gone but that treatment is done and because of this asythma possibility they took her off her neb all together ( just continuing chest physio) cause if the medicine she just started today works then tehy know it's asythma related whereas if she kept up her neb and stuff they wouldnt know which medicine cured it.

I hate to say it but its reassuring hearing that other CFers are prone to asythma too but it's so hard because she just turned two at the end of April and with the CF, possible asythma and waiting to see if her pseudomonous is there still its almost all too much for me.. plus add in the fact that I am 6.5 months preg with another little CFer. I feel like crying on a daily basis and I know its not my fault, but I feel like it is because I am their mother and should be able to make them better.</end quote>

I understand about the meds. Its always "risky" tho and with her still being young so much depends on your interpretation or just plain intuition. If you feel the need to cry, please do so. It is a definite stress reliever. I know its difficult as a Mom, but you are doing a great job. Just realize that CF doesnt care what kind of Mom you are. It has no regard to that or any other aspect except what its course is! Not a very nice illness to deal with. HUGS to you! BTW when is your actual due date? Did you deliver early with Alysa?</end quote>

I am just doing what the doctor suggested, her oxygen level, her age, and the fact that is constantly "with a cold" really concerned him and to be honest he wasnt sure what was wrong with her and is ruling out the most likely of many things I guess. We find out about the asythma and hopefully the pseudomonous in about a week.

My actual due date is September 10th, the day before my husbands. I was 5 days late with Alysa and it was a hard but easy delivery with her. My water broke around 11pm then she was born at 3:48am. So my labour was short but it was painful I didnt have the nice easy contractions or labour pains that you hear about, after my water broke I went into full out transitional labour pains and the doctor at the hospital (we called first) thought that I would end up having her at home. She was also born facing the wrong way (facing my stomach, instead of my back) so that made my labour twice as long and hard, I would have had her out in about 2 hrs if she was the right way. Also, I had ALL back labour.. so I really dont know what a labour pain (front) feels like and THAT makes me nervous lol.


New member
My Nephew passed away in 2003 from complications of Cystic Fibrosis. I recently stared working for company that manufacters air systems that can remove 99.9% of air borne particles in the air this includes many viruses and bacterias. I thought of Kyle and what a difference this could have made in his life. The company is recognised by Mothers for asthmatics and I have read many testamonies as to the comfort our systems provide. I am trying to get the word out, if you would like to hear more please feel free to call me.
Tripoli Carnahan 989 878 3143.<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


New member
My Nephew passed away in 2003 from complications of Cystic Fibrosis. I recently stared working for company that manufacters air systems that can remove 99.9% of air borne particles in the air this includes many viruses and bacterias. I thought of Kyle and what a difference this could have made in his life. The company is recognised by Mothers for asthmatics and I have read many testamonies as to the comfort our systems provide. I am trying to get the word out, if you would like to hear more please feel free to call me.
Tripoli Carnahan 989 878 3143.<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


New member
My Nephew passed away in 2003 from complications of Cystic Fibrosis. I recently stared working for company that manufacters air systems that can remove 99.9% of air borne particles in the air this includes many viruses and bacterias. I thought of Kyle and what a difference this could have made in his life. The company is recognised by Mothers for asthmatics and I have read many testamonies as to the comfort our systems provide. I am trying to get the word out, if you would like to hear more please feel free to call me.
Tripoli Carnahan 989 878 3143.<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


New member
My Nephew passed away in 2003 from complications of Cystic Fibrosis. I recently stared working for company that manufacters air systems that can remove 99.9% of air borne particles in the air this includes many viruses and bacterias. I thought of Kyle and what a difference this could have made in his life. The company is recognised by Mothers for asthmatics and I have read many testamonies as to the comfort our systems provide. I am trying to get the word out, if you would like to hear more please feel free to call me.
Tripoli Carnahan 989 878 3143.<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">