at the end of my rope


New member
I just wish I could get Hayley potty trained!!! She turned 3 in February and will go pee on the potty when she feels like it, but has not interested in doing it full time, even with preschool getting ready to start!! So if anyone has any potty training tips, I am open to suggestions!!! THanks!!!


New member
I just wish I could get Hayley potty trained!!! She turned 3 in February and will go pee on the potty when she feels like it, but has not interested in doing it full time, even with preschool getting ready to start!! So if anyone has any potty training tips, I am open to suggestions!!! THanks!!!


New member
I just wish I could get Hayley potty trained!!! She turned 3 in February and will go pee on the potty when she feels like it, but has not interested in doing it full time, even with preschool getting ready to start!! So if anyone has any potty training tips, I am open to suggestions!!! THanks!!!


New member
I just wish I could get Hayley potty trained!!! She turned 3 in February and will go pee on the potty when she feels like it, but has not interested in doing it full time, even with preschool getting ready to start!! So if anyone has any potty training tips, I am open to suggestions!!! THanks!!!


New member
I just wish I could get Hayley potty trained!!! She turned 3 in February and will go pee on the potty when she feels like it, but has not interested in doing it full time, even with preschool getting ready to start!! So if anyone has any potty training tips, I am open to suggestions!!! THanks!!!


New member
I would get her sugars checked.
And rather than punish kids for accidents, in Early Intervention we teach parents to reward kids for their successes. Put up a sticker chart. After so many stickers, they get a prize. That sort of thing. It's worked with many behavioral kids. The kids who have the biggest problem are the ones with parents who make a big deal out of everything. Kids like a big negative reaction sometimes... it can be fun to have that kind of control over their parents.
A side note: Also, about the second birthday thing, some kids just aren't anatomically ready at that point. They have to be aware of what they are doing and able to control it somewhat. A lot of 2 year old boys and some girls are not physically capable of that.


New member
I would get her sugars checked.
And rather than punish kids for accidents, in Early Intervention we teach parents to reward kids for their successes. Put up a sticker chart. After so many stickers, they get a prize. That sort of thing. It's worked with many behavioral kids. The kids who have the biggest problem are the ones with parents who make a big deal out of everything. Kids like a big negative reaction sometimes... it can be fun to have that kind of control over their parents.
A side note: Also, about the second birthday thing, some kids just aren't anatomically ready at that point. They have to be aware of what they are doing and able to control it somewhat. A lot of 2 year old boys and some girls are not physically capable of that.


New member
I would get her sugars checked.
And rather than punish kids for accidents, in Early Intervention we teach parents to reward kids for their successes. Put up a sticker chart. After so many stickers, they get a prize. That sort of thing. It's worked with many behavioral kids. The kids who have the biggest problem are the ones with parents who make a big deal out of everything. Kids like a big negative reaction sometimes... it can be fun to have that kind of control over their parents.
A side note: Also, about the second birthday thing, some kids just aren't anatomically ready at that point. They have to be aware of what they are doing and able to control it somewhat. A lot of 2 year old boys and some girls are not physically capable of that.


New member
I would get her sugars checked.
And rather than punish kids for accidents, in Early Intervention we teach parents to reward kids for their successes. Put up a sticker chart. After so many stickers, they get a prize. That sort of thing. It's worked with many behavioral kids. The kids who have the biggest problem are the ones with parents who make a big deal out of everything. Kids like a big negative reaction sometimes... it can be fun to have that kind of control over their parents.
A side note: Also, about the second birthday thing, some kids just aren't anatomically ready at that point. They have to be aware of what they are doing and able to control it somewhat. A lot of 2 year old boys and some girls are not physically capable of that.


New member
I would get her sugars checked.
And rather than punish kids for accidents, in Early Intervention we teach parents to reward kids for their successes. Put up a sticker chart. After so many stickers, they get a prize. That sort of thing. It's worked with many behavioral kids. The kids who have the biggest problem are the ones with parents who make a big deal out of everything. Kids like a big negative reaction sometimes... it can be fun to have that kind of control over their parents.
A side note: Also, about the second birthday thing, some kids just aren't anatomically ready at that point. They have to be aware of what they are doing and able to control it somewhat. A lot of 2 year old boys and some girls are not physically capable of that.


New member
All I can say is I sympathise (SP?) with you. But Austin was 3 and a half before he was potty trained. Their goal was that he would be potty trained before Christmas. And Christmas was getting close. He was allowed to go to school with a pull up. He had a lot of issues with his poop prior to that.

So one day at school his teacher told him he should try and go to the potty like the rest of the kids. He freaked out and told him " No, Mommy says I'm her baby" Well that kinda did it for me. So I knew everyday he came home from school he would poop. So when I got him off of his bus I took him inside and sat him on the potty. He kept screaming and crying no I'm the baby. I kept telling him he was my big boy. And big boys don't go in their pants. I tried his potty chair ~that didn't work I went into the other bathroom with him to try that one out. The whole time he is just sobbing hysterical. I was determined though. LOL

All of a sudden he went and his eyes lit up and since then he has been really good.

My problem though is he pees so much at night that he still wears Night pants. (Older kids pull-ups) I have asked the doctor about that and they just say some kids are like that. But some nights he pees right through those.

Yes he does drink more than i do during the day but i always try to keep him hydrated. And I even make him go to the bathroom before bed. So someday hopefully he will outgrow it.


New member
All I can say is I sympathise (SP?) with you. But Austin was 3 and a half before he was potty trained. Their goal was that he would be potty trained before Christmas. And Christmas was getting close. He was allowed to go to school with a pull up. He had a lot of issues with his poop prior to that.

So one day at school his teacher told him he should try and go to the potty like the rest of the kids. He freaked out and told him " No, Mommy says I'm her baby" Well that kinda did it for me. So I knew everyday he came home from school he would poop. So when I got him off of his bus I took him inside and sat him on the potty. He kept screaming and crying no I'm the baby. I kept telling him he was my big boy. And big boys don't go in their pants. I tried his potty chair ~that didn't work I went into the other bathroom with him to try that one out. The whole time he is just sobbing hysterical. I was determined though. LOL

All of a sudden he went and his eyes lit up and since then he has been really good.

My problem though is he pees so much at night that he still wears Night pants. (Older kids pull-ups) I have asked the doctor about that and they just say some kids are like that. But some nights he pees right through those.

Yes he does drink more than i do during the day but i always try to keep him hydrated. And I even make him go to the bathroom before bed. So someday hopefully he will outgrow it.


New member
All I can say is I sympathise (SP?) with you. But Austin was 3 and a half before he was potty trained. Their goal was that he would be potty trained before Christmas. And Christmas was getting close. He was allowed to go to school with a pull up. He had a lot of issues with his poop prior to that.

So one day at school his teacher told him he should try and go to the potty like the rest of the kids. He freaked out and told him " No, Mommy says I'm her baby" Well that kinda did it for me. So I knew everyday he came home from school he would poop. So when I got him off of his bus I took him inside and sat him on the potty. He kept screaming and crying no I'm the baby. I kept telling him he was my big boy. And big boys don't go in their pants. I tried his potty chair ~that didn't work I went into the other bathroom with him to try that one out. The whole time he is just sobbing hysterical. I was determined though. LOL

All of a sudden he went and his eyes lit up and since then he has been really good.

My problem though is he pees so much at night that he still wears Night pants. (Older kids pull-ups) I have asked the doctor about that and they just say some kids are like that. But some nights he pees right through those.

Yes he does drink more than i do during the day but i always try to keep him hydrated. And I even make him go to the bathroom before bed. So someday hopefully he will outgrow it.


New member
All I can say is I sympathise (SP?) with you. But Austin was 3 and a half before he was potty trained. Their goal was that he would be potty trained before Christmas. And Christmas was getting close. He was allowed to go to school with a pull up. He had a lot of issues with his poop prior to that.

So one day at school his teacher told him he should try and go to the potty like the rest of the kids. He freaked out and told him " No, Mommy says I'm her baby" Well that kinda did it for me. So I knew everyday he came home from school he would poop. So when I got him off of his bus I took him inside and sat him on the potty. He kept screaming and crying no I'm the baby. I kept telling him he was my big boy. And big boys don't go in their pants. I tried his potty chair ~that didn't work I went into the other bathroom with him to try that one out. The whole time he is just sobbing hysterical. I was determined though. LOL

All of a sudden he went and his eyes lit up and since then he has been really good.

My problem though is he pees so much at night that he still wears Night pants. (Older kids pull-ups) I have asked the doctor about that and they just say some kids are like that. But some nights he pees right through those.

Yes he does drink more than i do during the day but i always try to keep him hydrated. And I even make him go to the bathroom before bed. So someday hopefully he will outgrow it.


New member
All I can say is I sympathise (SP?) with you. But Austin was 3 and a half before he was potty trained. Their goal was that he would be potty trained before Christmas. And Christmas was getting close. He was allowed to go to school with a pull up. He had a lot of issues with his poop prior to that.

So one day at school his teacher told him he should try and go to the potty like the rest of the kids. He freaked out and told him " No, Mommy says I'm her baby" Well that kinda did it for me. So I knew everyday he came home from school he would poop. So when I got him off of his bus I took him inside and sat him on the potty. He kept screaming and crying no I'm the baby. I kept telling him he was my big boy. And big boys don't go in their pants. I tried his potty chair ~that didn't work I went into the other bathroom with him to try that one out. The whole time he is just sobbing hysterical. I was determined though. LOL

All of a sudden he went and his eyes lit up and since then he has been really good.

My problem though is he pees so much at night that he still wears Night pants. (Older kids pull-ups) I have asked the doctor about that and they just say some kids are like that. But some nights he pees right through those.

Yes he does drink more than i do during the day but i always try to keep him hydrated. And I even make him go to the bathroom before bed. So someday hopefully he will outgrow it.


New member
I peed my bed for years after I was potty-trained. I would constantly dream I had gotten up, gone to the bathroom, and sat on the toilet. I'd start to pee, and then wake up, pissed off. Heh.


New member
I peed my bed for years after I was potty-trained. I would constantly dream I had gotten up, gone to the bathroom, and sat on the toilet. I'd start to pee, and then wake up, pissed off. Heh.


New member
I peed my bed for years after I was potty-trained. I would constantly dream I had gotten up, gone to the bathroom, and sat on the toilet. I'd start to pee, and then wake up, pissed off. Heh.


New member
I peed my bed for years after I was potty-trained. I would constantly dream I had gotten up, gone to the bathroom, and sat on the toilet. I'd start to pee, and then wake up, pissed off. Heh.


New member
I peed my bed for years after I was potty-trained. I would constantly dream I had gotten up, gone to the bathroom, and sat on the toilet. I'd start to pee, and then wake up, pissed off. Heh.