New member
Thanks for all of your encouragement! This site and all of you are such an incredible blessing.
I have read your blogs prior to posting. I allow other to influence my thinking way to often. I have thought since my dd was young that there was something that was not right about her frequent infections but since none of the docs said anything I thought it was normal.
I would love to be wrong about this, but I also am prepared to be right. Lung function is way too important to be screwing around with.
Regardless of what we find, I am committed to educating others about the variety of symptoms that CF can take on. I know that until recently I have been fairly ignorant of this.
Thanks again for all of the input,
I have read your blogs prior to posting. I allow other to influence my thinking way to often. I have thought since my dd was young that there was something that was not right about her frequent infections but since none of the docs said anything I thought it was normal.
I would love to be wrong about this, but I also am prepared to be right. Lung function is way too important to be screwing around with.
Regardless of what we find, I am committed to educating others about the variety of symptoms that CF can take on. I know that until recently I have been fairly ignorant of this.
Thanks again for all of the input,