Thanks, everyone.
The eap site says you have to be listed for transplant or within transplant standards, doesn't it? Am I reading it wrong.
With my recent severe decline in FEV1 (even after IV abx), I am below 50 for sure. I'm also pan resistant to abx AND even with syngery do not get relief from combos that should work.
I also think they're wanting to try to get me on it since nothing else has worked at all (IV abx worked for a week and then I plummeted back to below 50%) and I'm sicker, on O2 more, no energy, etc. I think they want to do this for me cause if this doesn't help, they'll treat the MAC, which is 18-24 month treatment.
So, I guess in my case, I am kinda out of options and getting sicker quite quickly, but the way they talk on the EAP site is that you have to meet criteria for transplant to get it. Hmmm....
Thanks, everyone!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">