aztreonam expanded access


New member

So, I was just informed today that my doc wants me on something aerosole every month as an antibiotic. Since I can't tolerate TOBI and my lung function has been a lot lower, they want to put me on the expanded access for aztreonam.

Just curious how many others are on this? The nurse said they can do it since they did the studies with azli. So, I guess its good I'm seen at a research center, eh? LOL.

Anyway, I have to go in on monday to fill out paperwork for it. After that, I'm curious how quickly I will get the drug and if its automatic or whether you have to qualify and it takes a while to look over paperwork, etc.?

I like the idea of being on an antibiotic all the time instead of just colistyn every other month. I think it will help me since every other month I don't feel I'm as protected.

Just curious everyone else's experience with the expanded access program and how you get "in" and also how the azli is done (i.e. e-flow, PARI nebs, do you mix it yourself, etc.?)

Thank you!


New member

So, I was just informed today that my doc wants me on something aerosole every month as an antibiotic. Since I can't tolerate TOBI and my lung function has been a lot lower, they want to put me on the expanded access for aztreonam.

Just curious how many others are on this? The nurse said they can do it since they did the studies with azli. So, I guess its good I'm seen at a research center, eh? LOL.

Anyway, I have to go in on monday to fill out paperwork for it. After that, I'm curious how quickly I will get the drug and if its automatic or whether you have to qualify and it takes a while to look over paperwork, etc.?

I like the idea of being on an antibiotic all the time instead of just colistyn every other month. I think it will help me since every other month I don't feel I'm as protected.

Just curious everyone else's experience with the expanded access program and how you get "in" and also how the azli is done (i.e. e-flow, PARI nebs, do you mix it yourself, etc.?)

Thank you!


New member

So, I was just informed today that my doc wants me on something aerosole every month as an antibiotic. Since I can't tolerate TOBI and my lung function has been a lot lower, they want to put me on the expanded access for aztreonam.

Just curious how many others are on this? The nurse said they can do it since they did the studies with azli. So, I guess its good I'm seen at a research center, eh? LOL.

Anyway, I have to go in on monday to fill out paperwork for it. After that, I'm curious how quickly I will get the drug and if its automatic or whether you have to qualify and it takes a while to look over paperwork, etc.?

I like the idea of being on an antibiotic all the time instead of just colistyn every other month. I think it will help me since every other month I don't feel I'm as protected.

Just curious everyone else's experience with the expanded access program and how you get "in" and also how the azli is done (i.e. e-flow, PARI nebs, do you mix it yourself, etc.?)

Thank you!


New member

So, I was just informed today that my doc wants me on something aerosole every month as an antibiotic. Since I can't tolerate TOBI and my lung function has been a lot lower, they want to put me on the expanded access for aztreonam.

Just curious how many others are on this? The nurse said they can do it since they did the studies with azli. So, I guess its good I'm seen at a research center, eh? LOL.

Anyway, I have to go in on monday to fill out paperwork for it. After that, I'm curious how quickly I will get the drug and if its automatic or whether you have to qualify and it takes a while to look over paperwork, etc.?

I like the idea of being on an antibiotic all the time instead of just colistyn every other month. I think it will help me since every other month I don't feel I'm as protected.

Just curious everyone else's experience with the expanded access program and how you get "in" and also how the azli is done (i.e. e-flow, PARI nebs, do you mix it yourself, etc.?)

Thank you!


New member
<br />
<br />So, I was just informed today that my doc wants me on something aerosole every month as an antibiotic. Since I can't tolerate TOBI and my lung function has been a lot lower, they want to put me on the expanded access for aztreonam.
<br />
<br />Just curious how many others are on this? The nurse said they can do it since they did the studies with azli. So, I guess its good I'm seen at a research center, eh? LOL.
<br />
<br />Anyway, I have to go in on monday to fill out paperwork for it. After that, I'm curious how quickly I will get the drug and if its automatic or whether you have to qualify and it takes a while to look over paperwork, etc.?
<br />
<br />I like the idea of being on an antibiotic all the time instead of just colistyn every other month. I think it will help me since every other month I don't feel I'm as protected.
<br />
<br />Just curious everyone else's experience with the expanded access program and how you get "in" and also how the azli is done (i.e. e-flow, PARI nebs, do you mix it yourself, etc.?)
<br />
<br />Thank you!


New member
I think Amy (Saveferris) would be the best person to contact on this. You might PM her. She seems to be very well educated in the workings of the pharmaceutical industry.

I hope the Aztreonam works well for you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I think Amy (Saveferris) would be the best person to contact on this. You might PM her. She seems to be very well educated in the workings of the pharmaceutical industry.

I hope the Aztreonam works well for you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I think Amy (Saveferris) would be the best person to contact on this. You might PM her. She seems to be very well educated in the workings of the pharmaceutical industry.

I hope the Aztreonam works well for you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I think Amy (Saveferris) would be the best person to contact on this. You might PM her. She seems to be very well educated in the workings of the pharmaceutical industry.

I hope the Aztreonam works well for you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I think Amy (Saveferris) would be the best person to contact on this. You might PM her. She seems to be very well educated in the workings of the pharmaceutical industry.
<br />
<br />I hope the Aztreonam works well for you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I am not on the aztreonam expanded access, but I was on the aztreonam during phase 2 testing, and my PA quit showing up in cultures for about a year or so. When it came back I was TTC and then got pregnant and am now on a different drug study, so that is why I am not currently on it. I really hope that it works for you. Lots of luck!

Oh yeah, I can't tolerate TOBI either.


New member
I am not on the aztreonam expanded access, but I was on the aztreonam during phase 2 testing, and my PA quit showing up in cultures for about a year or so. When it came back I was TTC and then got pregnant and am now on a different drug study, so that is why I am not currently on it. I really hope that it works for you. Lots of luck!

Oh yeah, I can't tolerate TOBI either.


New member
I am not on the aztreonam expanded access, but I was on the aztreonam during phase 2 testing, and my PA quit showing up in cultures for about a year or so. When it came back I was TTC and then got pregnant and am now on a different drug study, so that is why I am not currently on it. I really hope that it works for you. Lots of luck!

Oh yeah, I can't tolerate TOBI either.


New member
I am not on the aztreonam expanded access, but I was on the aztreonam during phase 2 testing, and my PA quit showing up in cultures for about a year or so. When it came back I was TTC and then got pregnant and am now on a different drug study, so that is why I am not currently on it. I really hope that it works for you. Lots of luck!

Oh yeah, I can't tolerate TOBI either.


New member
I am not on the aztreonam expanded access, but I was on the aztreonam during phase 2 testing, and my PA quit showing up in cultures for about a year or so. When it came back I was TTC and then got pregnant and am now on a different drug study, so that is why I am not currently on it. I really hope that it works for you. Lots of luck!
<br />
<br />Oh yeah, I can't tolerate TOBI either.


New member
Im confused on the "expanded" study... does that just mean what it says, that they are accepting new patients to try it?

What is difference between azli and astreonom? I think all this time I have thought they were the same thing. :/

I know that I was resistant to TOBI/Tobra for a while and my doc wanted to put me on the "new aerosoled" one with the eFlow, three times a day. I thought it was azli... which I thought was inhaled cipro, (am I on the right track at all haha)


New member
Im confused on the "expanded" study... does that just mean what it says, that they are accepting new patients to try it?

What is difference between azli and astreonom? I think all this time I have thought they were the same thing. :/

I know that I was resistant to TOBI/Tobra for a while and my doc wanted to put me on the "new aerosoled" one with the eFlow, three times a day. I thought it was azli... which I thought was inhaled cipro, (am I on the right track at all haha)


New member
Im confused on the "expanded" study... does that just mean what it says, that they are accepting new patients to try it?

What is difference between azli and astreonom? I think all this time I have thought they were the same thing. :/

I know that I was resistant to TOBI/Tobra for a while and my doc wanted to put me on the "new aerosoled" one with the eFlow, three times a day. I thought it was azli... which I thought was inhaled cipro, (am I on the right track at all haha)


New member
Im confused on the "expanded" study... does that just mean what it says, that they are accepting new patients to try it?

What is difference between azli and astreonom? I think all this time I have thought they were the same thing. :/

I know that I was resistant to TOBI/Tobra for a while and my doc wanted to put me on the "new aerosoled" one with the eFlow, three times a day. I thought it was azli... which I thought was inhaled cipro, (am I on the right track at all haha)


New member
Im confused on the "expanded" study... does that just mean what it says, that they are accepting new patients to try it?
<br />
<br />What is difference between azli and astreonom? I think all this time I have thought they were the same thing. :/
<br />
<br />I know that I was resistant to TOBI/Tobra for a while and my doc wanted to put me on the "new aerosoled" one with the eFlow, three times a day. I thought it was azli... which I thought was inhaled cipro, (am I on the right track at all haha)