Baby #1



Both my babies were vaginal deliveries after spontaneous labor. My son was born at 38wks 1day and was 6lb 7oz, 19in (one day before a scheduled induction). My daughter was born at 39wks 3days and was 6lb 5oz, 19in (talked my OB out of an induction). I was interested to compare my growth rate after reading LouLou's post and looked up my daughter's size at that gesation. She was estimated to be 2lb 0oz at 26.6wks according to a sono report.

Congratulations and good luck with the rest of the pregnancy and delivery!


Both my babies were vaginal deliveries after spontaneous labor. My son was born at 38wks 1day and was 6lb 7oz, 19in (one day before a scheduled induction). My daughter was born at 39wks 3days and was 6lb 5oz, 19in (talked my OB out of an induction). I was interested to compare my growth rate after reading LouLou's post and looked up my daughter's size at that gesation. She was estimated to be 2lb 0oz at 26.6wks according to a sono report.

Congratulations and good luck with the rest of the pregnancy and delivery!


Both my babies were vaginal deliveries after spontaneous labor. My son was born at 38wks 1day and was 6lb 7oz, 19in (one day before a scheduled induction). My daughter was born at 39wks 3days and was 6lb 5oz, 19in (talked my OB out of an induction). I was interested to compare my growth rate after reading LouLou's post and looked up my daughter's size at that gesation. She was estimated to be 2lb 0oz at 26.6wks according to a sono report.

Congratulations and good luck with the rest of the pregnancy and delivery!


Both my babies were vaginal deliveries after spontaneous labor. My son was born at 38wks 1day and was 6lb 7oz, 19in (one day before a scheduled induction). My daughter was born at 39wks 3days and was 6lb 5oz, 19in (talked my OB out of an induction). I was interested to compare my growth rate after reading LouLou's post and looked up my daughter's size at that gesation. She was estimated to be 2lb 0oz at 26.6wks according to a sono report.

Congratulations and good luck with the rest of the pregnancy and delivery!


Both my babies were vaginal deliveries after spontaneous labor. My son was born at 38wks 1day and was 6lb 7oz, 19in (one day before a scheduled induction). My daughter was born at 39wks 3days and was 6lb 5oz, 19in (talked my OB out of an induction). I was interested to compare my growth rate after reading LouLou's post and looked up my daughter's size at that gesation. She was estimated to be 2lb 0oz at 26.6wks according to a sono report.

Congratulations and good luck with the rest of the pregnancy and delivery!