I sent my son to school today and I feel so guilty.
Sam broke out from a rash that started small on his stomach, but I saw signs of it appearing on his face neck and arms, The nurse said to give him benedryl and he would be fine.
Sam came home from school with a head ache yesterday, and I learned he spent an hour in the sun for an earthquake drill, the sun and bactrim do not mix well.
Parenting children with chronic illness is challenging on days like today when I wanted to let him stay home from school, BUT sam has missed so many days already.
What do other parents do when their children have allergic reactions?
Sam broke out from a rash that started small on his stomach, but I saw signs of it appearing on his face neck and arms, The nurse said to give him benedryl and he would be fine.
Sam came home from school with a head ache yesterday, and I learned he spent an hour in the sun for an earthquake drill, the sun and bactrim do not mix well.
Parenting children with chronic illness is challenging on days like today when I wanted to let him stay home from school, BUT sam has missed so many days already.
What do other parents do when their children have allergic reactions?