Breathing Treatments?



We started when my daughter got her first cold with cough at about 6 months old. We started doing albuterol before CPT and the nebs were so hard for her, we switched to an inhaler with aerochamber. That worked great -- we still use it, but started nebs at two when we requested to begin pulmozyme. My daughter cultures staph, and has since she was about a year old.


We started when my daughter got her first cold with cough at about 6 months old. We started doing albuterol before CPT and the nebs were so hard for her, we switched to an inhaler with aerochamber. That worked great -- we still use it, but started nebs at two when we requested to begin pulmozyme. My daughter cultures staph, and has since she was about a year old.


We started when my daughter got her first cold with cough at about 6 months old. We started doing albuterol before CPT and the nebs were so hard for her, we switched to an inhaler with aerochamber. That worked great -- we still use it, but started nebs at two when we requested to begin pulmozyme. My daughter cultures staph, and has since she was about a year old.


We started when my daughter got her first cold with cough at about 6 months old. We started doing albuterol before CPT and the nebs were so hard for her, we switched to an inhaler with aerochamber. That worked great -- we still use it, but started nebs at two when we requested to begin pulmozyme. My daughter cultures staph, and has since she was about a year old.


We started when my daughter got her first cold with cough at about 6 months old. We started doing albuterol before CPT and the nebs were so hard for her, we switched to an inhaler with aerochamber. That worked great -- we still use it, but started nebs at two when we requested to begin pulmozyme. My daughter cultures staph, and has since she was about a year old.


New member
My one and a half year old daughter has cultured staph since diagnosis at two weeks old. Staph can also be considered "normal" flora...though it can become a problem when present in those with CF. She seldom coughs...up until about 2 months ago, her only treatments consisted of CPT (preceded by albuterol inhaler) 2 - 3x daily for 20 mins, enzymes, and salt supplementation. We switched doctors as a consequence of her previous doctor's "laid back and we'll see what happens and act aggressively when we need to" attitude. Her current doctor has her on Pulmozyme once daily out of concern for "changes" in her XRAY in addition to being more in line with the "proactively aggressive" perspective of treating CF. I feel that we're doing more to prevent complications as opposed to treating them when they arise.


New member
My one and a half year old daughter has cultured staph since diagnosis at two weeks old. Staph can also be considered "normal" flora...though it can become a problem when present in those with CF. She seldom coughs...up until about 2 months ago, her only treatments consisted of CPT (preceded by albuterol inhaler) 2 - 3x daily for 20 mins, enzymes, and salt supplementation. We switched doctors as a consequence of her previous doctor's "laid back and we'll see what happens and act aggressively when we need to" attitude. Her current doctor has her on Pulmozyme once daily out of concern for "changes" in her XRAY in addition to being more in line with the "proactively aggressive" perspective of treating CF. I feel that we're doing more to prevent complications as opposed to treating them when they arise.


New member
My one and a half year old daughter has cultured staph since diagnosis at two weeks old. Staph can also be considered "normal" flora...though it can become a problem when present in those with CF. She seldom coughs...up until about 2 months ago, her only treatments consisted of CPT (preceded by albuterol inhaler) 2 - 3x daily for 20 mins, enzymes, and salt supplementation. We switched doctors as a consequence of her previous doctor's "laid back and we'll see what happens and act aggressively when we need to" attitude. Her current doctor has her on Pulmozyme once daily out of concern for "changes" in her XRAY in addition to being more in line with the "proactively aggressive" perspective of treating CF. I feel that we're doing more to prevent complications as opposed to treating them when they arise.


New member
My one and a half year old daughter has cultured staph since diagnosis at two weeks old. Staph can also be considered "normal" flora...though it can become a problem when present in those with CF. She seldom coughs...up until about 2 months ago, her only treatments consisted of CPT (preceded by albuterol inhaler) 2 - 3x daily for 20 mins, enzymes, and salt supplementation. We switched doctors as a consequence of her previous doctor's "laid back and we'll see what happens and act aggressively when we need to" attitude. Her current doctor has her on Pulmozyme once daily out of concern for "changes" in her XRAY in addition to being more in line with the "proactively aggressive" perspective of treating CF. I feel that we're doing more to prevent complications as opposed to treating them when they arise.


New member
My one and a half year old daughter has cultured staph since diagnosis at two weeks old. Staph can also be considered "normal" flora...though it can become a problem when present in those with CF. She seldom coughs...up until about 2 months ago, her only treatments consisted of CPT (preceded by albuterol inhaler) 2 - 3x daily for 20 mins, enzymes, and salt supplementation. We switched doctors as a consequence of her previous doctor's "laid back and we'll see what happens and act aggressively when we need to" attitude. Her current doctor has her on Pulmozyme once daily out of concern for "changes" in her XRAY in addition to being more in line with the "proactively aggressive" perspective of treating CF. I feel that we're doing more to prevent complications as opposed to treating them when they arise.
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New member
My son is almost 5 months...on enzymes, salt, vitamins, cpt (1x/day), zantac. He has never been sick or shown signs of cf. At our last visit, the Dr said it is controversial as to whether adding the nebulizer actually helps with clearance (when they are not sick), so we were not adding it at this time. I think too, that it is to not overwhelm the parents. I don't know about your CF center, but ours only added 1 treatment a week so we could get used to things.


New member
My son is almost 5 months...on enzymes, salt, vitamins, cpt (1x/day), zantac. He has never been sick or shown signs of cf. At our last visit, the Dr said it is controversial as to whether adding the nebulizer actually helps with clearance (when they are not sick), so we were not adding it at this time. I think too, that it is to not overwhelm the parents. I don't know about your CF center, but ours only added 1 treatment a week so we could get used to things.


New member
My son is almost 5 months...on enzymes, salt, vitamins, cpt (1x/day), zantac. He has never been sick or shown signs of cf. At our last visit, the Dr said it is controversial as to whether adding the nebulizer actually helps with clearance (when they are not sick), so we were not adding it at this time. I think too, that it is to not overwhelm the parents. I don't know about your CF center, but ours only added 1 treatment a week so we could get used to things.


New member
My son is almost 5 months...on enzymes, salt, vitamins, cpt (1x/day), zantac. He has never been sick or shown signs of cf. At our last visit, the Dr said it is controversial as to whether adding the nebulizer actually helps with clearance (when they are not sick), so we were not adding it at this time. I think too, that it is to not overwhelm the parents. I don't know about your CF center, but ours only added 1 treatment a week so we could get used to things.


New member
My son is almost 5 months...on enzymes, salt, vitamins, cpt (1x/day), zantac. He has never been sick or shown signs of cf. At our last visit, the Dr said it is controversial as to whether adding the nebulizer actually helps with clearance (when they are not sick), so we were not adding it at this time. I think too, that it is to not overwhelm the parents. I don't know about your CF center, but ours only added 1 treatment a week so we could get used to things.


New member
My son is almost 5 months old and is on enzymes, iron, vitamins, and just switched from zantec to prevacid and CPT 2x a day for 15 minutes. He cultured a bacteria last month and is gone now and this month cultured a staph arius (or something like that). He is being treated again with Bactrum.

We are not doing breathing treatments or salt at this time. I smooch on his neck and cheeks all the time and he never tastes salty so I guess that is good, right? He is the happiest little guy and you would never know he had CF as he shows no signs. He only had a little cough and that is why our pulmnologist decided to do a throat culture these last two months.

We do not go to a CF Clinic, rather a pediatric pulmonologist who is awesome. I just want to make sure we are proactive with our treatments to keep him healthy. Jack was born almost a month early and spent 26 days in the NICU - but never any real problems - just trying to get him to gain weight, take bottle and get on enzymes. He is now 12lbs 9.5 ounces and looks healthy, although he is really low on the growth chart. He goes to a home daycare and has been there since he was 13 weeks old.

I have been looking for a CF support group around our area, but I haven't had any luck finding one. I live in the St. Louis, MO area - anyone know of one? Our CF Foundation office has been useless.


New member
My son is almost 5 months old and is on enzymes, iron, vitamins, and just switched from zantec to prevacid and CPT 2x a day for 15 minutes. He cultured a bacteria last month and is gone now and this month cultured a staph arius (or something like that). He is being treated again with Bactrum.

We are not doing breathing treatments or salt at this time. I smooch on his neck and cheeks all the time and he never tastes salty so I guess that is good, right? He is the happiest little guy and you would never know he had CF as he shows no signs. He only had a little cough and that is why our pulmnologist decided to do a throat culture these last two months.

We do not go to a CF Clinic, rather a pediatric pulmonologist who is awesome. I just want to make sure we are proactive with our treatments to keep him healthy. Jack was born almost a month early and spent 26 days in the NICU - but never any real problems - just trying to get him to gain weight, take bottle and get on enzymes. He is now 12lbs 9.5 ounces and looks healthy, although he is really low on the growth chart. He goes to a home daycare and has been there since he was 13 weeks old.

I have been looking for a CF support group around our area, but I haven't had any luck finding one. I live in the St. Louis, MO area - anyone know of one? Our CF Foundation office has been useless.


New member
My son is almost 5 months old and is on enzymes, iron, vitamins, and just switched from zantec to prevacid and CPT 2x a day for 15 minutes. He cultured a bacteria last month and is gone now and this month cultured a staph arius (or something like that). He is being treated again with Bactrum.

We are not doing breathing treatments or salt at this time. I smooch on his neck and cheeks all the time and he never tastes salty so I guess that is good, right? He is the happiest little guy and you would never know he had CF as he shows no signs. He only had a little cough and that is why our pulmnologist decided to do a throat culture these last two months.

We do not go to a CF Clinic, rather a pediatric pulmonologist who is awesome. I just want to make sure we are proactive with our treatments to keep him healthy. Jack was born almost a month early and spent 26 days in the NICU - but never any real problems - just trying to get him to gain weight, take bottle and get on enzymes. He is now 12lbs 9.5 ounces and looks healthy, although he is really low on the growth chart. He goes to a home daycare and has been there since he was 13 weeks old.

I have been looking for a CF support group around our area, but I haven't had any luck finding one. I live in the St. Louis, MO area - anyone know of one? Our CF Foundation office has been useless.


New member
My son is almost 5 months old and is on enzymes, iron, vitamins, and just switched from zantec to prevacid and CPT 2x a day for 15 minutes. He cultured a bacteria last month and is gone now and this month cultured a staph arius (or something like that). He is being treated again with Bactrum.

We are not doing breathing treatments or salt at this time. I smooch on his neck and cheeks all the time and he never tastes salty so I guess that is good, right? He is the happiest little guy and you would never know he had CF as he shows no signs. He only had a little cough and that is why our pulmnologist decided to do a throat culture these last two months.

We do not go to a CF Clinic, rather a pediatric pulmonologist who is awesome. I just want to make sure we are proactive with our treatments to keep him healthy. Jack was born almost a month early and spent 26 days in the NICU - but never any real problems - just trying to get him to gain weight, take bottle and get on enzymes. He is now 12lbs 9.5 ounces and looks healthy, although he is really low on the growth chart. He goes to a home daycare and has been there since he was 13 weeks old.

I have been looking for a CF support group around our area, but I haven't had any luck finding one. I live in the St. Louis, MO area - anyone know of one? Our CF Foundation office has been useless.


New member
My son is almost 5 months old and is on enzymes, iron, vitamins, and just switched from zantec to prevacid and CPT 2x a day for 15 minutes. He cultured a bacteria last month and is gone now and this month cultured a staph arius (or something like that). He is being treated again with Bactrum.
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<br />We are not doing breathing treatments or salt at this time. I smooch on his neck and cheeks all the time and he never tastes salty so I guess that is good, right? He is the happiest little guy and you would never know he had CF as he shows no signs. He only had a little cough and that is why our pulmnologist decided to do a throat culture these last two months.
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<br />We do not go to a CF Clinic, rather a pediatric pulmonologist who is awesome. I just want to make sure we are proactive with our treatments to keep him healthy. Jack was born almost a month early and spent 26 days in the NICU - but never any real problems - just trying to get him to gain weight, take bottle and get on enzymes. He is now 12lbs 9.5 ounces and looks healthy, although he is really low on the growth chart. He goes to a home daycare and has been there since he was 13 weeks old.
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<br />I have been looking for a CF support group around our area, but I haven't had any luck finding one. I live in the St. Louis, MO area - anyone know of one? Our CF Foundation office has been useless.
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