Things to try: put a cold compress where his head is to try to get him to move away; go swimming ( and swim underwater); call a chiropractor that is trained in the technique that hepls babies move (I can't remember what it is called, but a Google search might help); have the docs turn the baby for you if you must, or look into a doc that will deliver a breech - they are out there, you just have to pressure them - but my mom and grandma both delivered breech babies - au naturel, and my step-mom, an obgy,n said that older dos are trained in this, younger ones are not, so you have ot ask the older doctors.
I will think of you and the baby - but remember too, babies can flip all the way up until birth and even once labor has begun, so I wouldn't fret too much now. I bet he will turn right around for you (and be born on that wonderful due date of yours, July 13!) <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
Thinking of you and babe. Keep us posted!