Bruising & Muscle Twitching


New member
WHen I worked I had bruises constantly. I know part of it was always running into the corners of the desks throughout the office since they were in my hip area. I dont seem to get as many now, but I also take Vitamin K now. SO I am not sure if its from hitting less desks or the vitamin K.

I also have terrible twitching at times. I use to think it was my epilepsy until I had it really bad while on iv meds one time. I was sitting in bed while the med administered & doing a crossword puzzle & twitching. After he said something is when I focused more on it to find out more.

That is when I linked it to the meds.


New member
WHen I worked I had bruises constantly. I know part of it was always running into the corners of the desks throughout the office since they were in my hip area. I dont seem to get as many now, but I also take Vitamin K now. SO I am not sure if its from hitting less desks or the vitamin K.

I also have terrible twitching at times. I use to think it was my epilepsy until I had it really bad while on iv meds one time. I was sitting in bed while the med administered & doing a crossword puzzle & twitching. After he said something is when I focused more on it to find out more.

That is when I linked it to the meds.


New member
WHen I worked I had bruises constantly. I know part of it was always running into the corners of the desks throughout the office since they were in my hip area. I dont seem to get as many now, but I also take Vitamin K now. SO I am not sure if its from hitting less desks or the vitamin K.

I also have terrible twitching at times. I use to think it was my epilepsy until I had it really bad while on iv meds one time. I was sitting in bed while the med administered & doing a crossword puzzle & twitching. After he said something is when I focused more on it to find out more.

That is when I linked it to the meds.


New member
WHen I worked I had bruises constantly. I know part of it was always running into the corners of the desks throughout the office since they were in my hip area. I dont seem to get as many now, but I also take Vitamin K now. SO I am not sure if its from hitting less desks or the vitamin K.

I also have terrible twitching at times. I use to think it was my epilepsy until I had it really bad while on iv meds one time. I was sitting in bed while the med administered & doing a crossword puzzle & twitching. After he said something is when I focused more on it to find out more.

That is when I linked it to the meds.


New member
WHen I worked I had bruises constantly. I know part of it was always running into the corners of the desks throughout the office since they were in my hip area. I dont seem to get as many now, but I also take Vitamin K now. SO I am not sure if its from hitting less desks or the vitamin K.

I also have terrible twitching at times. I use to think it was my epilepsy until I had it really bad while on iv meds one time. I was sitting in bed while the med administered & doing a crossword puzzle & twitching. After he said something is when I focused more on it to find out more.

That is when I linked it to the meds.


New member
WHen I worked I had bruises constantly. I know part of it was always running into the corners of the desks throughout the office since they were in my hip area. I dont seem to get as many now, but I also take Vitamin K now. SO I am not sure if its from hitting less desks or the vitamin K.

I also have terrible twitching at times. I use to think it was my epilepsy until I had it really bad while on iv meds one time. I was sitting in bed while the med administered & doing a crossword puzzle & twitching. After he said something is when I focused more on it to find out more.

That is when I linked it to the meds.


New member
There are several possibilities for either case I think.

One for the bruising it could be an issue of you having a low platelet count. I know a friend of mine from high school had a low platelet count and one of the side effects of that was that she was constantly bruised or bruising. The bruises would stay around for quite a long time also.

Also with the bruising you may want to see if you are anemic. I know when I went through my transplant evaluation I was told I was anemic due to the severity of illness I had. They said after transplant that should correct itself - who knows how things look now as I have not asked though.

Also a possibility with the bruising is that it may be medication related. I would maybe get your meds and check online for the side effects of each med - or check the medication inserts. It is possible that the easy bruising is a caused by a medication you are taking.

As for the twitching my first thought was magnesium. I only suggest that because I had major issues with that towards the end of last year and into this year. I started taking a magnesium supplement and it did help some. Now I take magnesium twice a day because of the Tx meds and how they deplete magnesium, so I am not having that problem currently.

Also try maybe drinking more water. If you are cramping up also. Dehydration can cause alot of muscle issues.

Edited to Add: The muscle twitching may also be a circulation issue. I can not recall how your health is, but if you have been having a rough time that could be contributing to the problem. I know even with the magnesium (pre transplant) I would get alot of tingling and constant irritation in my legs almost felt like they were falling asleep.

Hope you figure out what the problem is soon. Also I would maybe call and ask the doc about your blood work because if it has been a few weeks they should know something- and it may be one of those things where they either forgot to call you OR they have shuffled your paperwork off onto someone else.

Take Care and Hope things get better.


New member
There are several possibilities for either case I think.

One for the bruising it could be an issue of you having a low platelet count. I know a friend of mine from high school had a low platelet count and one of the side effects of that was that she was constantly bruised or bruising. The bruises would stay around for quite a long time also.

Also with the bruising you may want to see if you are anemic. I know when I went through my transplant evaluation I was told I was anemic due to the severity of illness I had. They said after transplant that should correct itself - who knows how things look now as I have not asked though.

Also a possibility with the bruising is that it may be medication related. I would maybe get your meds and check online for the side effects of each med - or check the medication inserts. It is possible that the easy bruising is a caused by a medication you are taking.

As for the twitching my first thought was magnesium. I only suggest that because I had major issues with that towards the end of last year and into this year. I started taking a magnesium supplement and it did help some. Now I take magnesium twice a day because of the Tx meds and how they deplete magnesium, so I am not having that problem currently.

Also try maybe drinking more water. If you are cramping up also. Dehydration can cause alot of muscle issues.

Edited to Add: The muscle twitching may also be a circulation issue. I can not recall how your health is, but if you have been having a rough time that could be contributing to the problem. I know even with the magnesium (pre transplant) I would get alot of tingling and constant irritation in my legs almost felt like they were falling asleep.

Hope you figure out what the problem is soon. Also I would maybe call and ask the doc about your blood work because if it has been a few weeks they should know something- and it may be one of those things where they either forgot to call you OR they have shuffled your paperwork off onto someone else.

Take Care and Hope things get better.


New member
There are several possibilities for either case I think.

One for the bruising it could be an issue of you having a low platelet count. I know a friend of mine from high school had a low platelet count and one of the side effects of that was that she was constantly bruised or bruising. The bruises would stay around for quite a long time also.

Also with the bruising you may want to see if you are anemic. I know when I went through my transplant evaluation I was told I was anemic due to the severity of illness I had. They said after transplant that should correct itself - who knows how things look now as I have not asked though.

Also a possibility with the bruising is that it may be medication related. I would maybe get your meds and check online for the side effects of each med - or check the medication inserts. It is possible that the easy bruising is a caused by a medication you are taking.

As for the twitching my first thought was magnesium. I only suggest that because I had major issues with that towards the end of last year and into this year. I started taking a magnesium supplement and it did help some. Now I take magnesium twice a day because of the Tx meds and how they deplete magnesium, so I am not having that problem currently.

Also try maybe drinking more water. If you are cramping up also. Dehydration can cause alot of muscle issues.

Edited to Add: The muscle twitching may also be a circulation issue. I can not recall how your health is, but if you have been having a rough time that could be contributing to the problem. I know even with the magnesium (pre transplant) I would get alot of tingling and constant irritation in my legs almost felt like they were falling asleep.

Hope you figure out what the problem is soon. Also I would maybe call and ask the doc about your blood work because if it has been a few weeks they should know something- and it may be one of those things where they either forgot to call you OR they have shuffled your paperwork off onto someone else.

Take Care and Hope things get better.


New member
There are several possibilities for either case I think.

One for the bruising it could be an issue of you having a low platelet count. I know a friend of mine from high school had a low platelet count and one of the side effects of that was that she was constantly bruised or bruising. The bruises would stay around for quite a long time also.

Also with the bruising you may want to see if you are anemic. I know when I went through my transplant evaluation I was told I was anemic due to the severity of illness I had. They said after transplant that should correct itself - who knows how things look now as I have not asked though.

Also a possibility with the bruising is that it may be medication related. I would maybe get your meds and check online for the side effects of each med - or check the medication inserts. It is possible that the easy bruising is a caused by a medication you are taking.

As for the twitching my first thought was magnesium. I only suggest that because I had major issues with that towards the end of last year and into this year. I started taking a magnesium supplement and it did help some. Now I take magnesium twice a day because of the Tx meds and how they deplete magnesium, so I am not having that problem currently.

Also try maybe drinking more water. If you are cramping up also. Dehydration can cause alot of muscle issues.

Edited to Add: The muscle twitching may also be a circulation issue. I can not recall how your health is, but if you have been having a rough time that could be contributing to the problem. I know even with the magnesium (pre transplant) I would get alot of tingling and constant irritation in my legs almost felt like they were falling asleep.

Hope you figure out what the problem is soon. Also I would maybe call and ask the doc about your blood work because if it has been a few weeks they should know something- and it may be one of those things where they either forgot to call you OR they have shuffled your paperwork off onto someone else.

Take Care and Hope things get better.


New member
There are several possibilities for either case I think.

One for the bruising it could be an issue of you having a low platelet count. I know a friend of mine from high school had a low platelet count and one of the side effects of that was that she was constantly bruised or bruising. The bruises would stay around for quite a long time also.

Also with the bruising you may want to see if you are anemic. I know when I went through my transplant evaluation I was told I was anemic due to the severity of illness I had. They said after transplant that should correct itself - who knows how things look now as I have not asked though.

Also a possibility with the bruising is that it may be medication related. I would maybe get your meds and check online for the side effects of each med - or check the medication inserts. It is possible that the easy bruising is a caused by a medication you are taking.

As for the twitching my first thought was magnesium. I only suggest that because I had major issues with that towards the end of last year and into this year. I started taking a magnesium supplement and it did help some. Now I take magnesium twice a day because of the Tx meds and how they deplete magnesium, so I am not having that problem currently.

Also try maybe drinking more water. If you are cramping up also. Dehydration can cause alot of muscle issues.

Edited to Add: The muscle twitching may also be a circulation issue. I can not recall how your health is, but if you have been having a rough time that could be contributing to the problem. I know even with the magnesium (pre transplant) I would get alot of tingling and constant irritation in my legs almost felt like they were falling asleep.

Hope you figure out what the problem is soon. Also I would maybe call and ask the doc about your blood work because if it has been a few weeks they should know something- and it may be one of those things where they either forgot to call you OR they have shuffled your paperwork off onto someone else.

Take Care and Hope things get better.


New member
There are several possibilities for either case I think.

One for the bruising it could be an issue of you having a low platelet count. I know a friend of mine from high school had a low platelet count and one of the side effects of that was that she was constantly bruised or bruising. The bruises would stay around for quite a long time also.

Also with the bruising you may want to see if you are anemic. I know when I went through my transplant evaluation I was told I was anemic due to the severity of illness I had. They said after transplant that should correct itself - who knows how things look now as I have not asked though.

Also a possibility with the bruising is that it may be medication related. I would maybe get your meds and check online for the side effects of each med - or check the medication inserts. It is possible that the easy bruising is a caused by a medication you are taking.

As for the twitching my first thought was magnesium. I only suggest that because I had major issues with that towards the end of last year and into this year. I started taking a magnesium supplement and it did help some. Now I take magnesium twice a day because of the Tx meds and how they deplete magnesium, so I am not having that problem currently.

Also try maybe drinking more water. If you are cramping up also. Dehydration can cause alot of muscle issues.

Edited to Add: The muscle twitching may also be a circulation issue. I can not recall how your health is, but if you have been having a rough time that could be contributing to the problem. I know even with the magnesium (pre transplant) I would get alot of tingling and constant irritation in my legs almost felt like they were falling asleep.

Hope you figure out what the problem is soon. Also I would maybe call and ask the doc about your blood work because if it has been a few weeks they should know something- and it may be one of those things where they either forgot to call you OR they have shuffled your paperwork off onto someone else.

Take Care and Hope things get better.


New member
I bruise easily but not severely as you have mentoined. Do you do IV's alot because I dont know but perhaps the heparin flush is contributing?

Additinoally it is worth mentioning the twitches to your doc to be evaluated for restless leg syndrome. Or I also get very twitchy feeling legs if I havent been very active so you may try going for a walk or something during the day if you health allows.


New member
I bruise easily but not severely as you have mentoined. Do you do IV's alot because I dont know but perhaps the heparin flush is contributing?

Additinoally it is worth mentioning the twitches to your doc to be evaluated for restless leg syndrome. Or I also get very twitchy feeling legs if I havent been very active so you may try going for a walk or something during the day if you health allows.


New member
I bruise easily but not severely as you have mentoined. Do you do IV's alot because I dont know but perhaps the heparin flush is contributing?

Additinoally it is worth mentioning the twitches to your doc to be evaluated for restless leg syndrome. Or I also get very twitchy feeling legs if I havent been very active so you may try going for a walk or something during the day if you health allows.


New member
I bruise easily but not severely as you have mentoined. Do you do IV's alot because I dont know but perhaps the heparin flush is contributing?

Additinoally it is worth mentioning the twitches to your doc to be evaluated for restless leg syndrome. Or I also get very twitchy feeling legs if I havent been very active so you may try going for a walk or something during the day if you health allows.


New member
I bruise easily but not severely as you have mentoined. Do you do IV's alot because I dont know but perhaps the heparin flush is contributing?

Additinoally it is worth mentioning the twitches to your doc to be evaluated for restless leg syndrome. Or I also get very twitchy feeling legs if I havent been very active so you may try going for a walk or something during the day if you health allows.


New member
I bruise easily but not severely as you have mentoined. Do you do IV's alot because I dont know but perhaps the heparin flush is contributing?

Additinoally it is worth mentioning the twitches to your doc to be evaluated for restless leg syndrome. Or I also get very twitchy feeling legs if I havent been very active so you may try going for a walk or something during the day if you health allows.


New member
I can't help you with the brusing thing, but as for twitching. I do sometimes, but not as much as I used to.
This is going to sound totally off the wall, but someone mentioned that I get my thyroid levels checked years ago when I complained of frequent twitching.
Of course the doctor said he thought there was no coorelation at all, but said it couldn't hurt to check my thyroid levels. They were off & I've been on synthroid since. It could have been a huge coincidence, but I thought I'd throw my 2cents in.


New member
I can't help you with the brusing thing, but as for twitching. I do sometimes, but not as much as I used to.
This is going to sound totally off the wall, but someone mentioned that I get my thyroid levels checked years ago when I complained of frequent twitching.
Of course the doctor said he thought there was no coorelation at all, but said it couldn't hurt to check my thyroid levels. They were off & I've been on synthroid since. It could have been a huge coincidence, but I thought I'd throw my 2cents in.