Can I vent?? Don't read if you are easily offended


New member
a little more...

maybe we need to focus more money on education spending than on anything else in this country, because with knowledge comes power. i have traveled the world and seen kids that are smarter at age 12 than kids that are graduating from high school here in the u.s. it's sad when you see young people asked about current events and they have absolutely no clue to what the answer is, then they laugh like it is funny that they are so ignorant. i get sad when i see that, somewhat ashamed.


New member
<i>Your post was controversal, saying that Katrina was mother natures way of cleaning up the unproductive people in the world is a very harsh statement to make.</i> I have not changed my views, I still feel the same way as I posted on that site. I later explained what I meant when I said unproductive (i.e. those who stayed to loot, rape, those who are on welfare not because they CAN'T work due to medical/mental reasons, but CHOOSE not to work because drugs and crime are more important to them) in hopes that might clear the air a bit. My husband is one of those people on Social security, hasn't worked in 4 years, blah blah blah. It is known on that site and on this site as well. So anybody who would just assume that made an A## of themselves. At the bottom of my post I clearly stated, I am sure this will be offensive, I am sorry if it offends anyone but it is the way I feel. I don't owe anybody more of an explanation than that.

I realize people don't agree with what I had to say, thats fine, believe what you believe and express what you feel happened regarding the situation. Don't turn on me because I have the guts to state how I truely feel, not too many people I know can do that. Too many people are too scared in this world anymore, and it's because of people like those on that CF2 chat site.

<i>forgive me for being presumptious but I believe that the unproductive people that you were talking about were the looters and others that were causing trouble there</i> Those were the unproductive types of people I was referring to you are correct in your assumption, I cleared that up a few posts later when someone stated something about having CF, not being able to work.... are they unproductive. I clairified what I posted and apologized for not making that portion clearer.

<i>I am just saying, I don't know how you could expect people not to get upset when you make a statement like that. CF2chat is different site then this, the people are all very close, many of us have met each other in person several times and we are protective of each other. </i> I expected people to disagree and share their beliefs, I did not expect to be personally attacked (and harassed by freaks like Mike). Many people from THIS site have met in person, many people on this site are doing very good things about CF and CF awareness, so what. Just because you are protective of someone, doesn't mean you tear apart someone else for a different belief. It's like a cult over there, it's absolutely pathetic. One brain thinking and speaking for about 23 people. Only a few of us on there seem to have views that differ in the slightest, and heaven forbid we mention them.... we might get harassing emails.

<i>You have to admit, you can come across harsh at times and I am not asking you to change but I am saying that comming across harsh is going to cause people to react to you the way they did</i> I realize I come across harsh sometimes, and many time it is necessary or deserved (or so I feel). Many times I am very helpful, compassionate, insightful, willing to give others hours of my time to explain how food can be used as a medical deduction in taxes, to explain how I won my husbands SSDI case and provide people with documents of what worked for me, to answer questions about male infertility relating to CF, to tell someone how to qualify for food stamps, share my court appeals with them so they can present it to their county office. I have had over 268 email contacts in the last 6 months regarding the above things, I have spent over 7 hours on the phone with people or on behalf of people trying to assit them (quite a few long distance calls), I have put over 71 hours into those phone calls, emails and my website (I keep track for volunteer hours for the military).

Do you think I do it for me, absolutely not. Do you think I get anything out of it? Only the feeling of assisting others and helping them around where I "fell down" so they don't make the same mistakes. People on that CF2 chat site have been beneficiaries of my assistance, about 16 of them actually (for various things SSI/SSDI, Taxes, CF website/infertility, food stamps, medicaid for their SON) and you know what... NOT one of them ever thanked me for my assistance. Vice the assistance I provide on this site where people are constantaly thanking me for my time, my efforts, keeping me informed if what I recommended/sent to them helped in any way. I am not meaning to toot my own horn, although it probably seems like it. My point is that, that website is filled with a bunch of one-track minded, very ungrateful people if you don't "belong to their clan".

<i>Also, on this site you have established yourself as a loving wife and someone who is very helpful, on CF2chat you are new and people don't know you as well and your post was harsh. If you don't want people to respond to you harshly don't make harsh posts. </i> I am not that new on CF2 chat. I have tried to establish myself on there the same way I have established myself on here. People should know me as well, they come to me for help all of the time. They don't give "new" people a chance. Now I must say, some people are very welcoming, nice, friendly, want to chat and make you feel welcome. But a majority of the people just have their group of friends and they stick to them. Why would anybody have to make up a rule, "don't ignore people in chat, it makes them fell unwelcome". That is something you tell a 4 year old, not a grown man/woman. That rule was made because people WERE BEING IGNORED. It's like highschool over there-no thank you. I have enough of my own drama.
And I realize my post was harsh but not directed to anybody in particular, I was just stating my belief regarding the situation. There were some people who said they disagreed with my stance, stated their opinion and left it at that. There were others who stated they disagreed with me, but that I was entitled to my own opinion, and then there were those who decided to bash me. They went far beyond responding harshly, I didn't attack or bash anyone on that site in my statement. But they sure turned on me.

Its fine that you don't want to leave your name, hopefully that liberty on this site will change soon. I wouldn't bash you if you did, thats not what this post is about. I don't agree with a lot of what you said, but hey-whatever. I have a feeling I already know who you are anyways.


sheeple mentality <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
A lot of people are very nice there at CF2Chat, but an equal amount of them... 'Baaaaah'
I figure arguing with them is like trying to take a brick wall apart with your forehead.
The wall doesn't move but your head sure hurts like heck.
After a while you learn to ignore them.
Though I am sorry Julie that you had to put up with that. It definitely wasn't like the arguments on here, that was a downright nasty personal attack on you.


New member
I'm part of the other chat too(cf chat). I've read on this forum for awhile but just never posted or joined before. 2 good friends post here regularly and one told me me about this topic. When I first read your post on the other site.. I was a lil taken back what you said but I reread it and saw what you were meaning. Then I saw all h@#$ break lose over there. I missed the ending of the posts when one of the mgrs decided to deleat everything.
OK as Candice states that site is so full of Sheeple its stinks. I have had words with Mike(WE call him kerry too for the way he will flip flop on issues to make himself look better) for a long time. Yes he is a freak as you call him. I guess now you are #1 on the sheeples sh$% list taking over my spot. I crossed words with one of mike's deciples last year and all he#$ broke lose against me too. Its to a point I don't go to chat in there or post much at all. I have met several great friends in there that I talk to on the messengers and they know how it is in there. They agree they are sheeple and if you disagree with one.. they do like to swarm.. well i meant flock together.
Its funny to me to watch when someone(you julie this time) gets under their wool(skin) to see how stupid they look ganging up on someone. I know its not funny to you.. but I think you get my point. Actually its pretty sad on their part.
Then BIG BRAVE mike starts harrassing you thru emails... that takes balls(his word) .. big person to do that.
From what I've read on this site... I see others making newbies, rookies feel welcome. over there.. you need to be a sheeple and join their flock to feel welcome.. or you are an outcast. So many over there quit going to chat for that reason. Its to a point I don't care who over there sees what I type. The ones that matter to me knows my feeling towards them.
I misspoke, there are more then a few good people over there in cf chat. Amanda has done a great job with that chat and she tries to correct the probs. Shes at wits end at some of the things that goes on and how some of them decide to outcast others.
Julie , you are not alone on your feelings about the freaks over there. REAL FREAKS. I say REAL FREAKS only cuz sometime i call friends of mine freaks in a joking manner. Such as CF = Cool Freaks.
ok my rant is over ... for now
take care all,
Barry.. 44 yo/ from Ohio 9 1/2 years post transplant(UPMC)


New member

how well you said it. what some people do not understand is, on the cf2chat there are many kids, cf2chat is for all ages, this is why it was sent in a private emial. not because this person is a freak, but because this person did not want the children to have to see it.
like the person who just posted saying how close many of us are, how we have met in person, is so very true. and if you are not happy or you feel unwelcomed then why even bother being a part of it?


New member
Barry, I really enjoyed your post, gave me a few chuckles over the issue. You are right, there are a few good people from there but for a majority of the time, it's like I (and I am sure it happened to others as well) am used and abused then thrown out. It's no way to treat people.

To the person at 3:19 who asked if I/we ever get tired of arguing... if this seems like arguing to you, then you my friend have a warped sense of the word. We are having a discussion, and so far, no bashing has occured, although rare on this site.

And to the last anonymous person, I understand what you are saying, but my post had NOTHING to do with offending any children. Furthermore, it is the parents responsibity, not mine or anyone elses, to monitor where their children go. There is a chance for a controversial subject to come up on a CF website, I did not use profanity, I was not sexually or otherwise explicit. There is no need for me to curb my thoughts (inappropritate language, sexual content.. yes) on a matter about the huricane. I will not be a part of the mediocre that occurs on that site. I have much more intellectual, insightful, meaningful, fun conversations with anyone on this site than I do on CF2 chat. Shame on them for making people (because it's clearly more than just me) feel the way they do!


New member
I like the brick wall scenario Candice, you have some really good, and funny things to say as well. All I can say is I am relieved that someone, anyone else understands. For a while I felt like I had commited a crime or something, but it's nice to know that others have been there.


New member

How do you expect people who are poor, probably scraping by to 'get out'. Warning or no warning, it's not that easy. It is easy for you however, or anyone else who has not been poor, trying to do the best they can to judge others. I'm sure you don't want your situation with CF to being judged by others. Walk in their shoes- be down and out, with children and see how you do during a natural disaster.

Julie- and as far as the systems goes, yeah there are people who scam the welfare, disablity benefits and commit crimes. You don't know these people's situations, or do you since you seem to know about everything else. We probably all have opinions on how we would like our taxes or medical insurance $ spent. For example, I don't believe insurance should pay for fertility treatments. But, I don't have a say, so fertility is paid for and people make money by scamming the system. But I also know there are people who need the help and deserve the help.

Have No Balls


New member
I was thinking the same thing about insurance companies paying for fertility treatments. Maybe that was "mother natures" way of helping to cleanse itself of CF.


New member
Actaully it is Mother Nature's way. I took a Medical Sociology course a few years back and was shocked when the professor stated most fertility problems are natures way of stopping disease. But after I gave it some thought, it made since....



New member
Hi Julie,

I am not trying to argue with you at all it seems like you are having a rough time. in response to this post.......

People on that CF2 chat site have been beneficiaries of my assistance, about 16 of them actually (for various things SSI/SSDI, Taxes, CF website/infertility, food stamps, medicaid for their SON) and you know what... NOT one of them ever thanked me for my assistance

I know you helped me with getting some information together and as far as I remember I thanked you a whole bunch. I did think I tried to make you feel welcome there. In fact I think I remember posting how happy I was to see you there..because I had read a lot of your postings here. . Do you remember me saying to you how happy I was to see you posting there.??? You even helped me be able to post on this website you IMed the manager for me...I don't want to be lumped in with no one thanking you cause I did. I know how much you helped me and I also know I am not responsible for others behavior including yours but I really tried to make you feel welcome. I liked having you there and I do have my own brain and I think for myself as well. Some ppl did make you feel welcome like you said because I just reread your post of thanking us for the warm welcome. Sorry it didn't last....

Anyway, I just saw that you said that and it bothered me a little because you said NO ONE said thank you and I know I did.. I am sorry you feel used and like you were an outcast on CF chat. I didn't agree with your post but that doesn't mean anything... either way...who cares what I agree with.. or what anyone agrees with, that is irrelevant.

Jennifer 32 w/ CF and Addison's and AKA Hope on CF2chat


New member
Have No Balls,

Did you read my post? I acknowledged that those who stayed behind were the poorest of the poor and/or medically bound to stay. I was in no way judging them except to say that if I saw that huge a$$ strom coming and had 2+ days notice, I would have done everything in my power to get out especially given the fact the New Orleans residents are very well aware of their precarious position being under sea level. I am not the poorest of the poor and don't know what a challenge that may indeed be. That said, I still question the pre-storm actions of the governor/mayor and why they did nothing to help the poorer segment of population evacuate the city and why the hospitals were not evacuated? They were able to mobilize the LA National Guard after the storm, why not before?

Being from Michigan, I'm not all that unfamiliar with natural disasters. I can only wish that we could have 2+ days notice of a tornado whipping through our neighborhoods.

Yes, the children of the parents that stayed behind are truly unfortunate as their parents should have considered the welfare of their children when they decided to stay and they obviously did not. I'd also like to remind you that not all of the people that stayed were poor and unable to leave. I've seen several people on TV that were self described middle income bemoaning the fact that they'd stayed.


New member
I think that if you believe in the stories of the Bible or the Torah, then you need to accept the fact that it is possible that God may have played a hand in this natural disaster. To be a religious person and claim that God would never do this is to simply deny what is in writing in the document on which your entire belief structuce is based on. The ultimate paradox. Problem is that people warp religion into whatever makes them happy because they don't like dealing with the realities that the popular religious texts would otherwise force them to deal with. In this context, Julie seems completely logical in her assertion that mother nature may have been cleaning up.

There are at least two other ways to see it from a religious point of view. One of course, is that we understand that God made a promise to the world that he would never purposefully flood the world again. The question here is whether that applies for the whole world at once or any individual part of the world. God followed through with his promise by delivering Jesus to die for our sins so that God would never have to punish us again until our deaths. If we believe that God kept his promise, then we accept the disaster as nothing more than that, a terrible disaster. If we accept that god broke his promise, then this is the wrong forum for this discussion.

Lastly, there's the idea that God had absolutely nothing to do with it, and some silly people once built a great city in a ditch, and many many decades later, the people in that city had to suffer as a result. There was a hurricane, one of the ones that happens in a completely casual manner at this time of year, and it happened to hit New Orleans hard. The odds were that there was eventually going to be one that got to New Orleans, and this happened to be the one. Odds were there. The most logical way to look at it is that it was just a terrible terrible tragedy.

Again, God made a promise that he would never flood the world again, so we accept that he either broke that promise as Julie posits (although if I'm mistaken on that I apologize Julie please correct me) or that he kept his promise and this was just simply a disaster.



New member

You are judging, most people probably did do everything they could, everything that was in their power- but how far do you think they can get with no money and no help from the government.

Sure, some people are probably sorry they stayed, but you know what, they probably made the best decision they could at the time. I'm sure at one point or another all of us will say, you know what, I should have done things differently.

I guess I come from a different view- I can't judge people who are fighting against the odds. I admire their courage, I can't imagine the horrors these people faced and will continue to face.

Have No Balls !


New member
If God's cleaning up...we are ALL in big trouble ! Crime, rape, murder, drugs aren't just in New Orleans, who's next ???!!!


New member
<<To the person at 3:19 who asked if I/we ever get tired of arguing... if this seems like arguing to you, then you my friend have a warped sense of the word. We are having a discussion, and so far, no bashing has occured, although rare on this site.>>

no offense Julie but didn't you just slightly bash anon. him/her by just saying that they have a 'warped sense of the word'???, and addressing them in the first place? it seems like you want to talk everything to death, i mean come on this is an internet forum WHO CARES. someone was just trying to settle this place down a little....


New member
Have No Balls,

Speaking as someone who has come from behind to make a success of myself and as someone who has made bad choices along the way, I can with certainty tell you that everyone no matter what their situation has choices. Sometimes those choices aren't easy and sometimes they aren't staring you in the face but there are choices. You'll have a hard time convincing me that the best decision was to stay behind and face a category 5 hurricane while living below sea level, especially when they were told by the governor/mayor what decision to make, i.e. evacuate.

I like the underdog as much as anyone but I only admire the underdog that has the courage to change their circumstances not the underdog that uses their circumstances as an excuse to remain the underdog.