Carriers symptoms..?


New member
I read about a documented carrier symptom study somewhere - seems to me it sited specifically sinus issues associated with the Delta F508 gene.

It has been interesting reading everyone's replies - I had no idea some carriers experienced so many symptoms. Although now that I say that I guess my husband has three things that could be similar: digestive issues, sinus problems and he coughs up mucus more often than I think is normal -- I've always wondered if he is the one with the Delta F508 gene.


New member
I read about a documented carrier symptom study somewhere - seems to me it sited specifically sinus issues associated with the Delta F508 gene.

It has been interesting reading everyone's replies - I had no idea some carriers experienced so many symptoms. Although now that I say that I guess my husband has three things that could be similar: digestive issues, sinus problems and he coughs up mucus more often than I think is normal -- I've always wondered if he is the one with the Delta F508 gene.


New member
I read about a documented carrier symptom study somewhere - seems to me it sited specifically sinus issues associated with the Delta F508 gene.

It has been interesting reading everyone's replies - I had no idea some carriers experienced so many symptoms. Although now that I say that I guess my husband has three things that could be similar: digestive issues, sinus problems and he coughs up mucus more often than I think is normal -- I've always wondered if he is the one with the Delta F508 gene.


New member
I read about a documented carrier symptom study somewhere - seems to me it sited specifically sinus issues associated with the Delta F508 gene.

It has been interesting reading everyone's replies - I had no idea some carriers experienced so many symptoms. Although now that I say that I guess my husband has three things that could be similar: digestive issues, sinus problems and he coughs up mucus more often than I think is normal -- I've always wondered if he is the one with the Delta F508 gene.


New member
I read about a documented carrier symptom study somewhere - seems to me it sited specifically sinus issues associated with the Delta F508 gene.

It has been interesting reading everyone's replies - I had no idea some carriers experienced so many symptoms. Although now that I say that I guess my husband has three things that could be similar: digestive issues, sinus problems and he coughs up mucus more often than I think is normal -- I've always wondered if he is the one with the Delta F508 gene.


New member
We haven't had our son tested but suspect he is a carrier. He has croup several times a year and catches every upper respiratory infections that is floating around (and then share it with me-- not good). We had him tested for CF at birth and it was a negative (early screening is state procedure).


New member
We haven't had our son tested but suspect he is a carrier. He has croup several times a year and catches every upper respiratory infections that is floating around (and then share it with me-- not good). We had him tested for CF at birth and it was a negative (early screening is state procedure).


New member
We haven't had our son tested but suspect he is a carrier. He has croup several times a year and catches every upper respiratory infections that is floating around (and then share it with me-- not good). We had him tested for CF at birth and it was a negative (early screening is state procedure).


New member
We haven't had our son tested but suspect he is a carrier. He has croup several times a year and catches every upper respiratory infections that is floating around (and then share it with me-- not good). We had him tested for CF at birth and it was a negative (early screening is state procedure).


New member
We haven't had our son tested but suspect he is a carrier. He has croup several times a year and catches every upper respiratory infections that is floating around (and then share it with me-- not good). We had him tested for CF at birth and it was a negative (early screening is state procedure).


New member
I don't get it... isn't CF supposed to be recessive? How come a carrier has symptoms? This doesn't make sense... Maybe actually some carriers aren't carriers but real patients, maybe they have a known mutation and an unknown one so doctors say you're a carrier not a patient.... when you're really a patient...!

I for one am a carrier - unless my son's genes mutated spontaneously - with no symptoms at all!


New member
I don't get it... isn't CF supposed to be recessive? How come a carrier has symptoms? This doesn't make sense... Maybe actually some carriers aren't carriers but real patients, maybe they have a known mutation and an unknown one so doctors say you're a carrier not a patient.... when you're really a patient...!

I for one am a carrier - unless my son's genes mutated spontaneously - with no symptoms at all!


New member
I don't get it... isn't CF supposed to be recessive? How come a carrier has symptoms? This doesn't make sense... Maybe actually some carriers aren't carriers but real patients, maybe they have a known mutation and an unknown one so doctors say you're a carrier not a patient.... when you're really a patient...!

I for one am a carrier - unless my son's genes mutated spontaneously - with no symptoms at all!


New member
I don't get it... isn't CF supposed to be recessive? How come a carrier has symptoms? This doesn't make sense... Maybe actually some carriers aren't carriers but real patients, maybe they have a known mutation and an unknown one so doctors say you're a carrier not a patient.... when you're really a patient...!

I for one am a carrier - unless my son's genes mutated spontaneously - with no symptoms at all!


New member
I don't get it... isn't CF supposed to be recessive? How come a carrier has symptoms? This doesn't make sense... Maybe actually some carriers aren't carriers but real patients, maybe they have a known mutation and an unknown one so doctors say you're a carrier not a patient.... when you're really a patient...!

I for one am a carrier - unless my son's genes mutated spontaneously - with no symptoms at all!