CF and Highschool...


New member
well for the telling people i only tell my really close friends.
To make up the work i missed i e-mail all my teachers while i'm in the hospital and have my mom pick up all my work.
When i get back and people want to know why i was in the hospital i just tell them i just have to go in about once a year and its no big deal. It often works and if people ask why i say just cuz.
Oh and for the enzymes i try to hide that i am taking them. If someone does ask i just say that my body doesnt make the stuff that digests food so i have to take it


New member
well for the telling people i only tell my really close friends.
To make up the work i missed i e-mail all my teachers while i'm in the hospital and have my mom pick up all my work.
When i get back and people want to know why i was in the hospital i just tell them i just have to go in about once a year and its no big deal. It often works and if people ask why i say just cuz.
Oh and for the enzymes i try to hide that i am taking them. If someone does ask i just say that my body doesnt make the stuff that digests food so i have to take it


New member
well for the telling people i only tell my really close friends.
To make up the work i missed i e-mail all my teachers while i'm in the hospital and have my mom pick up all my work.
When i get back and people want to know why i was in the hospital i just tell them i just have to go in about once a year and its no big deal. It often works and if people ask why i say just cuz.
Oh and for the enzymes i try to hide that i am taking them. If someone does ask i just say that my body doesnt make the stuff that digests food so i have to take it


New member
well for the telling people i only tell my really close friends.
To make up the work i missed i e-mail all my teachers while i'm in the hospital and have my mom pick up all my work.
When i get back and people want to know why i was in the hospital i just tell them i just have to go in about once a year and its no big deal. It often works and if people ask why i say just cuz.
Oh and for the enzymes i try to hide that i am taking them. If someone does ask i just say that my body doesnt make the stuff that digests food so i have to take it


New member
well for the telling people i only tell my really close friends.
<br />To make up the work i missed i e-mail all my teachers while i'm in the hospital and have my mom pick up all my work.
<br />When i get back and people want to know why i was in the hospital i just tell them i just have to go in about once a year and its no big deal. It often works and if people ask why i say just cuz.
<br />Oh and for the enzymes i try to hide that i am taking them. If someone does ask i just say that my body doesnt make the stuff that digests food so i have to take it


New member
1. Yep I talk to my friends about CF. Not all of them understand so I kind of hurts. So the ones that do listen, I usually talk to them one on one. Sometimes I hate when they actually find out how scary it is.

2. I know what you mean by teachers. They don't get it. I have a couple of teacher that do though. I just deal with it, I know that wasn't helpful

3. Well, just tell I have cystic fibrosis. Its a respitory diease. If you want to know go to

Thats what I tell them. Unless there good friends then I have to give the whole thing....


New member
1. Yep I talk to my friends about CF. Not all of them understand so I kind of hurts. So the ones that do listen, I usually talk to them one on one. Sometimes I hate when they actually find out how scary it is.

2. I know what you mean by teachers. They don't get it. I have a couple of teacher that do though. I just deal with it, I know that wasn't helpful

3. Well, just tell I have cystic fibrosis. Its a respitory diease. If you want to know go to

Thats what I tell them. Unless there good friends then I have to give the whole thing....


New member
1. Yep I talk to my friends about CF. Not all of them understand so I kind of hurts. So the ones that do listen, I usually talk to them one on one. Sometimes I hate when they actually find out how scary it is.

2. I know what you mean by teachers. They don't get it. I have a couple of teacher that do though. I just deal with it, I know that wasn't helpful

3. Well, just tell I have cystic fibrosis. Its a respitory diease. If you want to know go to

Thats what I tell them. Unless there good friends then I have to give the whole thing....


New member
1. Yep I talk to my friends about CF. Not all of them understand so I kind of hurts. So the ones that do listen, I usually talk to them one on one. Sometimes I hate when they actually find out how scary it is.

2. I know what you mean by teachers. They don't get it. I have a couple of teacher that do though. I just deal with it, I know that wasn't helpful

3. Well, just tell I have cystic fibrosis. Its a respitory diease. If you want to know go to

Thats what I tell them. Unless there good friends then I have to give the whole thing....


New member
1. Yep I talk to my friends about CF. Not all of them understand so I kind of hurts. So the ones that do listen, I usually talk to them one on one. Sometimes I hate when they actually find out how scary it is.
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<br />2. I know what you mean by teachers. They don't get it. I have a couple of teacher that do though. I just deal with it, I know that wasn't helpful
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<br />3. Well, just tell I have cystic fibrosis. Its a respitory diease. If you want to know go to
<br />
<br />Thats what I tell them. Unless there good friends then I have to give the whole thing....


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://<img src="">">null</a>1. <b>Do you talk to your friends about CF? </b> Yes i have had most of my friends since elementry or middle school. And I was never sick, but they still knew what i had. Now im a junoir in highschool, at a magnet school at that. I have missed a ton of school due to being in the hospital. Its because Ive been coughing up blood, and yes my friends know every single bit of this.

2. <b>When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work?</b> truthfully, i dont care about school right now. yes i try but not my hardest bc i know ill miss school the next week ya know ?

3. <b>If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??" </b>
I tell my friends when i go in. They all come see me too. some will stay the night with me too. Im not shy at all. ive told strangers i had CF.

<img src="">



New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://<img src="">">null</a>1. <b>Do you talk to your friends about CF? </b> Yes i have had most of my friends since elementry or middle school. And I was never sick, but they still knew what i had. Now im a junoir in highschool, at a magnet school at that. I have missed a ton of school due to being in the hospital. Its because Ive been coughing up blood, and yes my friends know every single bit of this.

2. <b>When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work?</b> truthfully, i dont care about school right now. yes i try but not my hardest bc i know ill miss school the next week ya know ?

3. <b>If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??" </b>
I tell my friends when i go in. They all come see me too. some will stay the night with me too. Im not shy at all. ive told strangers i had CF.

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New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://<img src="">">null</a>1. <b>Do you talk to your friends about CF? </b> Yes i have had most of my friends since elementry or middle school. And I was never sick, but they still knew what i had. Now im a junoir in highschool, at a magnet school at that. I have missed a ton of school due to being in the hospital. Its because Ive been coughing up blood, and yes my friends know every single bit of this.

2. <b>When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work?</b> truthfully, i dont care about school right now. yes i try but not my hardest bc i know ill miss school the next week ya know ?

3. <b>If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??" </b>
I tell my friends when i go in. They all come see me too. some will stay the night with me too. Im not shy at all. ive told strangers i had CF.

<img src="">



New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://<img src="">">null</a>1. <b>Do you talk to your friends about CF? </b> Yes i have had most of my friends since elementry or middle school. And I was never sick, but they still knew what i had. Now im a junoir in highschool, at a magnet school at that. I have missed a ton of school due to being in the hospital. Its because Ive been coughing up blood, and yes my friends know every single bit of this.

2. <b>When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work?</b> truthfully, i dont care about school right now. yes i try but not my hardest bc i know ill miss school the next week ya know ?

3. <b>If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??" </b>
I tell my friends when i go in. They all come see me too. some will stay the night with me too. Im not shy at all. ive told strangers i had CF.

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New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://<img src="">">null</a>1. <b>Do you talk to your friends about CF? </b> Yes i have had most of my friends since elementry or middle school. And I was never sick, but they still knew what i had. Now im a junoir in highschool, at a magnet school at that. I have missed a ton of school due to being in the hospital. Its because Ive been coughing up blood, and yes my friends know every single bit of this.
<br />
<br />2. <b>When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work?</b> truthfully, i dont care about school right now. yes i try but not my hardest bc i know ill miss school the next week ya know ?
<br />
<br />3. <b>If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??" </b>
<br />I tell my friends when i go in. They all come see me too. some will stay the night with me too. Im not shy at all. ive told strangers i had CF.
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<br /><img src="">
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<br />Kell
<br />17


New member
No almost all my friends know I have CF. they are very supportive as well. I go to an online school so I don't have to deal with missing school, but talk to your teachers they should be there for you. With the pills just say something like "vitamins, I like to stay healthy". Or when you go to the hospital just say "I was in for a tune up, but nothing to worry about".

I went through the stage where I did not want people to visit me in the hospital because of comments like "You have to go in again". I realized that not having support of your friends is harder then just saying "yes, I have CF". It does help to explain CF to them and let them know what it is and why you have to go in.

Good luck and be strong.


New member
No almost all my friends know I have CF. they are very supportive as well. I go to an online school so I don't have to deal with missing school, but talk to your teachers they should be there for you. With the pills just say something like "vitamins, I like to stay healthy". Or when you go to the hospital just say "I was in for a tune up, but nothing to worry about".

I went through the stage where I did not want people to visit me in the hospital because of comments like "You have to go in again". I realized that not having support of your friends is harder then just saying "yes, I have CF". It does help to explain CF to them and let them know what it is and why you have to go in.

Good luck and be strong.


New member
No almost all my friends know I have CF. they are very supportive as well. I go to an online school so I don't have to deal with missing school, but talk to your teachers they should be there for you. With the pills just say something like "vitamins, I like to stay healthy". Or when you go to the hospital just say "I was in for a tune up, but nothing to worry about".

I went through the stage where I did not want people to visit me in the hospital because of comments like "You have to go in again". I realized that not having support of your friends is harder then just saying "yes, I have CF". It does help to explain CF to them and let them know what it is and why you have to go in.

Good luck and be strong.


New member
No almost all my friends know I have CF. they are very supportive as well. I go to an online school so I don't have to deal with missing school, but talk to your teachers they should be there for you. With the pills just say something like "vitamins, I like to stay healthy". Or when you go to the hospital just say "I was in for a tune up, but nothing to worry about".

I went through the stage where I did not want people to visit me in the hospital because of comments like "You have to go in again". I realized that not having support of your friends is harder then just saying "yes, I have CF". It does help to explain CF to them and let them know what it is and why you have to go in.

Good luck and be strong.


New member
No almost all my friends know I have CF. they are very supportive as well. I go to an online school so I don't have to deal with missing school, but talk to your teachers they should be there for you. With the pills just say something like "vitamins, I like to stay healthy". Or when you go to the hospital just say "I was in for a tune up, but nothing to worry about".
<br />
<br />I went through the stage where I did not want people to visit me in the hospital because of comments like "You have to go in again". I realized that not having support of your friends is harder then just saying "yes, I have CF". It does help to explain CF to them and let them know what it is and why you have to go in.
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<br />Good luck and be strong.
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