CF and Highschool...



Hi there! I'm 15 years old and i go to highschool. I can totally relate to what you're going through....I've been going to school knowing that I have cf now for about 3 weeks. Were you just diagnosed? I feel like i'm sooo much busier now that I have extra things to do in my life, on top of studying and all that .
but anyway..., i do talk to my friends about cf. they were involved when I was in the hospital, they brought me little presents and made me feel so much better when i was there. that was when i had just been diagnosed. i actually like to talk about it and some of the different things i do, i think maybe it's because I feel like they don't quite understand what cf is. with a lot of people at my school, i could tell them i had cystic fibrosis and they'd be like.."what's that?" i like to educate about what i go through i guess. But only my CLOSE friends know..about 5 of them. and i only talk about it if they bring it up, otherwise things are just normal like they were before I knew i had cf, which is best anyway. i can understand why you wouldn't want to talk about it though, and that's perfectly fine. you don't even have to tell anyone you have cf. it's your cf and your business, i just think of telling my friends as a way so they know what this is and why i do the things i do, i don't go into too much detail, ya know?

hmm, about making up the work. I've only been to the hospital once and missed about a week of school, so I'm gonna be new to that. But there was a teacher who was at the hospital, who helped me with hw. Maybe the place you go to has one too. Plus, my principals and teachers were really sympathetic towards it and didn't make me make up as much work as I would've had to. I can't believe yours aren't! They must not know what its like having Cf, being gone from school and then trying to catch up while balancing everything else you have to do. I think that's pretty low of But, if you know you'll be gone for a while, you should email the teachers ahead of time and tell them you'll need all your work for so and so amount of days that you'll be gone. That way you won't have to make it all up when you get back. And if you don't get something, (that happened to me in almost every class) you could always stay after for like 10 minutes just so your teachers can brief you on what's up. i know it's a pain, but it's really worth it if you get an A, lol

Ahhh, I love this question! Well, as fa as exaplining why I was in the hospital, I told them I had realllly bad pneumonia. Which was true! I just didn't tell them that the underlying cause was cf, and they believed me, even though it was three weeks in the hospital. So you could say you were getting over pneumonia..that's about all i can think of right now, but i'm sure there are other reasons why you would be in the hosptal for a while. hmmm, the pills...well only my friends see me take them and I don't have to explain because they're aware. But I guess you could say something antibiotic for an ear/throat/stomach infection? something you have to take before you eat. but everyday would get a little suspicious, i don't know, it's hard to lie for a you could say that if it's like a one-time person. OR you could take them in the bathroom right before lunch, then just go to lunch and eat without worrying about them. that worked best for me at first.

well i think i've typed enough, sorry it's so long! you can email me whenever you want, it's nice to talk to someone your age about cf i think. good luck!


Hi there! I'm 15 years old and i go to highschool. I can totally relate to what you're going through....I've been going to school knowing that I have cf now for about 3 weeks. Were you just diagnosed? I feel like i'm sooo much busier now that I have extra things to do in my life, on top of studying and all that .
but anyway..., i do talk to my friends about cf. they were involved when I was in the hospital, they brought me little presents and made me feel so much better when i was there. that was when i had just been diagnosed. i actually like to talk about it and some of the different things i do, i think maybe it's because I feel like they don't quite understand what cf is. with a lot of people at my school, i could tell them i had cystic fibrosis and they'd be like.."what's that?" i like to educate about what i go through i guess. But only my CLOSE friends know..about 5 of them. and i only talk about it if they bring it up, otherwise things are just normal like they were before I knew i had cf, which is best anyway. i can understand why you wouldn't want to talk about it though, and that's perfectly fine. you don't even have to tell anyone you have cf. it's your cf and your business, i just think of telling my friends as a way so they know what this is and why i do the things i do, i don't go into too much detail, ya know?

hmm, about making up the work. I've only been to the hospital once and missed about a week of school, so I'm gonna be new to that. But there was a teacher who was at the hospital, who helped me with hw. Maybe the place you go to has one too. Plus, my principals and teachers were really sympathetic towards it and didn't make me make up as much work as I would've had to. I can't believe yours aren't! They must not know what its like having Cf, being gone from school and then trying to catch up while balancing everything else you have to do. I think that's pretty low of But, if you know you'll be gone for a while, you should email the teachers ahead of time and tell them you'll need all your work for so and so amount of days that you'll be gone. That way you won't have to make it all up when you get back. And if you don't get something, (that happened to me in almost every class) you could always stay after for like 10 minutes just so your teachers can brief you on what's up. i know it's a pain, but it's really worth it if you get an A, lol

Ahhh, I love this question! Well, as fa as exaplining why I was in the hospital, I told them I had realllly bad pneumonia. Which was true! I just didn't tell them that the underlying cause was cf, and they believed me, even though it was three weeks in the hospital. So you could say you were getting over pneumonia..that's about all i can think of right now, but i'm sure there are other reasons why you would be in the hosptal for a while. hmmm, the pills...well only my friends see me take them and I don't have to explain because they're aware. But I guess you could say something antibiotic for an ear/throat/stomach infection? something you have to take before you eat. but everyday would get a little suspicious, i don't know, it's hard to lie for a you could say that if it's like a one-time person. OR you could take them in the bathroom right before lunch, then just go to lunch and eat without worrying about them. that worked best for me at first.

well i think i've typed enough, sorry it's so long! you can email me whenever you want, it's nice to talk to someone your age about cf i think. good luck!


Hi there! I'm 15 years old and i go to highschool. I can totally relate to what you're going through....I've been going to school knowing that I have cf now for about 3 weeks. Were you just diagnosed? I feel like i'm sooo much busier now that I have extra things to do in my life, on top of studying and all that .
but anyway..., i do talk to my friends about cf. they were involved when I was in the hospital, they brought me little presents and made me feel so much better when i was there. that was when i had just been diagnosed. i actually like to talk about it and some of the different things i do, i think maybe it's because I feel like they don't quite understand what cf is. with a lot of people at my school, i could tell them i had cystic fibrosis and they'd be like.."what's that?" i like to educate about what i go through i guess. But only my CLOSE friends know..about 5 of them. and i only talk about it if they bring it up, otherwise things are just normal like they were before I knew i had cf, which is best anyway. i can understand why you wouldn't want to talk about it though, and that's perfectly fine. you don't even have to tell anyone you have cf. it's your cf and your business, i just think of telling my friends as a way so they know what this is and why i do the things i do, i don't go into too much detail, ya know?

hmm, about making up the work. I've only been to the hospital once and missed about a week of school, so I'm gonna be new to that. But there was a teacher who was at the hospital, who helped me with hw. Maybe the place you go to has one too. Plus, my principals and teachers were really sympathetic towards it and didn't make me make up as much work as I would've had to. I can't believe yours aren't! They must not know what its like having Cf, being gone from school and then trying to catch up while balancing everything else you have to do. I think that's pretty low of But, if you know you'll be gone for a while, you should email the teachers ahead of time and tell them you'll need all your work for so and so amount of days that you'll be gone. That way you won't have to make it all up when you get back. And if you don't get something, (that happened to me in almost every class) you could always stay after for like 10 minutes just so your teachers can brief you on what's up. i know it's a pain, but it's really worth it if you get an A, lol

Ahhh, I love this question! Well, as fa as exaplining why I was in the hospital, I told them I had realllly bad pneumonia. Which was true! I just didn't tell them that the underlying cause was cf, and they believed me, even though it was three weeks in the hospital. So you could say you were getting over pneumonia..that's about all i can think of right now, but i'm sure there are other reasons why you would be in the hosptal for a while. hmmm, the pills...well only my friends see me take them and I don't have to explain because they're aware. But I guess you could say something antibiotic for an ear/throat/stomach infection? something you have to take before you eat. but everyday would get a little suspicious, i don't know, it's hard to lie for a you could say that if it's like a one-time person. OR you could take them in the bathroom right before lunch, then just go to lunch and eat without worrying about them. that worked best for me at first.

well i think i've typed enough, sorry it's so long! you can email me whenever you want, it's nice to talk to someone your age about cf i think. good luck!


Hi there! I'm 15 years old and i go to highschool. I can totally relate to what you're going through....I've been going to school knowing that I have cf now for about 3 weeks. Were you just diagnosed? I feel like i'm sooo much busier now that I have extra things to do in my life, on top of studying and all that .
but anyway..., i do talk to my friends about cf. they were involved when I was in the hospital, they brought me little presents and made me feel so much better when i was there. that was when i had just been diagnosed. i actually like to talk about it and some of the different things i do, i think maybe it's because I feel like they don't quite understand what cf is. with a lot of people at my school, i could tell them i had cystic fibrosis and they'd be like.."what's that?" i like to educate about what i go through i guess. But only my CLOSE friends know..about 5 of them. and i only talk about it if they bring it up, otherwise things are just normal like they were before I knew i had cf, which is best anyway. i can understand why you wouldn't want to talk about it though, and that's perfectly fine. you don't even have to tell anyone you have cf. it's your cf and your business, i just think of telling my friends as a way so they know what this is and why i do the things i do, i don't go into too much detail, ya know?

hmm, about making up the work. I've only been to the hospital once and missed about a week of school, so I'm gonna be new to that. But there was a teacher who was at the hospital, who helped me with hw. Maybe the place you go to has one too. Plus, my principals and teachers were really sympathetic towards it and didn't make me make up as much work as I would've had to. I can't believe yours aren't! They must not know what its like having Cf, being gone from school and then trying to catch up while balancing everything else you have to do. I think that's pretty low of But, if you know you'll be gone for a while, you should email the teachers ahead of time and tell them you'll need all your work for so and so amount of days that you'll be gone. That way you won't have to make it all up when you get back. And if you don't get something, (that happened to me in almost every class) you could always stay after for like 10 minutes just so your teachers can brief you on what's up. i know it's a pain, but it's really worth it if you get an A, lol

Ahhh, I love this question! Well, as fa as exaplining why I was in the hospital, I told them I had realllly bad pneumonia. Which was true! I just didn't tell them that the underlying cause was cf, and they believed me, even though it was three weeks in the hospital. So you could say you were getting over pneumonia..that's about all i can think of right now, but i'm sure there are other reasons why you would be in the hosptal for a while. hmmm, the pills...well only my friends see me take them and I don't have to explain because they're aware. But I guess you could say something antibiotic for an ear/throat/stomach infection? something you have to take before you eat. but everyday would get a little suspicious, i don't know, it's hard to lie for a you could say that if it's like a one-time person. OR you could take them in the bathroom right before lunch, then just go to lunch and eat without worrying about them. that worked best for me at first.

well i think i've typed enough, sorry it's so long! you can email me whenever you want, it's nice to talk to someone your age about cf i think. good luck!


Hi there! I'm 15 years old and i go to highschool. I can totally relate to what you're going through....I've been going to school knowing that I have cf now for about 3 weeks. Were you just diagnosed? I feel like i'm sooo much busier now that I have extra things to do in my life, on top of studying and all that .
<br /> but anyway..., i do talk to my friends about cf. they were involved when I was in the hospital, they brought me little presents and made me feel so much better when i was there. that was when i had just been diagnosed. i actually like to talk about it and some of the different things i do, i think maybe it's because I feel like they don't quite understand what cf is. with a lot of people at my school, i could tell them i had cystic fibrosis and they'd be like.."what's that?" i like to educate about what i go through i guess. But only my CLOSE friends know..about 5 of them. and i only talk about it if they bring it up, otherwise things are just normal like they were before I knew i had cf, which is best anyway. i can understand why you wouldn't want to talk about it though, and that's perfectly fine. you don't even have to tell anyone you have cf. it's your cf and your business, i just think of telling my friends as a way so they know what this is and why i do the things i do, i don't go into too much detail, ya know?
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<br />hmm, about making up the work. I've only been to the hospital once and missed about a week of school, so I'm gonna be new to that. But there was a teacher who was at the hospital, who helped me with hw. Maybe the place you go to has one too. Plus, my principals and teachers were really sympathetic towards it and didn't make me make up as much work as I would've had to. I can't believe yours aren't! They must not know what its like having Cf, being gone from school and then trying to catch up while balancing everything else you have to do. I think that's pretty low of But, if you know you'll be gone for a while, you should email the teachers ahead of time and tell them you'll need all your work for so and so amount of days that you'll be gone. That way you won't have to make it all up when you get back. And if you don't get something, (that happened to me in almost every class) you could always stay after for like 10 minutes just so your teachers can brief you on what's up. i know it's a pain, but it's really worth it if you get an A, lol
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<br />Ahhh, I love this question! Well, as fa as exaplining why I was in the hospital, I told them I had realllly bad pneumonia. Which was true! I just didn't tell them that the underlying cause was cf, and they believed me, even though it was three weeks in the hospital. So you could say you were getting over pneumonia..that's about all i can think of right now, but i'm sure there are other reasons why you would be in the hosptal for a while. hmmm, the pills...well only my friends see me take them and I don't have to explain because they're aware. But I guess you could say something antibiotic for an ear/throat/stomach infection? something you have to take before you eat. but everyday would get a little suspicious, i don't know, it's hard to lie for a you could say that if it's like a one-time person. OR you could take them in the bathroom right before lunch, then just go to lunch and eat without worrying about them. that worked best for me at first.
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<br />well i think i've typed enough, sorry it's so long! you can email me whenever you want, it's nice to talk to someone your age about cf i think. good luck!
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