<br />Well, I don't personally have CF, but my best friend does, so I'll tell you what she does
tbh, she doesn't lie, like about the last question lol, so that is just my opinion =]
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<br /><b>1. Do you talk to your friends about CF? I think it is extremely awkward and try to avoid it at all costs, though I'm not sure why... </b>
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<br />Well, Helen is pretty open with us tbh. Like, she wasn't to start with, like in 7th grade, but as we got to know her better, she was more open with us, and now she tells us most things. If I were you, I'd talk to your close friends about it, 'cause I'm sure they'd be pretty interested and supportive-anyone that's a bitch about it isn't worth your friendship. Yeah, they may be a scared and worried, but most people accept that
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<br /><b>2. When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work? I always find that I am totally confused when I return and also the teachers are sometimes kind of unsympathtic.</b>
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<br />Well, Helen usually photocopies my work if there's a lot of it, or if she cba to write it up [XD]. Otherwise she writes it up as you would do if you generally missed a class. However, if you do photocopy work-MAKE SURE YOU READ IT PROPERLY-copying it up is better for your learning, but reading it is fine too.
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<br /><b>3. If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??"
<br />Well...I know this sounds bad...but what is a good excuse? </b>
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<br />Just answer them as briefly as possible-like, if it's your tablets for your enzymes, then just say something like: 'oh, I take them to help with the enzymes in my stomach' or whatever. Or if it's hospital-just say that it was a check up, and if it was a longer time, such as a week, say you were told to rest for the rest of the week
any longer than that..well I think you should just tell them.
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<br />Hope this helped babe!
<br />Lots of love, and best wishes,
<br />Emmahh
<br />xxx