CF and Marijuana


New member
Yeah I mean, i've said before that i personally think anytime anyone, CF or not, inhales something that is burning, it's not a good idea regardless what it is. Your lungs were meant to take in oxygen and process out carbon dioxide. I don't personally use marijuana at all, though i'm pretty sure if I never had CF I would have been a social pot smoker.

What really gets me is that people don't seem to look into just why something is illegal, and something blatantly more damaging is legal. That was my whole point in that last post. The government could make a killing tax wise on marijuana, just like they do on tobacco and alcohol, that revenue surely could be used about now considering Bush is trying to raise our national debt ceiling to 9 TRILLION dollars, and the war in Iraq is sucking cash out of us to the tune of 30,000 dollars for every man woman and child in America. We have much worse problems than anything marijuana could bring forth, yet we continue to fund a "war" on it to the tune of boatloads of money, which is much better off paid for education, health services (I forget how many millions of people can't afford health care here), and infrastructure. But no, it's best to try and outlaw a simple plant that is harmless when compared to our other "sin" consumption items.


New member
My way of thinking is that marijuana is infinitly more healthier then alcohol or cigarettes for another reason: it eases physical pain without causes negative side effects. Doctors tell terminally ill patients with Cancer, AIDS, glucoma, etc all the time to try the medical pot for pain and appetite inducers. Have you ever seen a doctor prescribe drinking or cigarettes to a terminally ill patient? No - because there's PROVEN documentation that these two things are BAD for your health and body. I've seen people die from many diseases brought on from cigarettes and alcoholism. I've never seen someone die from pot.

Regardless, I think the popular opinion here is to eat it not smoke it, so don't even go off on a tangent about the ills of pot and your lungs, and health, because eating pot does not affect your lungs in anyway. You can't get lung problems from eating something.


New member
And here we have it folks... <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Medical studies!</a>

"Cannabinoids in medicine: A review of their therapeutic potential" - including pain management and appetite stimulation. Mentions Marinol, a Health Canada approved oral THC substance for appetite stimulation.


New member
And you can pull my blog in to support any opinion you may have, but only if it works. I wrote about how smoking CIGARETTES is stupid. Didn't say anything about pot.

To clear it up, here's my opinion: As long as you don't do it all the time, every day, all day, then do what thrills you. If it means smoking, ehhhhhhh, but I won't jump up your *ss about it. I <b>MUCH</b> prefer people eat it, then I have little problem with it at all. Smoking cigarettes, on the other hand, is disgusting, doesn't get you high, and people do it <i>everywhere</i>, so I have to suck it in. Pot is not floating around everywhere, so I don't really have to worry about running into it and getting secondhand weed smoke.


New member
Emily said:"Pot is not floating around everywhere, so I don't really have to worry about running into it and getting secondhand weed smoke. "

But only as long as it is illegal...

And how will you know, if somebody got his cancer from marijuana or normal cigarettes? Don´t most marijuana smokers smoke normal cigarettes too?

To SeanDavis: I did not talk of marijuana use in medicine, that might be ok, if it is used with prescription and by knowledge of someones doctor and if the doc is "having an eye on it", I talk of using it to get "high". And of course you can also get addicted to it. There are people who smoked cigarettes for years and stopped from one day to the other and others can´t. And thats the same with marijuana. Some people are able to stop, some are not.
The other thing is that I do agree with you about alcohol and cigarettes as much, as for me "they" could also make them illegal. Nobody "needs" them for any understandable reason...



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

And how will you know, if somebody got his cancer from marijuana or normal cigarettes? Don´t most marijuana smokers smoke normal cigarettes too?</end quote></div>

The people I've known with lung cancer have never smoked pot. I can say this with certainty. And every person I know who does smoke pot, does not smoke cigarettes. Its like comparing apples to oranges. Pot and cigarettes are two different things. Just becuase you enjoy smoking pot does not mean you smoke cigarettes. Tobacco does not make you high or feel good, it tastes disgusting, it clings to all of your stuff. Pot does not = smoking cigarettes.


New member
Nobody "needs" oral sex or even sodomy either, and those two acts are considered illegal in almost every place in the U.S., and are refered to as "sodomy laws". I'm also sure many people on here enjoy atleast one of those acts, quite possibly even you. I would go further and say that nearly all sexually active adults in the U.S. has atleast tried one of those acts, and a majority of them probably incorporate it into their regular sexual activities.

My point is, just because something is illegal doesn't make it a horrible bad thing. Many laws were conceived with stuffy puritanical religious reasoning behind them, and are still in effect today. If our country functioned on logic and common sense with regards to the creation and application of laws, this would be a much better place to live in. I think I want to make a shirt that says "Keep your God away from my Penis, and i'll keep my penis away from your God". I think that would be a very cool shirt, and i'd wear it everywhere.

BTW if you seriously want to take the line of "I never break any laws", that is absurd, because even the highest of law enforcement officials break laws daily and don't even know it. While I do agree we need laws to function as a society and I respect laws, there are some really stupid laws that need to be repealed. One of those is the legality of Marijuana.


New member
In my opinion one of the main reasons it is illegal is because it so readily available and easily grown that no pharmaceutical company could contain it and profit from it. And as it is my personal opinion that the pharma companies lobby the heck out of the FDA and other gov't that they put a good dent in it continuing to be illegal. Think of all the meds it could trump. If it was on the market who would ever take morophine? Vicodin? Anti-naseau?

And if people think pot is bad for us, well obviously so is morophine and I know my body revolts against morophine to the point where I just say "no thanks, I'd rather sit here in sheer agony than be in sheer agony AND vomitting"

I agree with everyone else too, smoking pot does not equal smoking cigarettes. If anything it's the opposite. I smoked for about 2 years, my Dr. knew it and said it was fine as long as I continued to feel good and that yes, he would prefer I bake brownies.

littledebbie not logged in


New member
Well yeah that's a gimme. I'd personally like to see a form of socialized medicine in this country, but of course someone has to pay for it somehow. A good start would be not to go to war for real crappy reasons and save that money, and then legalize pot and then use all the revenue from alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and even firearms to help subsidize socialized medicine and totaly revamp our entire healthcare infrastructure.

How about something relatively low impact like an additional .2 cents nationwide sales tax or something similar? I'm sure instead of just piling on tons of taxation in one area and crippling people/our economy in that way, it can be spread around some to fix the situation.


New member
39/m/cf I have been using it on and off now.. for 24 years. I hold a very good job and work 48 + hours per week. It does help me as far as appetite and to get me thur the long hours I put in every day..The bad side is that it will bring your pft's down..At this point in my life.. I have to do whatever it take to keep working. To keep my insurance and my house. I have always heard that you have to deal with the cards that was delt to you..Ohio


New member
why things are illegal? what the hell does the government care about whats legal and what isnt, its about what makes them money. Alcohol is more damaging that pot, but its legal? Research is key, and even no matter what is on paper, trial and error is the best answer as we are all different.

<span style=
" color: #0000ff; font-size: small; font-family: Verdana;">Someone
once gave me their opinion on drugs and guns.  They felt that
if drugs were legal, then there wouldn't be such a need for the
massive amount of guns the drug dealers carry.  They also felt
that crime would go down because of a lesser need for guns.
 Drug dealers fight over their territories and the drug
smugglers always have guns.<br>
The idea of less guns suits me fine, but I'm not sure how I would
feel about ALL drugs being legalized.<br>
I just wondered if anyone else had ever thought about the
relationship between guns, drugs, and crime if we lived in a time
when we could freely get drugs that were regulated.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Chad</b></i>
if everyone smoked pot no one would need guns, theyd be too happy!</end quote></div>

And lazy. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Yes if drugs were legalized, there wouldn't be any dealers...No dealers, no fighting for territories, and no collateral damage. The problem is, ALL drugs being legalized would be a bad idea. But pot would be a good start. I'm not sure what all is legal in Amsterdam, but their crime rate is almost non existant.


Maybe they should legalize Pot here, too!! It'd be a peaceful commute to work if everyone was stoned!
Firearms are illegal, but crime is still existent, they use other forms for crime, primarily kitchen knives!!!
-Disclaimer: Whether it was legalized or not, I still have no personal interest in it. But, good point, not to have it in the form of smoke!


New member
Here is an example. In Germany where prostitution is legal (where I was anyways, around Frankfurt area), girls were their own pimps, they were their own "business manager". I never saw any pimps anywhere, and the girls all hung out around the main nightclubs in their little RV vehicle things, and ran their business out of there. It was a quite funny experience for me, LONG multi lines of RV vehicles rocking back and forth when the clubs let out.

Porn is also everywhere there, in the airport there was a large dildo/sex toy/all kinds of porn basically openly displayed. I found it very wild considering how stuffy it is back in the U.S. Kids in supermarkets would totally ignore the porn mags openly displayed, like we have the people and star magazines displayed here in the checkout. I found that very interesting sociologically.

Take the taboo away from something, and not many people care, that's a fact. Make something Taboo and people are ALL up in that shiz.


Just like the prohibition in the early 30's, right? Only one's making money in that era were 'da gangstaz!


New member
Yup. My point is though, take the taboo away from something by raising your children in a society that looks at sexual practices as "normal", and explain it to them as such, just like eating and drinking and such, and your children won't be that interested in such things. I guess we can thank our overly religious country for all the sexual taboos that exist here. It's a pretty sad place to live when chubby soccer moms and their families spend their entire weekend picketing a bikini bar, when directly across the road there are a couple homeless guys starving to death...I mean you need to have your priorities and all /rolls eyes.