CF Care in other countries question


New member
Here the CF'rs may apply for disability (R780) and all medication and hospital care is given free at the Governement hospital(limited to certaim medications) Dnase and Pulmozime are not given. They're very big on HS.

Beds are not easily available in the hospital and usualy they end up in a general ward (in Pretoria)it may differ in other provinces. The adults find it extra difficult to get beds.

The vest is not available here as they follow the same advice by the European CF clinics.


New member
Here the CF'rs may apply for disability (R780) and all medication and hospital care is given free at the Governement hospital(limited to certaim medications) Dnase and Pulmozime are not given. They're very big on HS.

Beds are not easily available in the hospital and usualy they end up in a general ward (in Pretoria)it may differ in other provinces. The adults find it extra difficult to get beds.

The vest is not available here as they follow the same advice by the European CF clinics.


New member
Here the CF'rs may apply for disability (R780) and all medication and hospital care is given free at the Governement hospital(limited to certaim medications) Dnase and Pulmozime are not given. They're very big on HS.

Beds are not easily available in the hospital and usualy they end up in a general ward (in Pretoria)it may differ in other provinces. The adults find it extra difficult to get beds.

The vest is not available here as they follow the same advice by the European CF clinics.


New member
Here the CF'rs may apply for disability (R780) and all medication and hospital care is given free at the Governement hospital(limited to certaim medications) Dnase and Pulmozime are not given. They're very big on HS.

Beds are not easily available in the hospital and usualy they end up in a general ward (in Pretoria)it may differ in other provinces. The adults find it extra difficult to get beds.

The vest is not available here as they follow the same advice by the European CF clinics.


New member
Here the CF'rs may apply for disability (R780) and all medication and hospital care is given free at the Governement hospital(limited to certaim medications) Dnase and Pulmozime are not given. They're very big on HS.
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<br />Beds are not easily available in the hospital and usualy they end up in a general ward (in Pretoria)it may differ in other provinces. The adults find it extra difficult to get beds.
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<br />The vest is not available here as they follow the same advice by the European CF clinics.


New member
My situation is much the same as yours. I am on ssdi. i am guessing that you did not work enough to get this so ssi was your only option? Not to worry, i only get about $800 per month. What i do to suppliment my income is something that you can do as well, and that is go to school. The BVR/OVR will help you pay for school and the grants/scholarships are yours to keep. Since you do have the internet you can in fact take online classes, and still recieve all the help i've listed. If you'd like i would be glad to help you with any concerns/questions. I am 32 and when i was 26 is when i started to learn this stuff. i don't presume to know more than you, i just know how you feel. contact me privately @


New member
My situation is much the same as yours. I am on ssdi. i am guessing that you did not work enough to get this so ssi was your only option? Not to worry, i only get about $800 per month. What i do to suppliment my income is something that you can do as well, and that is go to school. The BVR/OVR will help you pay for school and the grants/scholarships are yours to keep. Since you do have the internet you can in fact take online classes, and still recieve all the help i've listed. If you'd like i would be glad to help you with any concerns/questions. I am 32 and when i was 26 is when i started to learn this stuff. i don't presume to know more than you, i just know how you feel. contact me privately @


New member
My situation is much the same as yours. I am on ssdi. i am guessing that you did not work enough to get this so ssi was your only option? Not to worry, i only get about $800 per month. What i do to suppliment my income is something that you can do as well, and that is go to school. The BVR/OVR will help you pay for school and the grants/scholarships are yours to keep. Since you do have the internet you can in fact take online classes, and still recieve all the help i've listed. If you'd like i would be glad to help you with any concerns/questions. I am 32 and when i was 26 is when i started to learn this stuff. i don't presume to know more than you, i just know how you feel. contact me privately @


New member
My situation is much the same as yours. I am on ssdi. i am guessing that you did not work enough to get this so ssi was your only option? Not to worry, i only get about $800 per month. What i do to suppliment my income is something that you can do as well, and that is go to school. The BVR/OVR will help you pay for school and the grants/scholarships are yours to keep. Since you do have the internet you can in fact take online classes, and still recieve all the help i've listed. If you'd like i would be glad to help you with any concerns/questions. I am 32 and when i was 26 is when i started to learn this stuff. i don't presume to know more than you, i just know how you feel. contact me privately @


New member
My situation is much the same as yours. I am on ssdi. i am guessing that you did not work enough to get this so ssi was your only option? Not to worry, i only get about $800 per month. What i do to suppliment my income is something that you can do as well, and that is go to school. The BVR/OVR will help you pay for school and the grants/scholarships are yours to keep. Since you do have the internet you can in fact take online classes, and still recieve all the help i've listed. If you'd like i would be glad to help you with any concerns/questions. I am 32 and when i was 26 is when i started to learn this stuff. i don't presume to know more than you, i just know how you feel. contact me privately @