Cipro - how to disguise the taste


New member
I received Cipro today to give to my 20mo old.  It tastes horrible!!!!!  I put it in his juice cup and he hasn't had more than 3 sips all day.  Do you have any food/drink suggestions to disguise the taste to get it in him?  Help!!!!!<br>


New member
I received Cipro today to give to my 20mo old. It tastes horrible!!!!! I put it in his juice cup and he hasn't had more than 3 sips all day. Do you have any food/drink suggestions to disguise the taste to get it in him? Help!!!!!<br>


New member
I received Cipro today to give to my 20mo old. It tastes horrible!!!!! I put it in his juice cup and he hasn't had more than 3 sips all day. Do you have any food/drink suggestions to disguise the taste to get it in him? Help!!!!!<br>


New member
<P>I would not put it in his food or drink. He could start refusing the food/drink because he thinks it is going to taste like cipro. We ask for the added flavor at the pharmacy but it is still gross. I have even mixed it in a little bit of choc or strawberry syrup.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>I like to have a drink they really love ready and waiting for them.</P>


New member
<P>I would not put it in his food or drink. He could start refusing the food/drink because he thinks it is going to taste like cipro. We ask for the added flavor at the pharmacy but it is still gross. I have even mixed it in a little bit of choc or strawberry syrup.</P>
<P>I like to have a drink they really love ready and waiting for them.</P>


New member
<P><BR>I would not put it in his food or drink. He could start refusing the food/drink because he thinks it is going to taste like cipro. We ask for the added flavor at the pharmacy but it is still gross. I have even mixed it in a little bit of choc or strawberry syrup.</P>
<P>I like to have a drink they really love ready and waiting for them.</P>
Cipro - even in tablet form, is THE worste! Not much hides the taste completly, so i feel for your LO having it in liquid form. A good componding pharmacy can add some super strong taste in your chosen flavour. Other than that as Amber above said a drink to chase straight after!!! Best of luck, it really is tough some days.
Cipro - even in tablet form, is THE worste! Not much hides the taste completly, so i feel for your LO having it in liquid form. A good componding pharmacy can add some super strong taste in your chosen flavour. Other than that as Amber above said a drink to chase straight after!!! Best of luck, it really is tough some days.
Cipro - even in tablet form, is THE worste! Not much hides the taste completly, so i feel for your LO having it in liquid form. A good componding pharmacy can add some super strong taste in your chosen flavour. Other than that as Amber above said a drink to chase straight after!!! Best of luck, it really is tough some days.


Staff member
It's not just the taste, it's the TEXTURE. It has tiny little microbeads in it. We just squirted it in followed by a drink of water. 4 years later and DS STILL talks about that horrible white stuff.

Ditto on not mixing with food or drink as they may develop an aversion and refuse to drink or eat. Friend of mine learned it the hard way with vitamins and milk


Staff member
It's not just the taste, it's the TEXTURE. It has tiny little microbeads in it. We just squirted it in followed by a drink of water. 4 years later and DS STILL talks about that horrible white stuff.

Ditto on not mixing with food or drink as they may develop an aversion and refuse to drink or eat. Friend of mine learned it the hard way with vitamins and milk


Staff member
It's not just the taste, it's the TEXTURE. It has tiny little microbeads in it. We just squirted it in followed by a drink of water. 4 years later and DS STILL talks about that horrible white stuff.
<br />
<br />Ditto on not mixing with food or drink as they may develop an aversion and refuse to drink or eat. Friend of mine learned it the hard way with vitamins and milk
<br />


New member
Thanks ladies. My whole family brainstormed all last night. The best we came up with, and then saw supported on-line, was chocolate syrup. And yes, I figured out that I don't want to mix with foods that I'll want him to eat!!( However, I'm giving 5ml. If I was giving 1ml I'd feel like I could squirt in his mouth and chase, but 5ml, I feel like he'll choke. Ugh!

And Liza, we're 2 Delta F508s too.


New member
Thanks ladies. My whole family brainstormed all last night. The best we came up with, and then saw supported on-line, was chocolate syrup. And yes, I figured out that I don't want to mix with foods that I'll want him to eat!!( However, I'm giving 5ml. If I was giving 1ml I'd feel like I could squirt in his mouth and chase, but 5ml, I feel like he'll choke. Ugh!

And Liza, we're 2 Delta F508s too.


New member
Thanks ladies. My whole family brainstormed all last night. The best we came up with, and then saw supported on-line, was chocolate syrup. And yes, I figured out that I don't want to mix with foods that I'll want him to eat!!( However, I'm giving 5ml. If I was giving 1ml I'd feel like I could squirt in his mouth and chase, but 5ml, I feel like he'll choke. Ugh!
<br />
<br />And Liza, we're 2 Delta F508s too.


Staff member
That's a tough age, too! With DS, I at least was able to resort to threats and bribery, but was still stressful and a struggle. That's gotta be the worst med! And this is the child who never had issues with adeks or actigall which we referred to as strawberry vomit.. Bleah!


Staff member
That's a tough age, too! With DS, I at least was able to resort to threats and bribery, but was still stressful and a struggle. That's gotta be the worst med! And this is the child who never had issues with adeks or actigall which we referred to as strawberry vomit.. Bleah!


Staff member
That's a tough age, too! With DS, I at least was able to resort to threats and bribery, but was still stressful and a struggle. That's gotta be the worst med! And this is the child who never had issues with adeks or actigall which we referred to as strawberry vomit.. Bleah!


New member
Yep. We took adeks like a champ too. And while we've been basically healthy, what he's been given he's taken with no problem. However THIS is going to be a challenge. Called the pharmacist this morning - they basically had nothing to offer. We are playing chemists today to try and work something out!!)


New member
Yep. We took adeks like a champ too. And while we've been basically healthy, what he's been given he's taken with no problem. However THIS is going to be a challenge. Called the pharmacist this morning - they basically had nothing to offer. We are playing chemists today to try and work something out!!)