claimed cure found for cystic fibrosis



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<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> Rolfing


<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> Rolfing


<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> Rolfing


<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> Rolfing


Staff member
According to one of the doctor's ds saw when he was in the NICU, the cure will be next year 'cuz she told us 5 years.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

Oh and there's a lady in a coma in florida, who apparently has healing powers and cured two young girls with CF.

While I'm hopeful there will be a long term treatment option or cure in the future. I think it's still a long time coming. Just read an article about unlocking the secrets of Red Tide, another possible treatment option/cure -- research has been ongoing on it for 20 years.


Staff member
According to one of the doctor's ds saw when he was in the NICU, the cure will be next year 'cuz she told us 5 years.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

Oh and there's a lady in a coma in florida, who apparently has healing powers and cured two young girls with CF.

While I'm hopeful there will be a long term treatment option or cure in the future. I think it's still a long time coming. Just read an article about unlocking the secrets of Red Tide, another possible treatment option/cure -- research has been ongoing on it for 20 years.


Staff member
According to one of the doctor's ds saw when he was in the NICU, the cure will be next year 'cuz she told us 5 years.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

Oh and there's a lady in a coma in florida, who apparently has healing powers and cured two young girls with CF.

While I'm hopeful there will be a long term treatment option or cure in the future. I think it's still a long time coming. Just read an article about unlocking the secrets of Red Tide, another possible treatment option/cure -- research has been ongoing on it for 20 years.


Staff member
According to one of the doctor's ds saw when he was in the NICU, the cure will be next year 'cuz she told us 5 years.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

Oh and there's a lady in a coma in florida, who apparently has healing powers and cured two young girls with CF.

While I'm hopeful there will be a long term treatment option or cure in the future. I think it's still a long time coming. Just read an article about unlocking the secrets of Red Tide, another possible treatment option/cure -- research has been ongoing on it for 20 years.


Staff member
According to one of the doctor's ds saw when he was in the NICU, the cure will be next year 'cuz she told us 5 years.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

Oh and there's a lady in a coma in florida, who apparently has healing powers and cured two young girls with CF.

While I'm hopeful there will be a long term treatment option or cure in the future. I think it's still a long time coming. Just read an article about unlocking the secrets of Red Tide, another possible treatment option/cure -- research has been ongoing on it for 20 years.


New member
Enough with the cynicism. I don't come to this board to be "brought down". There is something we have...and its called hope. Why take that away or even imply that there's none. 10 years ago, they didn't know the things they do now...and the technology in discovery has jumped through the roof. We are kicking down CF's door and we are going to break through...keep hoping, keep praying, and keep supporting the foundation.


New member
Enough with the cynicism. I don't come to this board to be "brought down". There is something we have...and its called hope. Why take that away or even imply that there's none. 10 years ago, they didn't know the things they do now...and the technology in discovery has jumped through the roof. We are kicking down CF's door and we are going to break through...keep hoping, keep praying, and keep supporting the foundation.


New member
Enough with the cynicism. I don't come to this board to be "brought down". There is something we have...and its called hope. Why take that away or even imply that there's none. 10 years ago, they didn't know the things they do now...and the technology in discovery has jumped through the roof. We are kicking down CF's door and we are going to break through...keep hoping, keep praying, and keep supporting the foundation.


New member
Enough with the cynicism. I don't come to this board to be "brought down". There is something we have...and its called hope. Why take that away or even imply that there's none. 10 years ago, they didn't know the things they do now...and the technology in discovery has jumped through the roof. We are kicking down CF's door and we are going to break through...keep hoping, keep praying, and keep supporting the foundation.


New member
Enough with the cynicism. I don't come to this board to be "brought down". There is something we have...and its called hope. Why take that away or even imply that there's none. 10 years ago, they didn't know the things they do now...and the technology in discovery has jumped through the roof. We are kicking down CF's door and we are going to break through...keep hoping, keep praying, and keep supporting the foundation.