Completely disgusted with all the drug talk.


New member
We should not shelter them like they are 2, we should shelter them like they are teenagers. It's a stage, not the age of marjority. And knowing right from wrong, resisting peer pressure, and all the other pressures out there is a huge task.
I'll leave the adult page to you grownups, and I'll keep my 12 year old on parental controls on the computer.


New member
What is so wrong about talking about weed on an adult forum? I am not going to come here and say ITS SO AWSOME YOU GOTTA TRY IT, but I don't think any1 should put drugs in a corner and declare them evil. Maybe Marijuana has benefits for CF patients, I did a research paper on weed to get more information on the drug myself, I learned alot about it, and it is used in treating 3 diseases right now. Glaucoma, because it reduced eye pressure. Cancer patients who go through KEMO, because it prevents them from vomiting. And AID's patients because it gives you "The Munchies" which helps them gain wieght. First I would like to say DON'T SMOKE IT!!! DONT SMOKE ANYTHING!!! If you have CF or any type of lung problem, or even if you have normal lungs, smoking anything is bad for your lungs, that should be obvious but I have heard of CF smokers. Weed can be cooked and eaten, which does not hurt the lungs in any way. I am not saying go out and cook it, but there are going to be people out there who are going to try it weather you say its bad or not, and I think its better to discuss the positive and negative side effects so that one can make a decision on their own. Marijuana is not physically addictive the way Alcohol and other drugs can be, however it can be Phycologically addictive, and when this happens the user doesnt feel right when they are not high, they can't funtion normally if they are not high and they become dependant on the feeling, Marijuana addiction is not as common as alcohol and other drug addiction, however when someone becomes addicted to it, it can be very hard for them to get off the drug. Marijuana effects everyone differently in both positive and negative ways. The negatives: You become dull, you loose your deph perception meaning you should never drive while high, lazyness, drowsiness, lack of control which can be bad especially in an emergency situation, Increased heart rate which can especially be bad for people with heart problems, very bad short term memory, headaches, paranoia, and anxiety...these are the main negative side effects, again weed's effect varies in everyone and not everyone will have all of these negative side effects. The positives: You can not overdose on weed, Mood Lifter, relaxation, become very creative, pain relief, reduced nasea, Senses become very sensitive, Boring things seem interesting, "munchies" Extreme hunger in which you eat as much as you can, food tastes better, music sounds better, Again this is not what every1 will feel, every1 has different effects these are just the most common. I have personally tried eating it a few times myself, I did not like it much the first time, but each time I tried it after that it got better which is why I quit after trying it about 5 times, because I did not want to start really liking it and become dependant on it. I am honestly glad I have tried it, and I know that if I got to a point where I knew I was going to die soon and was in alot of pain that I would want to use it as a painkiller. I noticed some other things with weed, after using it real life seems dull for about a week, thats something I really didnt like about it. Weed is bought off the street, and is illegal which is another negative side effect, you can get arrested for possesing it, Along with the fact that if you don't know where your weed is coming from it could have other things in it that you are unaware of, such as cocaine or other drugs. Marijuana is also known to be a gateway drug meaning people move on to other more hadcroe drugs after trying marijuana, this is something I both agree and disagree with. I will never ever touch any other drug, and I know many people that have done weed that are the exact same way, however people that are going to try those harder drugs, are usually going to try marijuana first. So yes some people may use it as a gateway drug, this does not mean that some1 who uses marijuana is going to move onto a harder drug next. Also eating marijuana wipes out an entire day pretty much because the usually lasts 10-12 hours when eating it.

Anyways the only 2 positives I could see weed doing for CF patients is being a painkiller, and giving munchies to gain wieght. And maybe doctors can take this drug and find out what gives people the munchies and extract that from the drug to be put to use. Maybe it brings other benefits to CF patients. I am not saying it does, I would just be interested to see if any research has been done on it.

Anyways I will probly get yelled at for making this post, but thats fine, I did my very best in this post to express the truth about weed, about all the bad and good things about it. Weed can make you dull, it can make life seem dull, you can become dependant on it, there are alot of risks with the drug, and it is your decision if you are going to try it or not. I am a pretty curious person, and I chose to explore it, I have checked it out and had some fun, but decided Id rather not do it anymore so that I can enjoy life, and not be dull, and drug dependant. Honestly I think Alcohols effects are more dangerous then weeds effects, but thats a whole nother argument and I am tired of typing.


New member
What is so wrong about talking about weed on an adult forum? I am not going to come here and say ITS SO AWSOME YOU GOTTA TRY IT, but I don't think any1 should put drugs in a corner and declare them evil. Maybe Marijuana has benefits for CF patients, I did a research paper on weed to get more information on the drug myself, I learned alot about it, and it is used in treating 3 diseases right now. Glaucoma, because it reduced eye pressure. Cancer patients who go through KEMO, because it prevents them from vomiting. And AID's patients because it gives you "The Munchies" which helps them gain wieght. First I would like to say DON'T SMOKE IT!!! DONT SMOKE ANYTHING!!! If you have CF or any type of lung problem, or even if you have normal lungs, smoking anything is bad for your lungs, that should be obvious but I have heard of CF smokers. Weed can be cooked and eaten, which does not hurt the lungs in any way. I am not saying go out and cook it, but there are going to be people out there who are going to try it weather you say its bad or not, and I think its better to discuss the positive and negative side effects so that one can make a decision on their own. Marijuana is not physically addictive the way Alcohol and other drugs can be, however it can be Phycologically addictive, and when this happens the user doesnt feel right when they are not high, they can't funtion normally if they are not high and they become dependant on the feeling, Marijuana addiction is not as common as alcohol and other drug addiction, however when someone becomes addicted to it, it can be very hard for them to get off the drug. Marijuana effects everyone differently in both positive and negative ways. The negatives: You become dull, you loose your deph perception meaning you should never drive while high, lazyness, drowsiness, lack of control which can be bad especially in an emergency situation, Increased heart rate which can especially be bad for people with heart problems, very bad short term memory, headaches, paranoia, and anxiety...these are the main negative side effects, again weed's effect varies in everyone and not everyone will have all of these negative side effects. The positives: You can not overdose on weed, Mood Lifter, relaxation, become very creative, pain relief, reduced nasea, Senses become very sensitive, Boring things seem interesting, "munchies" Extreme hunger in which you eat as much as you can, food tastes better, music sounds better, Again this is not what every1 will feel, every1 has different effects these are just the most common. I have personally tried eating it a few times myself, I did not like it much the first time, but each time I tried it after that it got better which is why I quit after trying it about 5 times, because I did not want to start really liking it and become dependant on it. I am honestly glad I have tried it, and I know that if I got to a point where I knew I was going to die soon and was in alot of pain that I would want to use it as a painkiller. I noticed some other things with weed, after using it real life seems dull for about a week, thats something I really didnt like about it. Weed is bought off the street, and is illegal which is another negative side effect, you can get arrested for possesing it, Along with the fact that if you don't know where your weed is coming from it could have other things in it that you are unaware of, such as cocaine or other drugs. Marijuana is also known to be a gateway drug meaning people move on to other more hadcroe drugs after trying marijuana, this is something I both agree and disagree with. I will never ever touch any other drug, and I know many people that have done weed that are the exact same way, however people that are going to try those harder drugs, are usually going to try marijuana first. So yes some people may use it as a gateway drug, this does not mean that some1 who uses marijuana is going to move onto a harder drug next. Also eating marijuana wipes out an entire day pretty much because the usually lasts 10-12 hours when eating it.

Anyways the only 2 positives I could see weed doing for CF patients is being a painkiller, and giving munchies to gain wieght. And maybe doctors can take this drug and find out what gives people the munchies and extract that from the drug to be put to use. Maybe it brings other benefits to CF patients. I am not saying it does, I would just be interested to see if any research has been done on it.

Anyways I will probly get yelled at for making this post, but thats fine, I did my very best in this post to express the truth about weed, about all the bad and good things about it. Weed can make you dull, it can make life seem dull, you can become dependant on it, there are alot of risks with the drug, and it is your decision if you are going to try it or not. I am a pretty curious person, and I chose to explore it, I have checked it out and had some fun, but decided Id rather not do it anymore so that I can enjoy life, and not be dull, and drug dependant. Honestly I think Alcohols effects are more dangerous then weeds effects, but thats a whole nother argument and I am tired of typing.


New member
What is so wrong about talking about weed on an adult forum? I am not going to come here and say ITS SO AWSOME YOU GOTTA TRY IT, but I don't think any1 should put drugs in a corner and declare them evil. Maybe Marijuana has benefits for CF patients, I did a research paper on weed to get more information on the drug myself, I learned alot about it, and it is used in treating 3 diseases right now. Glaucoma, because it reduced eye pressure. Cancer patients who go through KEMO, because it prevents them from vomiting. And AID's patients because it gives you "The Munchies" which helps them gain wieght. First I would like to say DON'T SMOKE IT!!! DONT SMOKE ANYTHING!!! If you have CF or any type of lung problem, or even if you have normal lungs, smoking anything is bad for your lungs, that should be obvious but I have heard of CF smokers. Weed can be cooked and eaten, which does not hurt the lungs in any way. I am not saying go out and cook it, but there are going to be people out there who are going to try it weather you say its bad or not, and I think its better to discuss the positive and negative side effects so that one can make a decision on their own. Marijuana is not physically addictive the way Alcohol and other drugs can be, however it can be Phycologically addictive, and when this happens the user doesnt feel right when they are not high, they can't funtion normally if they are not high and they become dependant on the feeling, Marijuana addiction is not as common as alcohol and other drug addiction, however when someone becomes addicted to it, it can be very hard for them to get off the drug. Marijuana effects everyone differently in both positive and negative ways. The negatives: You become dull, you loose your deph perception meaning you should never drive while high, lazyness, drowsiness, lack of control which can be bad especially in an emergency situation, Increased heart rate which can especially be bad for people with heart problems, very bad short term memory, headaches, paranoia, and anxiety...these are the main negative side effects, again weed's effect varies in everyone and not everyone will have all of these negative side effects. The positives: You can not overdose on weed, Mood Lifter, relaxation, become very creative, pain relief, reduced nasea, Senses become very sensitive, Boring things seem interesting, "munchies" Extreme hunger in which you eat as much as you can, food tastes better, music sounds better, Again this is not what every1 will feel, every1 has different effects these are just the most common. I have personally tried eating it a few times myself, I did not like it much the first time, but each time I tried it after that it got better which is why I quit after trying it about 5 times, because I did not want to start really liking it and become dependant on it. I am honestly glad I have tried it, and I know that if I got to a point where I knew I was going to die soon and was in alot of pain that I would want to use it as a painkiller. I noticed some other things with weed, after using it real life seems dull for about a week, thats something I really didnt like about it. Weed is bought off the street, and is illegal which is another negative side effect, you can get arrested for possesing it, Along with the fact that if you don't know where your weed is coming from it could have other things in it that you are unaware of, such as cocaine or other drugs. Marijuana is also known to be a gateway drug meaning people move on to other more hadcroe drugs after trying marijuana, this is something I both agree and disagree with. I will never ever touch any other drug, and I know many people that have done weed that are the exact same way, however people that are going to try those harder drugs, are usually going to try marijuana first. So yes some people may use it as a gateway drug, this does not mean that some1 who uses marijuana is going to move onto a harder drug next. Also eating marijuana wipes out an entire day pretty much because the usually lasts 10-12 hours when eating it.

Anyways the only 2 positives I could see weed doing for CF patients is being a painkiller, and giving munchies to gain wieght. And maybe doctors can take this drug and find out what gives people the munchies and extract that from the drug to be put to use. Maybe it brings other benefits to CF patients. I am not saying it does, I would just be interested to see if any research has been done on it.

Anyways I will probly get yelled at for making this post, but thats fine, I did my very best in this post to express the truth about weed, about all the bad and good things about it. Weed can make you dull, it can make life seem dull, you can become dependant on it, there are alot of risks with the drug, and it is your decision if you are going to try it or not. I am a pretty curious person, and I chose to explore it, I have checked it out and had some fun, but decided Id rather not do it anymore so that I can enjoy life, and not be dull, and drug dependant. Honestly I think Alcohols effects are more dangerous then weeds effects, but thats a whole nother argument and I am tired of typing.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>And maybe doctors can take this drug and find out what gives people the munchies and extract that from the drug to be put to use.</end quote></div>

they have already done that.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>And maybe doctors can take this drug and find out what gives people the munchies and extract that from the drug to be put to use.</end quote></div>

they have already done that.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>And maybe doctors can take this drug and find out what gives people the munchies and extract that from the drug to be put to use.</end quote></div>

they have already done that.