Completely disgusted with all the drug talk.


New member
To the people who are being "bothered" by the talk of drugs...
too bad so sad...
no one is forcing you to be here. no one it taking your head taping open your eyes and forcing you to read it... knowledge is power and you know what.. just cause you don't let your kids read it here doesn't mean they won't learn about it... it's like sex.. keep them informed... tell them.. drugs are bad, you shouldn't do them blah blah... but again if they come here and they have cf and they really want to do it.. no matter what you say.. if they want to they will... at least they will learn how to do it safely.... like sex... we are all supposed to be mature adults here and discuss things about cf and our general lives with it... if your general life with cf also coincides with pot and the experimentation of such then yes it does belong here... drugs have been brought up several times in the past and will continue to be brought up in the future, you cannot tell people that this is okay to discuss but this is taboo...

Ashley 22 w/cf


New member
To the people who are being "bothered" by the talk of drugs...
too bad so sad...
no one is forcing you to be here. no one it taking your head taping open your eyes and forcing you to read it... knowledge is power and you know what.. just cause you don't let your kids read it here doesn't mean they won't learn about it... it's like sex.. keep them informed... tell them.. drugs are bad, you shouldn't do them blah blah... but again if they come here and they have cf and they really want to do it.. no matter what you say.. if they want to they will... at least they will learn how to do it safely.... like sex... we are all supposed to be mature adults here and discuss things about cf and our general lives with it... if your general life with cf also coincides with pot and the experimentation of such then yes it does belong here... drugs have been brought up several times in the past and will continue to be brought up in the future, you cannot tell people that this is okay to discuss but this is taboo...

Ashley 22 w/cf


New member
To the people who are being "bothered" by the talk of drugs...
too bad so sad...
no one is forcing you to be here. no one it taking your head taping open your eyes and forcing you to read it... knowledge is power and you know what.. just cause you don't let your kids read it here doesn't mean they won't learn about it... it's like sex.. keep them informed... tell them.. drugs are bad, you shouldn't do them blah blah... but again if they come here and they have cf and they really want to do it.. no matter what you say.. if they want to they will... at least they will learn how to do it safely.... like sex... we are all supposed to be mature adults here and discuss things about cf and our general lives with it... if your general life with cf also coincides with pot and the experimentation of such then yes it does belong here... drugs have been brought up several times in the past and will continue to be brought up in the future, you cannot tell people that this is okay to discuss but this is taboo...

Ashley 22 w/cf


Luke chimes in...Where will I start??? yea..First of all freedom of speech includes freedom to read. So maybe you shouldn't offend yourself by reading posts that you already know will make you mad.

2, if you want to leave, leave...don't tell anyone just quit signing on. By saying your leaving what you are really saying is, will someone please ask me not to leave??? If you want that, just come out and ask I am sure someone will ask you to stay.

3. Maybe some of the drug users on this site have jobs and want to waste their money on drugs, what concern is that of yours? I am sorry you are in need of public assistance. Most of us(including myself) have or still do need social welfare programs to get by...still what offends you more? The drug talk or that someone is wasting money on them?

Now let me say this...I do not do drugs. I used to do a lot of them but have been clean for over 6 years. I don't condone the use of drugs but I 100% understand why people do them. When I did buy them it was with money I earned and was not government money. So before you try to retort that I don't know where you are coming from I do...I just disagree with your point.

for what it's worth, my 2 cents.



Luke chimes in...Where will I start??? yea..First of all freedom of speech includes freedom to read. So maybe you shouldn't offend yourself by reading posts that you already know will make you mad.

2, if you want to leave, leave...don't tell anyone just quit signing on. By saying your leaving what you are really saying is, will someone please ask me not to leave??? If you want that, just come out and ask I am sure someone will ask you to stay.

3. Maybe some of the drug users on this site have jobs and want to waste their money on drugs, what concern is that of yours? I am sorry you are in need of public assistance. Most of us(including myself) have or still do need social welfare programs to get by...still what offends you more? The drug talk or that someone is wasting money on them?

Now let me say this...I do not do drugs. I used to do a lot of them but have been clean for over 6 years. I don't condone the use of drugs but I 100% understand why people do them. When I did buy them it was with money I earned and was not government money. So before you try to retort that I don't know where you are coming from I do...I just disagree with your point.

for what it's worth, my 2 cents.



Luke chimes in...Where will I start??? yea..First of all freedom of speech includes freedom to read. So maybe you shouldn't offend yourself by reading posts that you already know will make you mad.

2, if you want to leave, leave...don't tell anyone just quit signing on. By saying your leaving what you are really saying is, will someone please ask me not to leave??? If you want that, just come out and ask I am sure someone will ask you to stay.

3. Maybe some of the drug users on this site have jobs and want to waste their money on drugs, what concern is that of yours? I am sorry you are in need of public assistance. Most of us(including myself) have or still do need social welfare programs to get by...still what offends you more? The drug talk or that someone is wasting money on them?

Now let me say this...I do not do drugs. I used to do a lot of them but have been clean for over 6 years. I don't condone the use of drugs but I 100% understand why people do them. When I did buy them it was with money I earned and was not government money. So before you try to retort that I don't know where you are coming from I do...I just disagree with your point.

for what it's worth, my 2 cents.



New member

Are you serious? 90% of people smoke pot??

WOW. Which world is THAT person from? Am I in the wrong dimension here?

I guess I'm living on the OTHER planet Earth, or at least in the OTHER Canada, and the OTHER B.C. which is one of the world's top marijuana growing areas and still I'm pretty sure that 90% of people in my world <i>don't</i> smoke pot.

Maybe lots of people have tried it once or twice, but 9 out of 10 people? Ummm...the world would be a LOT more laid back, lol! It would probably be a much better place, honestly. And there'd be WAY more vending machines and cheaper munchies.

If anyone's curious, I have been doing some research among medical professionals in the past two days and have gotten opinions from four separate doctors on the PHYSICAL effects of marijuana. The smoke is FAR worse than cigarettes for lung tissue even if it's not as carcinogenic as cigarettes. Among marijuana smokers (these are chronics though, like almost-every-day weed smokers) lung function is severely compromised and the chances of COPD is raised, and you can contract secondary infections such as aspergillus and pneumonia.
The mental effects are that serotonin receptors can be permanently damaged with increased risk of psychotic episodes and depression. This apparently happens even after smoking weed once!
These are just from pulmonologists and a psychiatrist who have seen this over and over in their careers though, not a bona-fide medical research study.

But if it makes you happy and feel better then do it. It's just not my thing--makes me too paranoid.

PS-- Though that heroin in the port thing was a joke, (and MY bad joke, and my apologies for offending) it is actually not fatal. One of my hospital roommates shot heroin right into her port, and she was already suffering from severe endocarditis.


New member

Are you serious? 90% of people smoke pot??

WOW. Which world is THAT person from? Am I in the wrong dimension here?

I guess I'm living on the OTHER planet Earth, or at least in the OTHER Canada, and the OTHER B.C. which is one of the world's top marijuana growing areas and still I'm pretty sure that 90% of people in my world <i>don't</i> smoke pot.

Maybe lots of people have tried it once or twice, but 9 out of 10 people? Ummm...the world would be a LOT more laid back, lol! It would probably be a much better place, honestly. And there'd be WAY more vending machines and cheaper munchies.

If anyone's curious, I have been doing some research among medical professionals in the past two days and have gotten opinions from four separate doctors on the PHYSICAL effects of marijuana. The smoke is FAR worse than cigarettes for lung tissue even if it's not as carcinogenic as cigarettes. Among marijuana smokers (these are chronics though, like almost-every-day weed smokers) lung function is severely compromised and the chances of COPD is raised, and you can contract secondary infections such as aspergillus and pneumonia.
The mental effects are that serotonin receptors can be permanently damaged with increased risk of psychotic episodes and depression. This apparently happens even after smoking weed once!
These are just from pulmonologists and a psychiatrist who have seen this over and over in their careers though, not a bona-fide medical research study.

But if it makes you happy and feel better then do it. It's just not my thing--makes me too paranoid.

PS-- Though that heroin in the port thing was a joke, (and MY bad joke, and my apologies for offending) it is actually not fatal. One of my hospital roommates shot heroin right into her port, and she was already suffering from severe endocarditis.


New member

Are you serious? 90% of people smoke pot??

WOW. Which world is THAT person from? Am I in the wrong dimension here?

I guess I'm living on the OTHER planet Earth, or at least in the OTHER Canada, and the OTHER B.C. which is one of the world's top marijuana growing areas and still I'm pretty sure that 90% of people in my world <i>don't</i> smoke pot.

Maybe lots of people have tried it once or twice, but 9 out of 10 people? Ummm...the world would be a LOT more laid back, lol! It would probably be a much better place, honestly. And there'd be WAY more vending machines and cheaper munchies.

If anyone's curious, I have been doing some research among medical professionals in the past two days and have gotten opinions from four separate doctors on the PHYSICAL effects of marijuana. The smoke is FAR worse than cigarettes for lung tissue even if it's not as carcinogenic as cigarettes. Among marijuana smokers (these are chronics though, like almost-every-day weed smokers) lung function is severely compromised and the chances of COPD is raised, and you can contract secondary infections such as aspergillus and pneumonia.
The mental effects are that serotonin receptors can be permanently damaged with increased risk of psychotic episodes and depression. This apparently happens even after smoking weed once!
These are just from pulmonologists and a psychiatrist who have seen this over and over in their careers though, not a bona-fide medical research study.

But if it makes you happy and feel better then do it. It's just not my thing--makes me too paranoid.

PS-- Though that heroin in the port thing was a joke, (and MY bad joke, and my apologies for offending) it is actually not fatal. One of my hospital roommates shot heroin right into her port, and she was already suffering from severe endocarditis.


New member
just reread someof the posts in the ....what 3 threads now about the drugs ... and one thing seems to be popping up quite alot, thats 'sarcasm'.
Now ive been thinking about this and you know what, I cant see any sarcastic remarks in the thread about the heroin, other than the first comment by Allie. the comments that followed were all 'crass' remarks.

Maybe a dictionary might be a good buy for christmas for some<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
just reread someof the posts in the ....what 3 threads now about the drugs ... and one thing seems to be popping up quite alot, thats 'sarcasm'.
Now ive been thinking about this and you know what, I cant see any sarcastic remarks in the thread about the heroin, other than the first comment by Allie. the comments that followed were all 'crass' remarks.

Maybe a dictionary might be a good buy for christmas for some<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
just reread someof the posts in the ....what 3 threads now about the drugs ... and one thing seems to be popping up quite alot, thats 'sarcasm'.
Now ive been thinking about this and you know what, I cant see any sarcastic remarks in the thread about the heroin, other than the first comment by Allie. the comments that followed were all 'crass' remarks.

Maybe a dictionary might be a good buy for christmas for some<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Hermit</b></i>

</end quote></div>

Hermit you forgot the MMMMM KAY. (off of Southpark, Mr. Mackey says that, in case any of you guys dont know what Im talking about)

My turn, at first I wasnt going to post on this thread, cause I thought it was stupid, and it still is, now I didnt read everyones responses but I agree with some of the people, especially what Luke said freedom of speeach and freedom to read what ever and dont read something that will tick you off. Thats simple enough for me, infact I never even read the drug thread cause I didnt care about opening it to see what it was about, therefore I chose the freedom to read and not read it.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Hermit</b></i>

</end quote></div>

Hermit you forgot the MMMMM KAY. (off of Southpark, Mr. Mackey says that, in case any of you guys dont know what Im talking about)

My turn, at first I wasnt going to post on this thread, cause I thought it was stupid, and it still is, now I didnt read everyones responses but I agree with some of the people, especially what Luke said freedom of speeach and freedom to read what ever and dont read something that will tick you off. Thats simple enough for me, infact I never even read the drug thread cause I didnt care about opening it to see what it was about, therefore I chose the freedom to read and not read it.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Hermit</b></i>

</end quote></div>

Hermit you forgot the MMMMM KAY. (off of Southpark, Mr. Mackey says that, in case any of you guys dont know what Im talking about)

My turn, at first I wasnt going to post on this thread, cause I thought it was stupid, and it still is, now I didnt read everyones responses but I agree with some of the people, especially what Luke said freedom of speeach and freedom to read what ever and dont read something that will tick you off. Thats simple enough for me, infact I never even read the drug thread cause I didnt care about opening it to see what it was about, therefore I chose the freedom to read and not read it.


New member
We should not shelter them like they are 2, we should shelter them like they are teenagers. It's a stage, not the age of marjority. And knowing right from wrong, resisting peer pressure, and all the other pressures out there is a huge task.
I'll leave the adult page to you grownups, and I'll keep my 12 year old on parental controls on the computer.


New member
We should not shelter them like they are 2, we should shelter them like they are teenagers. It's a stage, not the age of marjority. And knowing right from wrong, resisting peer pressure, and all the other pressures out there is a huge task.
I'll leave the adult page to you grownups, and I'll keep my 12 year old on parental controls on the computer.