Completely disgusted with all the drug talk.


New member

Let's try this again...

When did i say that i smoke pot?
And where did i condone pot smoking, or any drug for that matter, with a medical condition?

Go over that last post of mine... i'll give you time... didn't find it...

OH! That's right... because it ISN'T THERE!!!

i was just saying that most people (oh, and in case you didn't know... most people don't have cf) smoke pot. The only reason it is still illegal is because alcohol companies pay the government and the media to keep anti marajuana sediment going. (Ever wonder where all those anti-drug commercials get funding...? Cause i'll tell ya, it's not public schools OR the CFF)

And my main point... CHILL! i am SO chilled, and it's not cause i'm high. i just don't stress like you obviously do when someone, or ones, practice their constitutional right of freedom of speech.

And, just to defend my herb loving friends, and to slightly ruffle some more feathers, might i add, that if i didn't have CF, i would be one stoned little mama.

Now Welsh, who needs to chill? ... i'm still smiling... are you?


New member

Let's try this again...

When did i say that i smoke pot?
And where did i condone pot smoking, or any drug for that matter, with a medical condition?

Go over that last post of mine... i'll give you time... didn't find it...

OH! That's right... because it ISN'T THERE!!!

i was just saying that most people (oh, and in case you didn't know... most people don't have cf) smoke pot. The only reason it is still illegal is because alcohol companies pay the government and the media to keep anti marajuana sediment going. (Ever wonder where all those anti-drug commercials get funding...? Cause i'll tell ya, it's not public schools OR the CFF)

And my main point... CHILL! i am SO chilled, and it's not cause i'm high. i just don't stress like you obviously do when someone, or ones, practice their constitutional right of freedom of speech.

And, just to defend my herb loving friends, and to slightly ruffle some more feathers, might i add, that if i didn't have CF, i would be one stoned little mama.

Now Welsh, who needs to chill? ... i'm still smiling... are you?


New member
Two more comments on this

1) yep pot is illegal (in some places, not all, which should also tell you people how acceptable it is these days)......but so is giving away prescribed drugs to somebody else - does it stop people on this site doing it? do people on this site actually condone it anyway? Ever driven your car without a current registration? That's illegal too. Taken a p*ss somewhere other than a toilet?? Illegal!!! So the whole 'illegal' argument flys out the window. You can't pick and choose which laws are ok to break people. Illegal is illegal, if you are gonna get all high and mightly about not breaking the law, you have to get high and mighty about the breaking of ALL laws, or shut up about pot being illegal. Seriously is that all you've got to fall back on?

2) Gateway drug....hahahahaaaaaaaaa, oh i should stop I can't!! hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ok i'm over it now. Damn people are DUMB!!! surely the very fact that the sarcastic thread about hard drugs that was posted straight after the serious post about pot - combined with the fact that a lot of the same people commented in both threads and were very sarcastic about the hard drugs....PROVES that although some of us think smoking pot is no big deal, we are all pretty much united in the opinion that hard drugs are wrong!!???? So um, explain to me again how all of us who have smoked/eaten pot as our 'gateway' drug are so opposed to the harder ones???? I'm you guys have been brainwashed!!!!!

And Frankie you raised an excellent point and stole my number 3 dammit!!!

I agree that most people in psych wards have probably turned to illegal drugs in an attempt to self-medicate and already existing and perhaps undiagnosed mental condition. Most mental illnesses predispose the sufferers to substance abuse problems, any meathead knows that. Sheesh do your homework people!! And please lose the hipocrisy and sweeping generalisations.


New member
Two more comments on this

1) yep pot is illegal (in some places, not all, which should also tell you people how acceptable it is these days)......but so is giving away prescribed drugs to somebody else - does it stop people on this site doing it? do people on this site actually condone it anyway? Ever driven your car without a current registration? That's illegal too. Taken a p*ss somewhere other than a toilet?? Illegal!!! So the whole 'illegal' argument flys out the window. You can't pick and choose which laws are ok to break people. Illegal is illegal, if you are gonna get all high and mightly about not breaking the law, you have to get high and mighty about the breaking of ALL laws, or shut up about pot being illegal. Seriously is that all you've got to fall back on?

2) Gateway drug....hahahahaaaaaaaaa, oh i should stop I can't!! hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ok i'm over it now. Damn people are DUMB!!! surely the very fact that the sarcastic thread about hard drugs that was posted straight after the serious post about pot - combined with the fact that a lot of the same people commented in both threads and were very sarcastic about the hard drugs....PROVES that although some of us think smoking pot is no big deal, we are all pretty much united in the opinion that hard drugs are wrong!!???? So um, explain to me again how all of us who have smoked/eaten pot as our 'gateway' drug are so opposed to the harder ones???? I'm you guys have been brainwashed!!!!!

And Frankie you raised an excellent point and stole my number 3 dammit!!!

I agree that most people in psych wards have probably turned to illegal drugs in an attempt to self-medicate and already existing and perhaps undiagnosed mental condition. Most mental illnesses predispose the sufferers to substance abuse problems, any meathead knows that. Sheesh do your homework people!! And please lose the hipocrisy and sweeping generalisations.


New member
Two more comments on this

1) yep pot is illegal (in some places, not all, which should also tell you people how acceptable it is these days)......but so is giving away prescribed drugs to somebody else - does it stop people on this site doing it? do people on this site actually condone it anyway? Ever driven your car without a current registration? That's illegal too. Taken a p*ss somewhere other than a toilet?? Illegal!!! So the whole 'illegal' argument flys out the window. You can't pick and choose which laws are ok to break people. Illegal is illegal, if you are gonna get all high and mightly about not breaking the law, you have to get high and mighty about the breaking of ALL laws, or shut up about pot being illegal. Seriously is that all you've got to fall back on?

2) Gateway drug....hahahahaaaaaaaaa, oh i should stop I can't!! hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ok i'm over it now. Damn people are DUMB!!! surely the very fact that the sarcastic thread about hard drugs that was posted straight after the serious post about pot - combined with the fact that a lot of the same people commented in both threads and were very sarcastic about the hard drugs....PROVES that although some of us think smoking pot is no big deal, we are all pretty much united in the opinion that hard drugs are wrong!!???? So um, explain to me again how all of us who have smoked/eaten pot as our 'gateway' drug are so opposed to the harder ones???? I'm you guys have been brainwashed!!!!!

And Frankie you raised an excellent point and stole my number 3 dammit!!!

I agree that most people in psych wards have probably turned to illegal drugs in an attempt to self-medicate and already existing and perhaps undiagnosed mental condition. Most mental illnesses predispose the sufferers to substance abuse problems, any meathead knows that. Sheesh do your homework people!! And please lose the hipocrisy and sweeping generalisations.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Jennifer1981</b></i>
As far as kids having access to the adult forums, it quite easy. You CAN NOT be watching your kids 24/7. There are no required passwords to enter each topic section this is a forum for all age groups. Therfore, should it not be kept somewhat monitored? </end quote></div>

Okay...because I'm bored doing these nebs, lets try this again! Should it matter if you aren't watching your kids? NO! Because your kids should know what they should and shouldn't be looking at, and if they don't, they shouldn't be on the internet to begin with! Its very simple! My parents were working when I was growing up and not around all the time, but they actually taught me right from wrong! When they were away, yeah, I got on the computer occasionally. Did I go right to adult sites and porno? NO! Because they taught me what I should and shouldn't be doing at my age! And I actually listened to them! If you teach your child correctly, then you shouldn't even be worried about such things!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Jennifer1981</b></i>
As far as kids having access to the adult forums, it quite easy. You CAN NOT be watching your kids 24/7. There are no required passwords to enter each topic section this is a forum for all age groups. Therfore, should it not be kept somewhat monitored? </end quote></div>

Okay...because I'm bored doing these nebs, lets try this again! Should it matter if you aren't watching your kids? NO! Because your kids should know what they should and shouldn't be looking at, and if they don't, they shouldn't be on the internet to begin with! Its very simple! My parents were working when I was growing up and not around all the time, but they actually taught me right from wrong! When they were away, yeah, I got on the computer occasionally. Did I go right to adult sites and porno? NO! Because they taught me what I should and shouldn't be doing at my age! And I actually listened to them! If you teach your child correctly, then you shouldn't even be worried about such things!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Jennifer1981</b></i>
As far as kids having access to the adult forums, it quite easy. You CAN NOT be watching your kids 24/7. There are no required passwords to enter each topic section this is a forum for all age groups. Therfore, should it not be kept somewhat monitored? </end quote></div>

Okay...because I'm bored doing these nebs, lets try this again! Should it matter if you aren't watching your kids? NO! Because your kids should know what they should and shouldn't be looking at, and if they don't, they shouldn't be on the internet to begin with! Its very simple! My parents were working when I was growing up and not around all the time, but they actually taught me right from wrong! When they were away, yeah, I got on the computer occasionally. Did I go right to adult sites and porno? NO! Because they taught me what I should and shouldn't be doing at my age! And I actually listened to them! If you teach your child correctly, then you shouldn't even be worried about such things!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>welshgirl</b></i> i know 90% of the population have NOT tried drugs and those that do don't say Hmm!! lets try some drugs , how about heroin or crack cocaine??? no they will start with the "softer stuff".</end quote></div>

I would really love to know where you got that statistic from, because I think its totally bogus. 90%? LOL! If that were the case, our prisons wouldn't be filled with mainly drug users/dealers!

Um...also, FYI, I've never tried crack or heroine or meth or anything else besides pot in my life. Neither have any of my other friends that have had/do smoke it. So that's more bogus crap. But, I'm also not stupid, either, so maybe that's why.

I find it really damn funny that people are coming up with all these government studies and statistics and crap...yet doctors still prescribe marijuana to certain patients as a benificial drug, no different than what we CFers take on a daily friggin' basis... I guess everything is circumstantial, huh? If it benifits you its okay, but if it doesn't somehow its the bringer of death and the root of all evil? Funny how things work, isn't it?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>welshgirl</b></i> i know 90% of the population have NOT tried drugs and those that do don't say Hmm!! lets try some drugs , how about heroin or crack cocaine??? no they will start with the "softer stuff".</end quote></div>

I would really love to know where you got that statistic from, because I think its totally bogus. 90%? LOL! If that were the case, our prisons wouldn't be filled with mainly drug users/dealers!

Um...also, FYI, I've never tried crack or heroine or meth or anything else besides pot in my life. Neither have any of my other friends that have had/do smoke it. So that's more bogus crap. But, I'm also not stupid, either, so maybe that's why.

I find it really damn funny that people are coming up with all these government studies and statistics and crap...yet doctors still prescribe marijuana to certain patients as a benificial drug, no different than what we CFers take on a daily friggin' basis... I guess everything is circumstantial, huh? If it benifits you its okay, but if it doesn't somehow its the bringer of death and the root of all evil? Funny how things work, isn't it?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>welshgirl</b></i> i know 90% of the population have NOT tried drugs and those that do don't say Hmm!! lets try some drugs , how about heroin or crack cocaine??? no they will start with the "softer stuff".</end quote></div>

I would really love to know where you got that statistic from, because I think its totally bogus. 90%? LOL! If that were the case, our prisons wouldn't be filled with mainly drug users/dealers!

Um...also, FYI, I've never tried crack or heroine or meth or anything else besides pot in my life. Neither have any of my other friends that have had/do smoke it. So that's more bogus crap. But, I'm also not stupid, either, so maybe that's why.

I find it really damn funny that people are coming up with all these government studies and statistics and crap...yet doctors still prescribe marijuana to certain patients as a benificial drug, no different than what we CFers take on a daily friggin' basis... I guess everything is circumstantial, huh? If it benifits you its okay, but if it doesn't somehow its the bringer of death and the root of all evil? Funny how things work, isn't it?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>welshgirl</b></i>

frankie, how happy i am that i gave you a laugh. all this drug talk is really hilarious<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">

i know 90% of the population have NOT tried drugs and those that do don't say Hmm!! lets try some drugs , how about heroin or crack cocaine??? no they will start with the "softer stuff" .try and justify any way you like . drugs are illegal and irresponsible if you have lung disease.

if anyone needs to chill out it sounds as though YOU do. if you are stressed try therapy not drugs. everyone on this board is stressed because of cf and life in general . we are not all turning to pot to get ourselves through it.</end quote></div>

Are you kidding me? How many people that smoke weed drink beer? How many people that smoke cigarettes drink beer? If you ask me NICOTINE is more of a "gateway" drug then marjuana is....and by far more harmful. You have kids 10-12 years of age smoking cigarettes, and getting positive reinforment from that...probably long before they smoke marijauana. Same goes for beer. The funny thing is, both are legal, and no one seems to point the finger at it. It's just ridiculous.

And the 90% of people in mental hospitals smoke weed...that's funny. Frankie is right, everyone smokes weed...or has tried's a freaking fact. (ok maybe not everyone, but a huge percentage.)

If you people grew up in the netherlands, you would think marijuana is about as much as a drug as alcohol. It's ridiculous. Open your freaking eyes. Why not actually read about what you're trying to filter...what you think is a "drug" rather then take the governments word for it. Because we all know they are ALWAYS right. I think the only people giving in to any sort of propoganada is the people who are not aware enough to see big picture...


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>welshgirl</b></i>

frankie, how happy i am that i gave you a laugh. all this drug talk is really hilarious<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">

i know 90% of the population have NOT tried drugs and those that do don't say Hmm!! lets try some drugs , how about heroin or crack cocaine??? no they will start with the "softer stuff" .try and justify any way you like . drugs are illegal and irresponsible if you have lung disease.

if anyone needs to chill out it sounds as though YOU do. if you are stressed try therapy not drugs. everyone on this board is stressed because of cf and life in general . we are not all turning to pot to get ourselves through it.</end quote></div>

Are you kidding me? How many people that smoke weed drink beer? How many people that smoke cigarettes drink beer? If you ask me NICOTINE is more of a "gateway" drug then marjuana is....and by far more harmful. You have kids 10-12 years of age smoking cigarettes, and getting positive reinforment from that...probably long before they smoke marijauana. Same goes for beer. The funny thing is, both are legal, and no one seems to point the finger at it. It's just ridiculous.

And the 90% of people in mental hospitals smoke weed...that's funny. Frankie is right, everyone smokes weed...or has tried's a freaking fact. (ok maybe not everyone, but a huge percentage.)

If you people grew up in the netherlands, you would think marijuana is about as much as a drug as alcohol. It's ridiculous. Open your freaking eyes. Why not actually read about what you're trying to filter...what you think is a "drug" rather then take the governments word for it. Because we all know they are ALWAYS right. I think the only people giving in to any sort of propoganada is the people who are not aware enough to see big picture...


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>welshgirl</b></i>

frankie, how happy i am that i gave you a laugh. all this drug talk is really hilarious<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">

i know 90% of the population have NOT tried drugs and those that do don't say Hmm!! lets try some drugs , how about heroin or crack cocaine??? no they will start with the "softer stuff" .try and justify any way you like . drugs are illegal and irresponsible if you have lung disease.

if anyone needs to chill out it sounds as though YOU do. if you are stressed try therapy not drugs. everyone on this board is stressed because of cf and life in general . we are not all turning to pot to get ourselves through it.</end quote></div>

Are you kidding me? How many people that smoke weed drink beer? How many people that smoke cigarettes drink beer? If you ask me NICOTINE is more of a "gateway" drug then marjuana is....and by far more harmful. You have kids 10-12 years of age smoking cigarettes, and getting positive reinforment from that...probably long before they smoke marijauana. Same goes for beer. The funny thing is, both are legal, and no one seems to point the finger at it. It's just ridiculous.

And the 90% of people in mental hospitals smoke weed...that's funny. Frankie is right, everyone smokes weed...or has tried's a freaking fact. (ok maybe not everyone, but a huge percentage.)

If you people grew up in the netherlands, you would think marijuana is about as much as a drug as alcohol. It's ridiculous. Open your freaking eyes. Why not actually read about what you're trying to filter...what you think is a "drug" rather then take the governments word for it. Because we all know they are ALWAYS right. I think the only people giving in to any sort of propoganada is the people who are not aware enough to see big picture...


New member
to all who keep harping on and twisting my words , i am entitled to my own opinion and i have expressed it . I DON'T LIKE RECREATIONAL DRUGS!!!!! maybe the stats are different in america but in the uk drugs, hard or soft are not used by 90 % of the population. ( past or present) . i KNOW from personal experience that drug use alters a persons behaviour . i have witnessed it with my own eyes.

this is my last post on this particular subject you can be aggresive and bolshie all by yourselves. you can leave me out of it . this is supposed to be a cf support site not a recreational drug awareness group. I'M DONE!!!!!!


New member
to all who keep harping on and twisting my words , i am entitled to my own opinion and i have expressed it . I DON'T LIKE RECREATIONAL DRUGS!!!!! maybe the stats are different in america but in the uk drugs, hard or soft are not used by 90 % of the population. ( past or present) . i KNOW from personal experience that drug use alters a persons behaviour . i have witnessed it with my own eyes.

this is my last post on this particular subject you can be aggresive and bolshie all by yourselves. you can leave me out of it . this is supposed to be a cf support site not a recreational drug awareness group. I'M DONE!!!!!!


New member
to all who keep harping on and twisting my words , i am entitled to my own opinion and i have expressed it . I DON'T LIKE RECREATIONAL DRUGS!!!!! maybe the stats are different in america but in the uk drugs, hard or soft are not used by 90 % of the population. ( past or present) . i KNOW from personal experience that drug use alters a persons behaviour . i have witnessed it with my own eyes.

this is my last post on this particular subject you can be aggresive and bolshie all by yourselves. you can leave me out of it . this is supposed to be a cf support site not a recreational drug awareness group. I'M DONE!!!!!!