Completely disgusted with all the drug talk.


New member
"... a thought to all those people who think pot is ok.

90% of all people on psychiatric wards are or were in the past heavy pot smokers.

smoking pot leads to other use of other "heavier" drugs. "

Since everyone has already suggested taking chill pills and getting senses of humor, i won't repeat those suggestions.

i just wanted to state that the above statistic made me laugh. 90% of psych ward patients used pot... no sh*t, it's because 90% of the world population uses/used pot. Thats like saying that 90% of all people on psychiatric wards have taken a piss somewhere other than a toilet... give me a small break.

And, the word "heavy" is relative.

Not to mention the "gateway" drug bs. i have plenty of friends who smoke pot everyday, but would never touch something "heavier". i have friends who do "heavier" drugs as well, and i don't think any of them would list marajuana as their "gateway". I think it would be something more along the lines of, stress, boredom, depression...

It's like the square is always a rectangle, but rectangle not always a square thing... People who use "heavy" drugs have all smoked pot, because... (refer *lol, no pun intended* to my above "statistic") but that doesn't mean people who smoke pot will always dive further into drugs.

i leave with this in mind... Lighten the hell up! Life is too short to get all up in arms about a bunch of people you probably don't give a damn about talking about something you don't agree with. If you don't like it, don't look. No excuses about back to back posts raising curiosity... You asked to be dicgusted the second you opened a post you knew you wouldn't like, and no one put a gun to your head to make you read the whole thread, you could have stopped and abruptly ended your shock and disgust whenever you wanted to.

Peace man, peace.


New member
frankie, how happy i am that i gave you a laugh. all this drug talk is really hilarious<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">

i know 90% of the population have NOT tried drugs and those that do don't say Hmm!! lets try some drugs , how about heroin or crack cocaine??? no they will start with the "softer stuff" .try and justify any way you like . drugs are illegal and irresponsible if you have lung disease.

if anyone needs to chill out it sounds as though YOU do. if you are stressed try therapy not drugs. everyone on this board is stressed because of cf and life in general . we are not all turning to pot to get ourselves through it.


New member
frankie, how happy i am that i gave you a laugh. all this drug talk is really hilarious<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">

i know 90% of the population have NOT tried drugs and those that do don't say Hmm!! lets try some drugs , how about heroin or crack cocaine??? no they will start with the "softer stuff" .try and justify any way you like . drugs are illegal and irresponsible if you have lung disease.

if anyone needs to chill out it sounds as though YOU do. if you are stressed try therapy not drugs. everyone on this board is stressed because of cf and life in general . we are not all turning to pot to get ourselves through it.


New member
frankie, how happy i am that i gave you a laugh. all this drug talk is really hilarious<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">

i know 90% of the population have NOT tried drugs and those that do don't say Hmm!! lets try some drugs , how about heroin or crack cocaine??? no they will start with the "softer stuff" .try and justify any way you like . drugs are illegal and irresponsible if you have lung disease.

if anyone needs to chill out it sounds as though YOU do. if you are stressed try therapy not drugs. everyone on this board is stressed because of cf and life in general . we are not all turning to pot to get ourselves through it.


New member
Isn't this fun! It's like a car accident--you don't want to look, but you can't help it. You think, I'm just going to read, no comment, then you can't believe someone's comment, so you want to comment! Every once in awhile a topic will raise everybody's hackels one way or other. We are almost always so serious here on the site, because cf is serious. But come on folks, it's good to laugh, talk, and think about other things as well. Sometimes it gets pretty boring here.this topic is controversial just like religion, abortion, transplants, ect. I say, as others have said--lighten up--not light up.

By the way, if you think this was controversial--you should have been around when the great SEANDAVIS was here! You haven't seen controversial at all! He must be laffing his a** off!

(Note to southbound--the rule is the rule--take a minute to put the ***in your words.)


New member
Isn't this fun! It's like a car accident--you don't want to look, but you can't help it. You think, I'm just going to read, no comment, then you can't believe someone's comment, so you want to comment! Every once in awhile a topic will raise everybody's hackels one way or other. We are almost always so serious here on the site, because cf is serious. But come on folks, it's good to laugh, talk, and think about other things as well. Sometimes it gets pretty boring here.this topic is controversial just like religion, abortion, transplants, ect. I say, as others have said--lighten up--not light up.

By the way, if you think this was controversial--you should have been around when the great SEANDAVIS was here! You haven't seen controversial at all! He must be laffing his a** off!

(Note to southbound--the rule is the rule--take a minute to put the ***in your words.)


New member
Isn't this fun! It's like a car accident--you don't want to look, but you can't help it. You think, I'm just going to read, no comment, then you can't believe someone's comment, so you want to comment! Every once in awhile a topic will raise everybody's hackels one way or other. We are almost always so serious here on the site, because cf is serious. But come on folks, it's good to laugh, talk, and think about other things as well. Sometimes it gets pretty boring here.this topic is controversial just like religion, abortion, transplants, ect. I say, as others have said--lighten up--not light up.

By the way, if you think this was controversial--you should have been around when the great SEANDAVIS was here! You haven't seen controversial at all! He must be laffing his a** off!

(Note to southbound--the rule is the rule--take a minute to put the ***in your words.)


New member

....Oh hell. I guess I should add. That's not <b>*snort*</b> as in DOES COCAINE... that's <b>*snort*</b> as in LAUGH. Yes, I really do snort when I laugh.


New member

....Oh hell. I guess I should add. That's not <b>*snort*</b> as in DOES COCAINE... that's <b>*snort*</b> as in LAUGH. Yes, I really do snort when I laugh.


New member

....Oh hell. I guess I should add. That's not <b>*snort*</b> as in DOES COCAINE... that's <b>*snort*</b> as in LAUGH. Yes, I really do snort when I laugh.


New member
Give me a break - pot a gateway drug? I think this is only the case for people with addictive personalities. I have many friends who have or do smoke pot, and they would NEVER EVER touch anything more electric. I've done pot myself, and I would NEVER touch anything more. Its all about what sort of personality you have, really. And I don't think anyone here has ever said that they deal with their CF by doing pot. H*ck, I think in order to deal with our CF by using pot, we'd have to be doing it 24/7.


New member
Give me a break - pot a gateway drug? I think this is only the case for people with addictive personalities. I have many friends who have or do smoke pot, and they would NEVER EVER touch anything more electric. I've done pot myself, and I would NEVER touch anything more. Its all about what sort of personality you have, really. And I don't think anyone here has ever said that they deal with their CF by doing pot. H*ck, I think in order to deal with our CF by using pot, we'd have to be doing it 24/7.


New member
Give me a break - pot a gateway drug? I think this is only the case for people with addictive personalities. I have many friends who have or do smoke pot, and they would NEVER EVER touch anything more electric. I've done pot myself, and I would NEVER touch anything more. Its all about what sort of personality you have, really. And I don't think anyone here has ever said that they deal with their CF by doing pot. H*ck, I think in order to deal with our CF by using pot, we'd have to be doing it 24/7.


New member
I would just like to add...not that I want to argue it, because I'm not saying it's true or's just something I have always thought....I think a lot of people who get in trouble with Pot (addicted/move onto heavier stuff/psych wards) were probably using Pot in attempt to self medicate a mental or chemical imbalance they didn't realize they had.

And Happy Thanksgiving guys!!


New member
I would just like to add...not that I want to argue it, because I'm not saying it's true or's just something I have always thought....I think a lot of people who get in trouble with Pot (addicted/move onto heavier stuff/psych wards) were probably using Pot in attempt to self medicate a mental or chemical imbalance they didn't realize they had.

And Happy Thanksgiving guys!!


New member
I would just like to add...not that I want to argue it, because I'm not saying it's true or's just something I have always thought....I think a lot of people who get in trouble with Pot (addicted/move onto heavier stuff/psych wards) were probably using Pot in attempt to self medicate a mental or chemical imbalance they didn't realize they had.

And Happy Thanksgiving guys!!


<b>NOT sure where I stand on this issue, I didn't read any of the drug posts and still not going to, whaever. Yeah drugs are part of the real world we lve in, but i'm not siure what their relationship w/ CF is. We know they are bad for any lungs that is a given. And as far as people thinking they should be able to post ANYTHING they want and not get censored is SO funny, NOT, this is not your personal website, You are not paying to keep it running, so u have no God given over 18 and freedome of speech crap if the site dosn't want it on here, they can take it off. If the drug threads are still up then I would say the forumn approves of them, if they don't want a certain topic or words they remove them.
I'm thinking of starting a thread call "How my CF has made become a NYMPH"...u know all the mucus just makes me want to go out with a different man everynight, sometimes even do 2 or 3 guys in one night,"
HUMOR is great.
But there is a place for it.
DRUGS are bad.
But they are a part of everyones llife is some way.
But as to the real guestion, what belongs on this site, YOU've got ME?</b>


<b>NOT sure where I stand on this issue, I didn't read any of the drug posts and still not going to, whaever. Yeah drugs are part of the real world we lve in, but i'm not siure what their relationship w/ CF is. We know they are bad for any lungs that is a given. And as far as people thinking they should be able to post ANYTHING they want and not get censored is SO funny, NOT, this is not your personal website, You are not paying to keep it running, so u have no God given over 18 and freedome of speech crap if the site dosn't want it on here, they can take it off. If the drug threads are still up then I would say the forumn approves of them, if they don't want a certain topic or words they remove them.
I'm thinking of starting a thread call "How my CF has made become a NYMPH"...u know all the mucus just makes me want to go out with a different man everynight, sometimes even do 2 or 3 guys in one night,"
HUMOR is great.
But there is a place for it.
DRUGS are bad.
But they are a part of everyones llife is some way.
But as to the real guestion, what belongs on this site, YOU've got ME?</b>


<b>NOT sure where I stand on this issue, I didn't read any of the drug posts and still not going to, whaever. Yeah drugs are part of the real world we lve in, but i'm not siure what their relationship w/ CF is. We know they are bad for any lungs that is a given. And as far as people thinking they should be able to post ANYTHING they want and not get censored is SO funny, NOT, this is not your personal website, You are not paying to keep it running, so u have no God given over 18 and freedome of speech crap if the site dosn't want it on here, they can take it off. If the drug threads are still up then I would say the forumn approves of them, if they don't want a certain topic or words they remove them.
I'm thinking of starting a thread call "How my CF has made become a NYMPH"...u know all the mucus just makes me want to go out with a different man everynight, sometimes even do 2 or 3 guys in one night,"
HUMOR is great.
But there is a place for it.
DRUGS are bad.
But they are a part of everyones llife is some way.
But as to the real guestion, what belongs on this site, YOU've got ME?</b>


New member

Let's try this again...

When did i say that i smoke pot?
And where did i condone pot smoking, or any drug for that matter, with a medical condition?

Go over that last post of mine... i'll give you time... didn't find it...

OH! That's right... because it ISN'T THERE!!!

i was just saying that most people (oh, and in case you didn't know... most people don't have cf) smoke pot. The only reason it is still illegal is because alcohol companies pay the government and the media to keep anti marajuana sediment going. (Ever wonder where all those anti-drug commercials get funding...? Cause i'll tell ya, it's not public schools OR the CFF)

And my main point... CHILL! i am SO chilled, and it's not cause i'm high. i just don't stress like you obviously do when someone, or ones, practice their constitutional right of freedom of speech.

And, just to defend my herb loving friends, and to slightly ruffle some more feathers, might i add, that if i didn't have CF, i would be one stoned little mama.

Now Welsh, who needs to chill? ... i'm still smiling... are you?