Completely disgusted with all the drug talk.


New member
I'll add my $.50 worth. I read the pot thread and I thought it was stupid and couldn't believe that somebody would post that. I am a non-user, always have been, always will be. As am almost professional I thought we should direct the young man to a 12 step goup. It was an inappropriate thread for a CF support group. Teens read evey thing and everywhere......just because they may hear something in school doesn't mean it should be everywhere. Ever heard of providing a nurturing environment?

I missed the drug thread and I would probably not have figured out that it was a joke. Sorry I'm a mom that still sensors all music downloads and turns off the radio when SNOOP sings "drop it like its hot" ) all the pimps and the hoes).


New member
I'll add my $.50 worth. I read the pot thread and I thought it was stupid and couldn't believe that somebody would post that. I am a non-user, always have been, always will be. As am almost professional I thought we should direct the young man to a 12 step goup. It was an inappropriate thread for a CF support group. Teens read evey thing and everywhere......just because they may hear something in school doesn't mean it should be everywhere. Ever heard of providing a nurturing environment?

I missed the drug thread and I would probably not have figured out that it was a joke. Sorry I'm a mom that still sensors all music downloads and turns off the radio when SNOOP sings "drop it like its hot" ) all the pimps and the hoes).


New member
oh god! im in stitches here! i cant believe people actually took that thread seriously! <img src=""> good thing i didnt say i injected powdered ajax into my port! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> but its ok, your heart is in the right place.


New member
oh god! im in stitches here! i cant believe people actually took that thread seriously! <img src=""> good thing i didnt say i injected powdered ajax into my port! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> but its ok, your heart is in the right place.


New member
oh god! im in stitches here! i cant believe people actually took that thread seriously! <img src=""> good thing i didnt say i injected powdered ajax into my port! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> but its ok, your heart is in the right place.


New member
I think everyone is a little confused. The pot thread was NOT a joke, a guy had a serious question. I bet he'll never post here again. You guys ahve been so mean to him.

and to the mom, not to be mean but your 12yr prolly has the attitude of a 17yr old now today, adn all the in fluence is from school and his friends adn even if it nots at home they spend mos there time in those to places. and I don't care if a teen reads it or not, its not my responsabilty to make sure your kids have a certain mind frame.

There are plenty of this that people here and everywhere that do things I don't agree with but I keep my opnions to myself if I'm going to hate on there beliefs. Thats called JUDGING and I'm not God.
For Ex: 90% of the worlds population still believes that the earth is MILLIONS of years old.... and if you believe that you haven't researched it enough so they are stupid and horrible awful people!!!! (the pot discussion was as stupid as this analogy (though a true one))


New member
I think everyone is a little confused. The pot thread was NOT a joke, a guy had a serious question. I bet he'll never post here again. You guys ahve been so mean to him.

and to the mom, not to be mean but your 12yr prolly has the attitude of a 17yr old now today, adn all the in fluence is from school and his friends adn even if it nots at home they spend mos there time in those to places. and I don't care if a teen reads it or not, its not my responsabilty to make sure your kids have a certain mind frame.

There are plenty of this that people here and everywhere that do things I don't agree with but I keep my opnions to myself if I'm going to hate on there beliefs. Thats called JUDGING and I'm not God.
For Ex: 90% of the worlds population still believes that the earth is MILLIONS of years old.... and if you believe that you haven't researched it enough so they are stupid and horrible awful people!!!! (the pot discussion was as stupid as this analogy (though a true one))


New member
I think everyone is a little confused. The pot thread was NOT a joke, a guy had a serious question. I bet he'll never post here again. You guys ahve been so mean to him.

and to the mom, not to be mean but your 12yr prolly has the attitude of a 17yr old now today, adn all the in fluence is from school and his friends adn even if it nots at home they spend mos there time in those to places. and I don't care if a teen reads it or not, its not my responsabilty to make sure your kids have a certain mind frame.

There are plenty of this that people here and everywhere that do things I don't agree with but I keep my opnions to myself if I'm going to hate on there beliefs. Thats called JUDGING and I'm not God.
For Ex: 90% of the worlds population still believes that the earth is MILLIONS of years old.... and if you believe that you haven't researched it enough so they are stupid and horrible awful people!!!! (the pot discussion was as stupid as this analogy (though a true one))


New member
Pot smoking, and what kind of damage it does or doesn't cause, DOES pertain to CF. Just because it doesn't pertain to everyone doesn't mean it doesn't apply (I've never had a tx... I'd still say it pertains to CF). Not to mention, if we discuss eating it, it can help appetites and weight gain.


New member
Pot smoking, and what kind of damage it does or doesn't cause, DOES pertain to CF. Just because it doesn't pertain to everyone doesn't mean it doesn't apply (I've never had a tx... I'd still say it pertains to CF). Not to mention, if we discuss eating it, it can help appetites and weight gain.


New member
Pot smoking, and what kind of damage it does or doesn't cause, DOES pertain to CF. Just because it doesn't pertain to everyone doesn't mean it doesn't apply (I've never had a tx... I'd still say it pertains to CF). Not to mention, if we discuss eating it, it can help appetites and weight gain.


New member
<< I was totally shocked too and I have decided to not let my daughter come on this site because of it. It may be sarcasm or joking, but teenagers or pre teens who may read this may think that all what they say is true. >>

This is the adult forum and no one here should be filtering what they say simply because a youngster might stumble across the site.

This is a DISCUSSION forum. Let us discuss whatever the ***** we want to discuss. Jokes, no jokes.. This is one reason these forums always bothered me. PLEASE allow us all to be human.

Drugs are a part of our society. If you guys are freaked out by these discussions, then don't read them. But please, don't start filtering what we're saying.


New member
<< I was totally shocked too and I have decided to not let my daughter come on this site because of it. It may be sarcasm or joking, but teenagers or pre teens who may read this may think that all what they say is true. >>

This is the adult forum and no one here should be filtering what they say simply because a youngster might stumble across the site.

This is a DISCUSSION forum. Let us discuss whatever the ***** we want to discuss. Jokes, no jokes.. This is one reason these forums always bothered me. PLEASE allow us all to be human.

Drugs are a part of our society. If you guys are freaked out by these discussions, then don't read them. But please, don't start filtering what we're saying.


New member
<< I was totally shocked too and I have decided to not let my daughter come on this site because of it. It may be sarcasm or joking, but teenagers or pre teens who may read this may think that all what they say is true. >>

This is the adult forum and no one here should be filtering what they say simply because a youngster might stumble across the site.

This is a DISCUSSION forum. Let us discuss whatever the ***** we want to discuss. Jokes, no jokes.. This is one reason these forums always bothered me. PLEASE allow us all to be human.

Drugs are a part of our society. If you guys are freaked out by these discussions, then don't read them. But please, don't start filtering what we're saying.