Coughing blood


New member
Kj is in hospital for the same thing. She coughed up blood for the first time. Luckily we were at clinic when it happened in the physio's room. She had just done a lung function test and had pushed herself too hard I think. The doc thinks it was a blood vessel in her lung that popped. she only coughed up 2 tsp.

The doc had her lungs xrayed at emergency. It came back ok. She went into hospital the same night we got back from clinic. She was also given a special acid type tablet that clots blood and she is on it 3 times a day for a week and is having a tune-up for 10 days as well. Touch wood it hasn't happened again.

The doc told her to stop using her hypertonic saline for the time being and to not go so hard on her physio.

I would suggest that you tell your parents and get to the docs as soon as possible. You don't want to let it get worse.

Kj doesnt like tune-ups either but if you get them done when needed then you will be healthy to go out and have heapz of fun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

good luck and I hope it clears up soon!!


New member
Kj is in hospital for the same thing. She coughed up blood for the first time. Luckily we were at clinic when it happened in the physio's room. She had just done a lung function test and had pushed herself too hard I think. The doc thinks it was a blood vessel in her lung that popped. she only coughed up 2 tsp.

The doc had her lungs xrayed at emergency. It came back ok. She went into hospital the same night we got back from clinic. She was also given a special acid type tablet that clots blood and she is on it 3 times a day for a week and is having a tune-up for 10 days as well. Touch wood it hasn't happened again.

The doc told her to stop using her hypertonic saline for the time being and to not go so hard on her physio.

I would suggest that you tell your parents and get to the docs as soon as possible. You don't want to let it get worse.

Kj doesnt like tune-ups either but if you get them done when needed then you will be healthy to go out and have heapz of fun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

good luck and I hope it clears up soon!!


New member
Kj is in hospital for the same thing. She coughed up blood for the first time. Luckily we were at clinic when it happened in the physio's room. She had just done a lung function test and had pushed herself too hard I think. The doc thinks it was a blood vessel in her lung that popped. she only coughed up 2 tsp.

The doc had her lungs xrayed at emergency. It came back ok. She went into hospital the same night we got back from clinic. She was also given a special acid type tablet that clots blood and she is on it 3 times a day for a week and is having a tune-up for 10 days as well. Touch wood it hasn't happened again.

The doc told her to stop using her hypertonic saline for the time being and to not go so hard on her physio.

I would suggest that you tell your parents and get to the docs as soon as possible. You don't want to let it get worse.

Kj doesnt like tune-ups either but if you get them done when needed then you will be healthy to go out and have heapz of fun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

good luck and I hope it clears up soon!!


New member
Kj is in hospital for the same thing. She coughed up blood for the first time. Luckily we were at clinic when it happened in the physio's room. She had just done a lung function test and had pushed herself too hard I think. The doc thinks it was a blood vessel in her lung that popped. she only coughed up 2 tsp.

The doc had her lungs xrayed at emergency. It came back ok. She went into hospital the same night we got back from clinic. She was also given a special acid type tablet that clots blood and she is on it 3 times a day for a week and is having a tune-up for 10 days as well. Touch wood it hasn't happened again.

The doc told her to stop using her hypertonic saline for the time being and to not go so hard on her physio.

I would suggest that you tell your parents and get to the docs as soon as possible. You don't want to let it get worse.

Kj doesnt like tune-ups either but if you get them done when needed then you will be healthy to go out and have heapz of fun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

good luck and I hope it clears up soon!!


New member
Kj is in hospital for the same thing. She coughed up blood for the first time. Luckily we were at clinic when it happened in the physio's room. She had just done a lung function test and had pushed herself too hard I think. The doc thinks it was a blood vessel in her lung that popped. she only coughed up 2 tsp.

The doc had her lungs xrayed at emergency. It came back ok. She went into hospital the same night we got back from clinic. She was also given a special acid type tablet that clots blood and she is on it 3 times a day for a week and is having a tune-up for 10 days as well. Touch wood it hasn't happened again.

The doc told her to stop using her hypertonic saline for the time being and to not go so hard on her physio.

I would suggest that you tell your parents and get to the docs as soon as possible. You don't want to let it get worse.

Kj doesnt like tune-ups either but if you get them done when needed then you will be healthy to go out and have heapz of fun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

good luck and I hope it clears up soon!!


New member
I was coughing blood to a few weeks ago. But it was real much and fresh blood. I went to hospital and at night it started again. The doc thinks it was about 300ml which are about 1,27 american cups (if the internet "calculator" is right). They wanted to wait if would quit blooding on it´s own, but 6 days and 5 bronchoscopys later they decides to coil it ... which means they made a cut in my groin and went with a catheter up to my lungs and released an artificial embolism to. Fortunately it helped. I don´t want to hawk araound panic, I just want to say, that if its much blood and it doesn´t stop you should immediately call your doctor. I hope my english is correct (I don´t have to write in english that often). Many greetings, Melanie

PS: Happy belated birthday!!!


New member
I was coughing blood to a few weeks ago. But it was real much and fresh blood. I went to hospital and at night it started again. The doc thinks it was about 300ml which are about 1,27 american cups (if the internet "calculator" is right). They wanted to wait if would quit blooding on it´s own, but 6 days and 5 bronchoscopys later they decides to coil it ... which means they made a cut in my groin and went with a catheter up to my lungs and released an artificial embolism to. Fortunately it helped. I don´t want to hawk araound panic, I just want to say, that if its much blood and it doesn´t stop you should immediately call your doctor. I hope my english is correct (I don´t have to write in english that often). Many greetings, Melanie

PS: Happy belated birthday!!!


New member
I was coughing blood to a few weeks ago. But it was real much and fresh blood. I went to hospital and at night it started again. The doc thinks it was about 300ml which are about 1,27 american cups (if the internet "calculator" is right). They wanted to wait if would quit blooding on it´s own, but 6 days and 5 bronchoscopys later they decides to coil it ... which means they made a cut in my groin and went with a catheter up to my lungs and released an artificial embolism to. Fortunately it helped. I don´t want to hawk araound panic, I just want to say, that if its much blood and it doesn´t stop you should immediately call your doctor. I hope my english is correct (I don´t have to write in english that often). Many greetings, Melanie

PS: Happy belated birthday!!!


New member
I was coughing blood to a few weeks ago. But it was real much and fresh blood. I went to hospital and at night it started again. The doc thinks it was about 300ml which are about 1,27 american cups (if the internet "calculator" is right). They wanted to wait if would quit blooding on it´s own, but 6 days and 5 bronchoscopys later they decides to coil it ... which means they made a cut in my groin and went with a catheter up to my lungs and released an artificial embolism to. Fortunately it helped. I don´t want to hawk araound panic, I just want to say, that if its much blood and it doesn´t stop you should immediately call your doctor. I hope my english is correct (I don´t have to write in english that often). Many greetings, Melanie

PS: Happy belated birthday!!!


New member
I was coughing blood to a few weeks ago. But it was real much and fresh blood. I went to hospital and at night it started again. The doc thinks it was about 300ml which are about 1,27 american cups (if the internet "calculator" is right). They wanted to wait if would quit blooding on it´s own, but 6 days and 5 bronchoscopys later they decides to coil it ... which means they made a cut in my groin and went with a catheter up to my lungs and released an artificial embolism to. Fortunately it helped. I don´t want to hawk araound panic, I just want to say, that if its much blood and it doesn´t stop you should immediately call your doctor. I hope my english is correct (I don´t have to write in english that often). Many greetings, Melanie

PS: Happy belated birthday!!!


New member
Since this is your first bleed I wouldnt mess around. I would contact the doctor immediately. For those of us with more history of bleeds we can usually gage the trigger. Often mine is caffein or PMS versus infection so I dont rush to the doctor each time.

Let us know what happens!



New member
Since this is your first bleed I wouldnt mess around. I would contact the doctor immediately. For those of us with more history of bleeds we can usually gage the trigger. Often mine is caffein or PMS versus infection so I dont rush to the doctor each time.

Let us know what happens!



New member
Since this is your first bleed I wouldnt mess around. I would contact the doctor immediately. For those of us with more history of bleeds we can usually gage the trigger. Often mine is caffein or PMS versus infection so I dont rush to the doctor each time.

Let us know what happens!



New member
Since this is your first bleed I wouldnt mess around. I would contact the doctor immediately. For those of us with more history of bleeds we can usually gage the trigger. Often mine is caffein or PMS versus infection so I dont rush to the doctor each time.

Let us know what happens!



New member
Since this is your first bleed I wouldnt mess around. I would contact the doctor immediately. For those of us with more history of bleeds we can usually gage the trigger. Often mine is caffein or PMS versus infection so I dont rush to the doctor each time.

Let us know what happens!
