CT Scans / Hemoptysis



<br>Jem - was just wondering how you feel without part of your left lung - maybe a silly question but just wondered as I have cavity and damage in my right upper lobe and they did want to remove this at one  time.  Now though it seems to have collapsed down on its own although cant be entirely sure if cavity completely closed until they do another ct scan which they are reluctant to do as I have had 6 already and they say because of the extra radiation could cause problems  in years to come.  I was also wondering though if the ct was not contrast or high definition is it readlly so much radiation more than ordinary xray.  Realise bound to be bit more but how much.  also with the contrast or high definiton ct scans does anyone know just how much radiation this is compared to an ordinary x-ray.  And also what is difference - realise contrast is a dye and have had this once - but is high definition just more radiation and when do you use one more than another - with the bleeding?   Sorry so many questions and realise probably no one has all the answers but just wondered how much radiation is involved.  And has anyone had more than 6 ?


<br>Jem - was just wondering how you feel without part of your left lung - maybe a silly question but just wondered as I have cavity and damage in my right upper lobe and they did want to remove this at one time. Now though it seems to have collapsed down on its own although cant be entirely sure if cavity completely closed until they do another ct scan which they are reluctant to do as I have had 6 already and they say because of the extra radiation could cause problems in years to come. I was also wondering though if the ct was not contrast or high definition is it readlly so much radiation more than ordinary xray. Realise bound to be bit more but how much. also with the contrast or high definiton ct scans does anyone know just how much radiation this is compared to an ordinary x-ray. And also what is difference - realise contrast is a dye and have had this once - but is high definition just more radiation and when do you use one more than another - with the bleeding? Sorry so many questions and realise probably no one has all the answers but just wondered how much radiation is involved. And has anyone had more than 6 ?


<br>Jem - was just wondering how you feel without part of your left lung - maybe a silly question but just wondered as I have cavity and damage in my right upper lobe and they did want to remove this at one time. Now though it seems to have collapsed down on its own although cant be entirely sure if cavity completely closed until they do another ct scan which they are reluctant to do as I have had 6 already and they say because of the extra radiation could cause problems in years to come. I was also wondering though if the ct was not contrast or high definition is it readlly so much radiation more than ordinary xray. Realise bound to be bit more but how much. also with the contrast or high definiton ct scans does anyone know just how much radiation this is compared to an ordinary x-ray. And also what is difference - realise contrast is a dye and have had this once - but is high definition just more radiation and when do you use one more than another - with the bleeding? Sorry so many questions and realise probably no one has all the answers but just wondered how much radiation is involved. And has anyone had more than 6 ?