Personally, I think you're just a troll. You have place on this board if you do.
If you, however, are a parent terrified at the news of such a diagnosis, then I feel for you. I would encourage you to go to another city and get second opinions. However, I suspect you'd be able to "explain away" those as well.
It is possible, in some theoretical universe, that the combination of symptoms don't mean CF? That there are flaws in genetic testing? Nothing is 100%. In the same way that 9/11 was a plot that was hatched up 70 years ago by Hitler and Barack Obama's great great great grandfather - theoretically possible, but virtually impossible.
The poster is terrified at the costs. It is scary. As a 34 yo male with CF, it scares me. I recently stopped paying my high-risk pool due to financial resources. My meds retail at $50,000+/year. Perhaps I'm a victim, being played by the insurance and pharmaceutical companies. However, I can only look to my own experience to judge that. For five years, I went without enzymes. Went from 125 to under 100, back to 125 after resuming. Last year, I increased my enzyme dose: Been at 150+ ever since! When I go off of Pulmozyme, my cough, breathing, and frequent illness are pretty intense. After years off of Tobi, I went from pneumonia-like symptoms to virtually no cough.
I suspect, however, the poster would say the medicines *caused* those symptoms. Guess what: I wasn't diagnosed until age 13, after all those symptoms became obvious. Then I finally started treatment, and saw results, until of course adulthood when the insurance questions were very real challenges.
I would encourage the poster to get some first hand experience of CF patients. See some children struggling to breath. Be exposed to the gas and feces of a patient without enzymes. Sit in on a lung transplant, and see the grayed, diseased mass of a lung that it taken out.
However, I suspect this person's denial would bear even against those truths. For the love of all that is good, please give your child away. To a grandparent, or if they're young enough, take them down to a safe-harbor location, like a fire station. You have zero concern for your child, as they are secondary to your fear of the costs and your insistence to not be "taken advantage of".
There is no doubt that you are no concern for your child... if a street thug put a gun to their head, you'd probably assume there were bullets made of marshmallows inside and walk away.