Dealing with the Holidays


Staff member
One of the issues we've had is with a couple relatives with chronic infections. A year ago my son was getting rides from an uncle who has a scooter and I overheard them say something about the bandages on his leg and oozing sores. Apparently he had an infection requiring IV abx. My MIL didn't want to tell us for fear we might not come out to their lake home to visit. If we had known, we STILL probably would've visited, but would have made sure DS kept his distance and we probably wouldn't have stayed the weekend since there's only one bathroom.

Another aunt by marriage has lung issues due to MRSA pneumonia. This isn't a close relative by any means, who lives quite a distance, but we'd like to know if they're planning a visit, as they'd most likely be staying with my inlaws.


Staff member
One of the issues we've had is with a couple relatives with chronic infections. A year ago my son was getting rides from an uncle who has a scooter and I overheard them say something about the bandages on his leg and oozing sores. Apparently he had an infection requiring IV abx. My MIL didn't want to tell us for fear we might not come out to their lake home to visit. If we had known, we STILL probably would've visited, but would have made sure DS kept his distance and we probably wouldn't have stayed the weekend since there's only one bathroom.

Another aunt by marriage has lung issues due to MRSA pneumonia. This isn't a close relative by any means, who lives quite a distance, but we'd like to know if they're planning a visit, as they'd most likely be staying with my inlaws.


Staff member
One of the issues we've had is with a couple relatives with chronic infections. A year ago my son was getting rides from an uncle who has a scooter and I overheard them say something about the bandages on his leg and oozing sores. Apparently he had an infection requiring IV abx. My MIL didn't want to tell us for fear we might not come out to their lake home to visit. If we had known, we STILL probably would've visited, but would have made sure DS kept his distance and we probably wouldn't have stayed the weekend since there's only one bathroom.

Another aunt by marriage has lung issues due to MRSA pneumonia. This isn't a close relative by any means, who lives quite a distance, but we'd like to know if they're planning a visit, as they'd most likely be staying with my inlaws.


Staff member
One of the issues we've had is with a couple relatives with chronic infections. A year ago my son was getting rides from an uncle who has a scooter and I overheard them say something about the bandages on his leg and oozing sores. Apparently he had an infection requiring IV abx. My MIL didn't want to tell us for fear we might not come out to their lake home to visit. If we had known, we STILL probably would've visited, but would have made sure DS kept his distance and we probably wouldn't have stayed the weekend since there's only one bathroom.

Another aunt by marriage has lung issues due to MRSA pneumonia. This isn't a close relative by any means, who lives quite a distance, but we'd like to know if they're planning a visit, as they'd most likely be staying with my inlaws.


Staff member
One of the issues we've had is with a couple relatives with chronic infections. A year ago my son was getting rides from an uncle who has a scooter and I overheard them say something about the bandages on his leg and oozing sores. Apparently he had an infection requiring IV abx. My MIL didn't want to tell us for fear we might not come out to their lake home to visit. If we had known, we STILL probably would've visited, but would have made sure DS kept his distance and we probably wouldn't have stayed the weekend since there's only one bathroom.
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<br />Another aunt by marriage has lung issues due to MRSA pneumonia. This isn't a close relative by any means, who lives quite a distance, but we'd like to know if they're planning a visit, as they'd most likely be staying with my inlaws.


New member
This thread brings back memories of my grandma (who has since departed)and her insistence on smoking around my 2 kids with cf. Made me nuts. We'd go to her house to visit (travelling across country from WA to FL) and she'd just sit at the table puffing away and expecting all of us to hang out with her there in the smoky kitchen.

I told her that the kids & I would stay outside because I didn't want them around the smoke and that we'd love to visit with her out there. She got so upset and didn't come to visit us in the yard the whole time even though she hadn't seen us for a whole year! And then I got the silent treatment for a long time.

The moral of this story? Some people are simply dysfunctional and there's no fun in them. ;-) The best thing we can do is set our boundaries in a kind and loving way and know that we are doing the right thing for our kids. Don't let people like that upset us or ruin our holidays. (I know it's hard sometimes).

I think I am going to write an article about this topic cause it's so important. Liza- can I use your great heading "put the fun back in dysfunctional." That's awesome!!

Lisa G


New member
This thread brings back memories of my grandma (who has since departed)and her insistence on smoking around my 2 kids with cf. Made me nuts. We'd go to her house to visit (travelling across country from WA to FL) and she'd just sit at the table puffing away and expecting all of us to hang out with her there in the smoky kitchen.

I told her that the kids & I would stay outside because I didn't want them around the smoke and that we'd love to visit with her out there. She got so upset and didn't come to visit us in the yard the whole time even though she hadn't seen us for a whole year! And then I got the silent treatment for a long time.

The moral of this story? Some people are simply dysfunctional and there's no fun in them. ;-) The best thing we can do is set our boundaries in a kind and loving way and know that we are doing the right thing for our kids. Don't let people like that upset us or ruin our holidays. (I know it's hard sometimes).

I think I am going to write an article about this topic cause it's so important. Liza- can I use your great heading "put the fun back in dysfunctional." That's awesome!!

Lisa G


New member
This thread brings back memories of my grandma (who has since departed)and her insistence on smoking around my 2 kids with cf. Made me nuts. We'd go to her house to visit (travelling across country from WA to FL) and she'd just sit at the table puffing away and expecting all of us to hang out with her there in the smoky kitchen.

I told her that the kids & I would stay outside because I didn't want them around the smoke and that we'd love to visit with her out there. She got so upset and didn't come to visit us in the yard the whole time even though she hadn't seen us for a whole year! And then I got the silent treatment for a long time.

The moral of this story? Some people are simply dysfunctional and there's no fun in them. ;-) The best thing we can do is set our boundaries in a kind and loving way and know that we are doing the right thing for our kids. Don't let people like that upset us or ruin our holidays. (I know it's hard sometimes).

I think I am going to write an article about this topic cause it's so important. Liza- can I use your great heading "put the fun back in dysfunctional." That's awesome!!

Lisa G


New member
This thread brings back memories of my grandma (who has since departed)and her insistence on smoking around my 2 kids with cf. Made me nuts. We'd go to her house to visit (travelling across country from WA to FL) and she'd just sit at the table puffing away and expecting all of us to hang out with her there in the smoky kitchen.

I told her that the kids & I would stay outside because I didn't want them around the smoke and that we'd love to visit with her out there. She got so upset and didn't come to visit us in the yard the whole time even though she hadn't seen us for a whole year! And then I got the silent treatment for a long time.

The moral of this story? Some people are simply dysfunctional and there's no fun in them. ;-) The best thing we can do is set our boundaries in a kind and loving way and know that we are doing the right thing for our kids. Don't let people like that upset us or ruin our holidays. (I know it's hard sometimes).

I think I am going to write an article about this topic cause it's so important. Liza- can I use your great heading "put the fun back in dysfunctional." That's awesome!!

Lisa G


New member
This thread brings back memories of my grandma (who has since departed)and her insistence on smoking around my 2 kids with cf. Made me nuts. We'd go to her house to visit (travelling across country from WA to FL) and she'd just sit at the table puffing away and expecting all of us to hang out with her there in the smoky kitchen.
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<br />I told her that the kids & I would stay outside because I didn't want them around the smoke and that we'd love to visit with her out there. She got so upset and didn't come to visit us in the yard the whole time even though she hadn't seen us for a whole year! And then I got the silent treatment for a long time.
<br />
<br />The moral of this story? Some people are simply dysfunctional and there's no fun in them. ;-) The best thing we can do is set our boundaries in a kind and loving way and know that we are doing the right thing for our kids. Don't let people like that upset us or ruin our holidays. (I know it's hard sometimes).
<br />
<br />I think I am going to write an article about this topic cause it's so important. Liza- can I use your great heading "put the fun back in dysfunctional." That's awesome!!
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<br />xo
<br />Lisa G
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New member
Oh this sounds oh too familiar. Let's just say there are people in my extended family that will cough right in his face, and say they don't worry about germs, etc., I just about jump out of my skin. They will be sick and feed him, etc., Drives me nuts, I am getting to where I would like to leave on the holidays too!!!


New member
Oh this sounds oh too familiar. Let's just say there are people in my extended family that will cough right in his face, and say they don't worry about germs, etc., I just about jump out of my skin. They will be sick and feed him, etc., Drives me nuts, I am getting to where I would like to leave on the holidays too!!!


New member
Oh this sounds oh too familiar. Let's just say there are people in my extended family that will cough right in his face, and say they don't worry about germs, etc., I just about jump out of my skin. They will be sick and feed him, etc., Drives me nuts, I am getting to where I would like to leave on the holidays too!!!


New member
Oh this sounds oh too familiar. Let's just say there are people in my extended family that will cough right in his face, and say they don't worry about germs, etc., I just about jump out of my skin. They will be sick and feed him, etc., Drives me nuts, I am getting to where I would like to leave on the holidays too!!!


New member
Oh this sounds oh too familiar. Let's just say there are people in my extended family that will cough right in his face, and say they don't worry about germs, etc., I just about jump out of my skin. They will be sick and feed him, etc., Drives me nuts, I am getting to where I would like to leave on the holidays too!!!
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