Diaper Rash worse for CF babies???



My son is a month old and has horrible diaper rash that won't seem to go away. He gets a bath every day, and I check his diaper all the time. Yesterday I changed 16 diapers. I've tried aquaphor, A & D, Desitin, and even an organic ointment and nothing is helping. I'm using cornstarch powder to help keep the ointment from just absorbing into his diaper. Right now I've got him laying on a blanket with no diaper hoping exposure to air will help... Anybody have any tips????

Also, I have had to discontinue breastfeeding this week due to poor supply. Could this be affecting his stools- formula causing them to be more frequent?

Stress has gotten to me and it was a constant struggle to get any milk at all for the past two weeks even with supplements. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that my son had to recover from surgery and I didn't feed him at breast at all with the exception of the first night after delivery- He couldn't take any milk until he was two weeks old and even then they wouldn't let me nurse him because they wanted to monitor amounts closely. How will this affect him? Should I look into getting milk from a milk bank?


My son is a month old and has horrible diaper rash that won't seem to go away. He gets a bath every day, and I check his diaper all the time. Yesterday I changed 16 diapers. I've tried aquaphor, A & D, Desitin, and even an organic ointment and nothing is helping. I'm using cornstarch powder to help keep the ointment from just absorbing into his diaper. Right now I've got him laying on a blanket with no diaper hoping exposure to air will help... Anybody have any tips????

Also, I have had to discontinue breastfeeding this week due to poor supply. Could this be affecting his stools- formula causing them to be more frequent?

Stress has gotten to me and it was a constant struggle to get any milk at all for the past two weeks even with supplements. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that my son had to recover from surgery and I didn't feed him at breast at all with the exception of the first night after delivery- He couldn't take any milk until he was two weeks old and even then they wouldn't let me nurse him because they wanted to monitor amounts closely. How will this affect him? Should I look into getting milk from a milk bank?


My son is a month old and has horrible diaper rash that won't seem to go away. He gets a bath every day, and I check his diaper all the time. Yesterday I changed 16 diapers. I've tried aquaphor, A & D, Desitin, and even an organic ointment and nothing is helping. I'm using cornstarch powder to help keep the ointment from just absorbing into his diaper. Right now I've got him laying on a blanket with no diaper hoping exposure to air will help... Anybody have any tips????

Also, I have had to discontinue breastfeeding this week due to poor supply. Could this be affecting his stools- formula causing them to be more frequent?

Stress has gotten to me and it was a constant struggle to get any milk at all for the past two weeks even with supplements. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that my son had to recover from surgery and I didn't feed him at breast at all with the exception of the first night after delivery- He couldn't take any milk until he was two weeks old and even then they wouldn't let me nurse him because they wanted to monitor amounts closely. How will this affect him? Should I look into getting milk from a milk bank?


My son is a month old and has horrible diaper rash that won't seem to go away. He gets a bath every day, and I check his diaper all the time. Yesterday I changed 16 diapers. I've tried aquaphor, A & D, Desitin, and even an organic ointment and nothing is helping. I'm using cornstarch powder to help keep the ointment from just absorbing into his diaper. Right now I've got him laying on a blanket with no diaper hoping exposure to air will help... Anybody have any tips????

Also, I have had to discontinue breastfeeding this week due to poor supply. Could this be affecting his stools- formula causing them to be more frequent?

Stress has gotten to me and it was a constant struggle to get any milk at all for the past two weeks even with supplements. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that my son had to recover from surgery and I didn't feed him at breast at all with the exception of the first night after delivery- He couldn't take any milk until he was two weeks old and even then they wouldn't let me nurse him because they wanted to monitor amounts closely. How will this affect him? Should I look into getting milk from a milk bank?


My son is a month old and has horrible diaper rash that won't seem to go away. He gets a bath every day, and I check his diaper all the time. Yesterday I changed 16 diapers. I've tried aquaphor, A & D, Desitin, and even an organic ointment and nothing is helping. I'm using cornstarch powder to help keep the ointment from just absorbing into his diaper. Right now I've got him laying on a blanket with no diaper hoping exposure to air will help... Anybody have any tips????
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<br />Also, I have had to discontinue breastfeeding this week due to poor supply. Could this be affecting his stools- formula causing them to be more frequent?
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<br />Stress has gotten to me and it was a constant struggle to get any milk at all for the past two weeks even with supplements. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that my son had to recover from surgery and I didn't feed him at breast at all with the exception of the first night after delivery- He couldn't take any milk until he was two weeks old and even then they wouldn't let me nurse him because they wanted to monitor amounts closely. How will this affect him? Should I look into getting milk from a milk bank?


We had the same thing. Air will help. Keep the diaper off as much as is convenient. We have a picture of our daughter in the NICU on her tummy, knees bent under her, with her tushie poking straight up in the air! Funny except for the vicious rash. We used gobs of Desitin, heavily gooped, not a thin film; I'd buy it in the big jar. Eventually when his diet changes the rash will decrease. Meanwhile, extreme vigilance is key. That's the name of the game from here on out anyway... : )

Congratulations, BTW! I just noticed the birthdate...


We had the same thing. Air will help. Keep the diaper off as much as is convenient. We have a picture of our daughter in the NICU on her tummy, knees bent under her, with her tushie poking straight up in the air! Funny except for the vicious rash. We used gobs of Desitin, heavily gooped, not a thin film; I'd buy it in the big jar. Eventually when his diet changes the rash will decrease. Meanwhile, extreme vigilance is key. That's the name of the game from here on out anyway... : )

Congratulations, BTW! I just noticed the birthdate...


We had the same thing. Air will help. Keep the diaper off as much as is convenient. We have a picture of our daughter in the NICU on her tummy, knees bent under her, with her tushie poking straight up in the air! Funny except for the vicious rash. We used gobs of Desitin, heavily gooped, not a thin film; I'd buy it in the big jar. Eventually when his diet changes the rash will decrease. Meanwhile, extreme vigilance is key. That's the name of the game from here on out anyway... : )

Congratulations, BTW! I just noticed the birthdate...


We had the same thing. Air will help. Keep the diaper off as much as is convenient. We have a picture of our daughter in the NICU on her tummy, knees bent under her, with her tushie poking straight up in the air! Funny except for the vicious rash. We used gobs of Desitin, heavily gooped, not a thin film; I'd buy it in the big jar. Eventually when his diet changes the rash will decrease. Meanwhile, extreme vigilance is key. That's the name of the game from here on out anyway... : )

Congratulations, BTW! I just noticed the birthdate...


We had the same thing. Air will help. Keep the diaper off as much as is convenient. We have a picture of our daughter in the NICU on her tummy, knees bent under her, with her tushie poking straight up in the air! Funny except for the vicious rash. We used gobs of Desitin, heavily gooped, not a thin film; I'd buy it in the big jar. Eventually when his diet changes the rash will decrease. Meanwhile, extreme vigilance is key. That's the name of the game from here on out anyway... : )
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<br />Congratulations, BTW! I just noticed the birthdate...


New member
We had this problem too, and nothing that worked for my nonCF child worked for Reagan. Creams seemed to make it worse. I think ultimately the skin just needed air. We had to let her be naked a lot. We would sit her on a towel or two in her little bouncer. Fortunately once I threw out all the creams and powders the rash cleared up and she has only had one more (on antibiotics).

I hope your little one feels better soon!


New member
We had this problem too, and nothing that worked for my nonCF child worked for Reagan. Creams seemed to make it worse. I think ultimately the skin just needed air. We had to let her be naked a lot. We would sit her on a towel or two in her little bouncer. Fortunately once I threw out all the creams and powders the rash cleared up and she has only had one more (on antibiotics).

I hope your little one feels better soon!


New member
We had this problem too, and nothing that worked for my nonCF child worked for Reagan. Creams seemed to make it worse. I think ultimately the skin just needed air. We had to let her be naked a lot. We would sit her on a towel or two in her little bouncer. Fortunately once I threw out all the creams and powders the rash cleared up and she has only had one more (on antibiotics).

I hope your little one feels better soon!


New member
We had this problem too, and nothing that worked for my nonCF child worked for Reagan. Creams seemed to make it worse. I think ultimately the skin just needed air. We had to let her be naked a lot. We would sit her on a towel or two in her little bouncer. Fortunately once I threw out all the creams and powders the rash cleared up and she has only had one more (on antibiotics).

I hope your little one feels better soon!


New member
We had this problem too, and nothing that worked for my nonCF child worked for Reagan. Creams seemed to make it worse. I think ultimately the skin just needed air. We had to let her be naked a lot. We would sit her on a towel or two in her little bouncer. Fortunately once I threw out all the creams and powders the rash cleared up and she has only had one more (on antibiotics).
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<br />I hope your little one feels better soon!
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Really bad thing is that he hates being naked. He's very little- at one month he just hit 6.5 lbs and just doesn't have enough fat to keep him warm. I put him on a blanket on the floor today (laid him on it with no diaper but put a tee shirt on him) and put a little space heater a few feet away to keep him toasty but after an hour he wouldn't stop crying. He's back in a diaper now but at least the rash dried out a bit. :-/


Really bad thing is that he hates being naked. He's very little- at one month he just hit 6.5 lbs and just doesn't have enough fat to keep him warm. I put him on a blanket on the floor today (laid him on it with no diaper but put a tee shirt on him) and put a little space heater a few feet away to keep him toasty but after an hour he wouldn't stop crying. He's back in a diaper now but at least the rash dried out a bit. :-/


Really bad thing is that he hates being naked. He's very little- at one month he just hit 6.5 lbs and just doesn't have enough fat to keep him warm. I put him on a blanket on the floor today (laid him on it with no diaper but put a tee shirt on him) and put a little space heater a few feet away to keep him toasty but after an hour he wouldn't stop crying. He's back in a diaper now but at least the rash dried out a bit. :-/


Really bad thing is that he hates being naked. He's very little- at one month he just hit 6.5 lbs and just doesn't have enough fat to keep him warm. I put him on a blanket on the floor today (laid him on it with no diaper but put a tee shirt on him) and put a little space heater a few feet away to keep him toasty but after an hour he wouldn't stop crying. He's back in a diaper now but at least the rash dried out a bit. :-/


Really bad thing is that he hates being naked. He's very little- at one month he just hit 6.5 lbs and just doesn't have enough fat to keep him warm. I put him on a blanket on the floor today (laid him on it with no diaper but put a tee shirt on him) and put a little space heater a few feet away to keep him toasty but after an hour he wouldn't stop crying. He's back in a diaper now but at least the rash dried out a bit. :-/