Thank you all for your words of support. I really appreciate the condolences.
Well, I've made a decision and I think it will make all involved happy. I agree that I had pretty much decided the 7 am flight would NOT be doing myself any favors, and I truly appreciate all the support I've gotten regarding my dilemma.
What I did was went ahead and booked a flight that leaves here tomorrow (Wed.) at 2:30 pm... It is soooooo much better in terms of getting a little extra rest, taking my time at the airport, etc. I didn't know this was an option until last night at midnight when I started calling around asking about bereavement fares (did you know they also apply to going to see someone who is ill in the hospital???) Anyway, I found a flight that for about $100 more I could leave tomorrow and come back at 1:00 pm on SUNDAY. So, I'd get back home by 3:30 pm. This would give me 5 full days to recoup (emotionally and/or physcially) at home before heading on our vacation. I think the decision to take the later flight and come home a bit early have already put my mind at ease about this, which is usually the issue with me (I work myself up so much that I get myself rundown).
I keep telling myself that although it will be chaotic with all the family, etc., I will feel better that I am there for my family (I agree, it really IS about the family, isn't it?)... I think I would not have been able to truly enjoy by D.C. vacation knowing I had not gone to the funeral. So, this puts my mind at ease a bit just knwoing that. I also find comfort knowing that I WILL put my health first when I'm there. I already decided I will take an extra vest/albuterol treatment every day (even though I have to leave the family for an hour or so for my alone time). I will also try to get out and do some walking in the FRESH air (its a small country town). So, I will take time for ME as well as being there for my family. Plus, I will be staying with a relative that is from the other side (mom's side), so I will always have that "oasis" if I need to lie down for awhile or just rest away from people.
I think taking this different flight and non anxsting about it for the next 2 days will also help.
Thanks again for your thoughts. You did help me put into perspective that I shouldn't take a 7 am flight and be up straight for almost 24 hours and then get home 4 days before hopping on another flight. You guys are such amazing support. I know family says they "understand" when I bring up health concerns such as this, but no one really truly gets it like the friends and "family" I have on this forum.
Well, I've made a decision and I think it will make all involved happy. I agree that I had pretty much decided the 7 am flight would NOT be doing myself any favors, and I truly appreciate all the support I've gotten regarding my dilemma.
What I did was went ahead and booked a flight that leaves here tomorrow (Wed.) at 2:30 pm... It is soooooo much better in terms of getting a little extra rest, taking my time at the airport, etc. I didn't know this was an option until last night at midnight when I started calling around asking about bereavement fares (did you know they also apply to going to see someone who is ill in the hospital???) Anyway, I found a flight that for about $100 more I could leave tomorrow and come back at 1:00 pm on SUNDAY. So, I'd get back home by 3:30 pm. This would give me 5 full days to recoup (emotionally and/or physcially) at home before heading on our vacation. I think the decision to take the later flight and come home a bit early have already put my mind at ease about this, which is usually the issue with me (I work myself up so much that I get myself rundown).
I keep telling myself that although it will be chaotic with all the family, etc., I will feel better that I am there for my family (I agree, it really IS about the family, isn't it?)... I think I would not have been able to truly enjoy by D.C. vacation knowing I had not gone to the funeral. So, this puts my mind at ease a bit just knwoing that. I also find comfort knowing that I WILL put my health first when I'm there. I already decided I will take an extra vest/albuterol treatment every day (even though I have to leave the family for an hour or so for my alone time). I will also try to get out and do some walking in the FRESH air (its a small country town). So, I will take time for ME as well as being there for my family. Plus, I will be staying with a relative that is from the other side (mom's side), so I will always have that "oasis" if I need to lie down for awhile or just rest away from people.
I think taking this different flight and non anxsting about it for the next 2 days will also help.
Thanks again for your thoughts. You did help me put into perspective that I shouldn't take a 7 am flight and be up straight for almost 24 hours and then get home 4 days before hopping on another flight. You guys are such amazing support. I know family says they "understand" when I bring up health concerns such as this, but no one really truly gets it like the friends and "family" I have on this forum.